WELL Retreat Program 2010, February 13 to 15
2010年度 女性言語教育学会 プログラム 2月13日〜15日
Saturday, February 14 2月14日(土)
9:05--9:10 a.m.: Welcome to WELL
9:15--10:25 a.m.
Samantha Landau サマンサ・ランドー
Education and Female Authorship: Literacy in England and America during the 19th Century
The presenter will discuss pioneering female authors such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters and Beatrix Potter. She will consider their important role in the establishment of women’s right to education and publication. Samantha Landau is a 2nd Year Ph.D student majoring in Comparative Literature at International Christian University (ICU).
女性作家の先駆者である、メアリー・ウオレストンクラフト、メアリー・シェリー、ジェーン・オースティン、ブロンテ姉妹、ベアトリック・ポッターを取り上げます。 サマンサ・ランドーは、女性たちの教育や出版が女性の権利の確立に重要な役割があるとみなしています。国際基督教大学、博士課程在籍、比較文学専攻
10:30--12 noon
WELL: Our Past and Future
A panel discussion with Mikiko Ishihara, Keiko Kikuchi, Kathy Riley, Barbara Summerhawk, and Chie Yoshimune. Each panelist will share her ideas about WELL, focusing on both past experience and future hopes. Participants are encouraged to join in the discussion, contributing their own ideas and suggestions. The panelists have participated in WELL at various times during the group's 15-year history.
Lunch: 12--1 p.m.
1:15--2:45 p.m.
Session A:
Diane Nagatomo ダイアン・ナガトモ
The impact of gender on the professional identity of Japanese teachers of English in Japanese higher education
日本の 高等教育での日本人英語教員の専門職に関するジェンダーの影響
The first half of this presentation will present the results of one of the studies conducted for my PhD dissertation. Using Gee's (2000) perspective of identity as the theoretical framework, I analyzed the narratives of seven Japanese female university English teachers ranging in age from their early thirties to their early sixties. I found that the participants' gender permeated all aspects of their professional identity as university English teachers, beginning with their initial decision to major in English, to how they gained access to graduate school, to how they are received as a female minority within their university faculties, to how others (not in academia) view them. The second half of the presentation will be discussion. Diane Nagatomo is Associate Professor at Ochanomizu University and a PhD candidate at Macquarie University.
1:15--2:45 p.m.
Session B:
Kimberly Hughes キンバリー・ヒュース
Imagining and creating positive futures
We will first read a segment from the book Truth or Dare: Encounters With Power, Authority and Mystery, written by well-known political activist/spiritualist Starhawk. Her writing is designed to help us imagine a positive future based upon values such as justice, peace, respect for nature and each other, love, and communal sharing. We will then do an exercise from the book whereby we will each reach into our own hearts and minds to imagine the future we want for ourselves and future generations, and share these visions with each other. Finally, we will discuss concrete strategies and timelines for trying to turn our visions into reality. Kimberly Hughes is a freelance translator, writer, and university lecturer.
著名な政治活動家であり唯心論者でもあるスターホーク女史著「Truth or Dare: Encounters With Power, Authority and Mystery(直訳ー忠誠なのか挑戦なのか:力、権威、権力、そして不可解な謎との遭遇)」の一節を読みます。女史の本は、公正、平和、お互いと自然に敬意を払う、愛、共同体として分かち合う・・・これらの価値に基づき、読者が肯定的な将来をイメージできるように書かれています。本で紹介しているワークを通して、それぞれの心と思いに触れ、私たちにとってどのような将来が良いのかイメージします。最終的にはその私たちのイメージを現実のものにするために何ができるのか、何をしなくてはいけないのか、話し合います。 翻訳家、作家、大学講師
2:50--4:10 p.m.
Session A:
Roz Brown ロズ・ブラウン
Learning to Learn* Using Feldenkrais Method for self improvement
Feldenkrais believed that the self image has 4 components and these are involved in every action: movement, sensation, feeling and thought. The Nervous System is mostly occupied with movement which makes movement the best for self observation. Our self image is never static but changes from action to action but these changes gradually take on a fixed character as they become habits. Experimenting with light, gentle movements and observing small and sometimes subtle changes is a way of self discovery which in turn changes the self image. All Feldenkrais lessons are based on learning by discovery in this way and are called Awareness Through Movement.
In this workshop, there will be a talk on Feldenkais Method with some examples of movement which should change sitting posture. The movements promote a feeling of well being and comfort but are not a way to burn calories or get fit. Wear warm clothes that are easy to move in and be prepared to take your shoes off to sense the contact with the floor. An extra pair of warm socks might be judicious. Roz Brown graduated in May 2000 from the first Feldenkrais teacher training course in Japan and has been teaching group classes and giving individual sessions for 10 years. Formerly a secondary school Maths teacher in the UK, she has been living in Kawasaki for 20 years and also teaches English to children and Technical English at university.
軽く優しい身体の動きを体験し、わずかですが何か微妙な変化を自分に観ることが、自己像を変える自己発見の道のりとなります。すべてのフェルデンクライスはこの様な「気付き」によって学ぶことがベースになっていますので、「動きを通して気づく」学習と言われます。 今回のワークショップでは、「座っている姿勢を変える身体の動き」を例にとってお話します。色々な動きが、心や体の心地良さを増進します。カロリーを消費したり、体形を維持するための運動とは違います。体を動かし易い温かな衣服でご参加ください。床に触れる感覚を知るために靴を脱ぎますあので、靴下を重ね履きになさると良いでしょう。
2:50--4:10 p.m.
Session B:
Mei-li Fang 方美麗
A ‘Performance Approach’ for language teaching and learning
Performance Approach (PA) has been developed over several years and has been used for teaching several languages including Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese (Hokkien). In the PA, performance is a primary goal and learning activity. It is especially effective for rapid learning, in a measurable way, and creating new resources along the way. The presenter will explain the approach. Mei-li Fang teaches at Ochanomizu University.
「表現教授法」 では、表現するパーフォーマンスが学習活動の一環で、そして、学習目標となります。このアプローチ方は約十年間に渡り開発され、日本語や中国語、台湾語(福建語)そして危機言語教育でも応用されてきました。 この手法では、特に、短期間内での言語習得や、習得結果を予測できること等が効果的である。また、その過程で新たな(学習材料)を生みだすことができる。お茶の水大学教員
4:15--5 p.m.: WELL general meeting
6--7:30 p.m.: Dinner
7:45--9 p.m.: WELL-Played: A talent show--for the talented and talentless. Songs, poetry, magic acts--you name it. Contact Ann Jenkins for more information and to be put on the list. WELL―お楽しみ会:アン・ジェンキンズが司会を務めます。才能のある方もない方も歓迎いたします。歌、お話、詩、お一人でのコメディなど何でも歓迎致します。アンにお申し出下さい。
WELL Retreat Program 20010: Sunday, Feb. 14
9:15--10:45 a.m.
Session A:
Corinne Sutter コリーン・スッター
An introduction to the Integral Method of Ken Wilber
This presentation will offer a fun and light-hearted introduction to the Integral Method of Ken Wilber, which is a holistic system of understanding ourselves, our loved ones and our world. She'll talk about how to thrive in an increasingly complex world and about how to apply the system. Corinne Sutter is a student of psychology and has previously studied at the Institute of Bioenergetics in New York City as well as the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in Japan. She is also a certified yoga teacher and a trained peer counselor.
9:15--10:45 a.m.
Session B:
Feedback and consideration for students in the global recession
Marie Cosgrove マーリ・コスグローブ
In this global recession for some students expensive textbooks are not affordable. The Governor of California said (Japan Times 2009) that California school systems will abolish textbooks and replace them with online instruction. Great way to save paper and money because California is also in an economic crisis. In 2008 -2009 the presenter had the chance to teach some classes without textbooks and did a survey to check student evaluations of such a class. This research into the actual benefit of such courses will be discussed and shown to be eye opening for students. Marie Cosgrove is an Australian Education Department trained teacher with training in TEFL in the UK and TESOL in American universities. She teaches English in several Japanese universities and also does volunteer work for the war refugees in Uganda. このグローバルな規模の不況下においては、学生達が高価な教科書を購入するのは容易なことではありません。カルフォルニアの知事はカルフォルニアの学校では教科書を廃止して、オンラインによる指導になるだろうと言いました。(ジャパンタイムズ・2009年)カルフォルニアは経済危機状態にあるので、用紙やお金の大幅な節約になります。2008年から2009年に、発表者は教科書を使わないで数クラスを教える機会があり、そのようなクラスの学生の評価を調査しました。この様なコースの実際の成果についての調査は討議され、学生達にとって驚くべき結果を示しました。UKでTEFL、USAの大学でTESOLの資格を持つオーストラリア教育課教員.日本の大学の英語教員。ウガンダの紛争による難民のためのボランティア活動。
Session A:
Kathleen Brown キャスリーン・ブラウン
Surviving as (Foreign) Womyn in a (Japanese) Man's World
This presentation is designed to highlight specific points and issues that are of relevance to womyn living in Japan as professional and/or family-based womyn. Through a series of user-friendly axioms, the presenter will relate her own experiences of living in Japan while challenging participants to reflect on and add to axioms that are relevant to their own life situations. Please join us and share with us your own ideas on navigating the life paths that we travel as womyn living in Japan.
Kathleen Brown is a long-term resident of the Kansai area, currently in the Fukuoka area. She recently completed her PhD in TESOL.
日本で職業と家庭、もしくはそのどちらかを持っている(外国人)女性達にまつわる問題やテーマにスポットを当てたいと思います。発表者は日本での在住経験に照らしあわせ、参加している方々にもご自分の生き方について考えていただきたい、と考えています。私たち日本で住む女性達にとって道しるべとなるような意見交換の場にご一緒しませんか。 福岡在住。長く関西在住経験有り。最近TESOL(英語教授法)で教育学博士修了
Session B:
Keiko Kikuchi 菊池恵子
9/11 Press for Truth and the Wars for Oil
This presentation will include DVD excerpts and time for discussion. Keiko Kikuchi is an English instructor at Rikkyo University and Daito Bunka University.
DVDを見せながらのお話とディスカッション。 立教大学、大東文化大学ほか講師
12--1: Lunch and farewells