WELL 2024 - Program
Riding Life's Waves なんくるないさ
WELL Retreat and Conference 2024 March 1-3
March 1st, Friday @ NWEC Main Bldg. 3月1日、金曜日 @ NWECメインビル
17.00 - 19.00* Registration/Check-in at WELL Desk located in Lobby
ロビー で受付とチェックイン@WELLデスク
17.30 - 22.30 Large public bath for women open (Go from A Wing 3rd fl. down the stairs to B Wing 1st fl.)
女性専用の公衆浴場 (Aウィング3階からBウィング1階へ階段を降りる)
18.00 - 20.00 Dinner at NWEC Restaurant or have yours in the Community Kitchen & Tasting Room
レストラン「らん」での夕飯を食べる,または調理室で自分で作る, 試食室 で食べる
*Arriving after 19.00? Please let us know in advance. Message or call 080-4931-1223 upon arrival.
*19.00以降にご到着の場合 ご連絡ください。 ご到着後、メッセージまたは080-4931-1223までお電話ください。
If you are arriving on Sat morning after 9 am please go directly to the 研究室 Kenkyutou /Seminar bldg where sessions take place (Rm 206-208) This is close to the entrance of NWEC property.
WELL for All 集まり@WELL
2nd fl. Meeting Room - Where CULTURE happens! 2階のミーティングルーム -文化が生まれる
20.00 Doors open with light snacks and drinks or BYO. Offerings of snacks and drinks are welcome.
Please gather by 20:30 for an ice-breaker-meeting, an explanation of the Poem Poster to be created this weekend, and a chance to choose some lovely art for a suggested donation to WELL . 20:30 までにお集まりください。アイスブレイク・ミーティングを⾏い、WELL への寄付を提案 する素敵なアートを選ぶチャンスと、今週末に作成されるポエム・ポスターについての説明を ⾏います。
21:30 - Bookworms share books w/ Frances Causer @ a quiet area of NWEC (TBA)
Book lovers! Frances Causer will lead a 本の虫 bookworms' session, where we will take turns to recommend the books we have loved reading recently, and that we think others would love to read, too. This will also be an opportunity for a book swap - participants are encouraged to bring up to three books to trade.
Poster poetry
In the 2nd floor Meeting Room, Kris Kondo will help people create verses of a long linked poem as part of an interactive poster session. Kris will have a poster explaining the history and a simplified explanation of how to add a verse. She will be there to help participants with their verses, and answer any questions.
Kris will be available Friday evening and Saturday, during breaks and meals, to answer questions and give/collect washi. We can continue to add verses to the poem poster until it is read aloud on Sat at 20:30 in the Meeting Room - where culture happens.
Meeting Room closes at 10:45 out by 23:00 - Community Kitchen/Tasting Room 1fl closes at 11:45 out by 24:00
ミーティングルームは 22:45 まで, 11 時閉場. 1 階の調理室と試⾷室は 11:45 に閉室 24:00 までに閉場。
SATURDAY, March 2nd
BREAKFAST 7:00-8:30 Restaurant “らん” & Community Kitchen 調理室と試⾷室 open 6:00-8:45
NWEC requirement: Guests must be out of their rooms between 10:00 -15:00
7.00 - 7.30 Tai Chi in the 2nd floor Meeting Room
JOANNA HOSOYA - ホソヤ ジョウア
Tai chi - 太極拳
Take some time to gently warm up using a range of movements and then do some tai chi steps.
9.15 - 10.45
TINA KOYAMA - 小山 ティナ Pre-register - (Max 23 Pre-register by adding your details to this googlesheet)
Smashing Through Life's Challenges - 人生の課題を打ち破る
'Smashing Through Life's Challenges' is a transformative workshop featuring the innovative Cosmic Smash Book process, melding journaling with art. Dive in with provided materials, craft your own page, and embrace the power of creativity for resilience and growth. Unlock your potential and turn challenges into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
「Smashing Through Life's Challenges」は、ジャーナリングとアートを融合させた、革新的なコズミック スマッシュ ブック プロセスを特徴とする革新的なワークショップです。 提供された資料を活用して自分のページを作成し、回復力と成長のための創造力を活用してください。 自分の可能性を解き放ち、課題を成長と自己発見の機会に変えましょう。
9.15 - 10.45
Writing for Academic Publication - 学術出版のための執筆
This presentation will introduce techniques for improving academic and/or nonfiction writing.
9.30 - 10.30
MARI BOYLE - ボイル マリ
A Stitch in Time – How women have left their mark on history through needlework - 刺繍の歴史は、女性の歴史を明らかにしています
Proficiency in needlework has long been considered the epitome of feminine virtues and skill. In this presentation I will show how the history of embroidery has and continues to show women as creative rather than compliant, empowered rather than cowed, and subversive rather than subservient.
10.50 - 11.50
RACHNA SINGH - シン ラチャナ
Trending Women Owned Farmer Producer Companies: Cases and Challenges - 女性経営の農家生産会社のトレンド: 事例と課題
The paper will analyze how women are being empowered as business owners of Farmer Producer Organizations mandated by the government and supported by Corporate Social Responsibility funds. Questions that will be explored are whether the dreams and aspirations of the women transform?
この論文は、政府によって義務付けられ、企業の社会的責任基金によって支援されている農家生産者団体の経営者として女性がどのように権限を与えられているかを分析する予定です。 調査される問題は、女性の夢と願望が変化するかどうかです。
11.00 - 11.30
JULIA KIMURA - 木村 じゅりあ
Women Who Want to Write More: Scrivener Boosts Productivity! Let me show you how. - ソフトはライターの生産性を向上させることが出来るのか?(ヒント:はい!)
Many wannabe writers want to write but lack motivation. A word processor by the name of Scrivener can help stoke it. The purpose of this presentation is to present five features, which will be applied to the Fogg Behavior Model to illustrate how to become more productive and successful.
作家志願者の多くは、書きたいがやる気がない。Scrivenerという名のワープロは、その意欲をかき立てるのに役立つ。このプレゼンテーションの目的は、5つの機能を紹介し、Fogg Behavior Modelに当てはめて、より生産的で成功する方法を説明することである。
LUNCH 11:30-13:30 NWEC Restaurant “らん” or Community Kitchen 調理室と試⾷室
13.20 - 14.50
KINSELLA VALIES - バリース キンセラ - Pre-register by clicking this link: https://forms.gle/2m8gdbpnFFCSsJ6g9
EmpowHER: Heroines Within - EmpowHER: ヒロインズ・ウィズイン
This 90-minute tabletop roleplaying workshop immerses participants in heroic quests, with the speaker taking on the role of the game leader. They must creatively solve situations, fostering competitive problem-solving and critical thinking. Communication and teamwork are key as players control characters with unique skills to overcome challenges.
13.30 - 14.50
Women in Politics in Japan - ⽇本における⼥性と政治
Sugiko Mishima is a local politician, as a member of the Musashino City Assembly, and Japan’s Communist Party. She will talk informally to us about why she became a politician, her experiences campaigning for office and serving as a politician, what she wants to achieve as a politician, and what she thinks about the present state and the future of Japanese politics - including the gender imbalance in Japanese politics, and how to overcome the obstacles for women to take part fully in Japanese politics.
⽇本における⼥性と政治 三島杉⼦さんは、現在、武蔵野市議会議員として地域の政治活動をされており、⽇本 共産党員でもいらっしゃいます。WELL の会議では、三島さんが政治家になった理 由、選挙運動や政治家としての経験、政治家として実現したいこと、⽇本の(地⽅お よび国の)政治の現状と将来についてどう思うか、とくに⽇本の政治におけるジェン ダーの不均衡、そして⽇本の政治と社会に⼥性が全⾯的に参加することの障害となっ ているものをどう克服すればいいのかなどを語っていただきます。日常生活
13.45 - 14.45
SAMIA HASEEB KHAN - カーン ハシーブ サミア
Spice for Life - Rebalancing Nutrition - スパイス・フォー・ライフ - 栄養バランスの回復
Samia will talk about balancing nutrition with diet and lifestyle changes into our lives. In our busy lives we might not have a chance to meal prep or balance our schedules with our physical needs. Let’s discuss how we can tweak some changes to manage this - easily in our day to day life.
Samia is a disease biologist specializing doing research on breast cancer therapeutics, who teaches English for academic purposes to support her studies.
Rm 208 ALL WELL MEETING 15:05-15:20 全員が集まりミーティング
15.30 - 17.00
CHERYL OKUBO - オオクボ シェリル. - Pre-register - (max 20, with waitlist http://tinyurl.com/59auzvrn )
At the Well of Wonder - 不思議の井戸にて
Each person has the ability to tap into a deep inner well of creativity. This workshop will give members a chance to connect to their unconscious Self and find something(s) in their inner well. After a brief (20 min) introduction to imaginal art therapy, participants will engage in wet on wet watercolor artmaking for about 45 min, followed by reflection and sharing time in small groups. The workshop will end with a silent art exhibition of our paintings.
人は誰でも、内なる深い創造性の井戸に入り込む能力を持っています。このワークショップでは、無意識の自己とつながり、内なる井戸の中にある何かを見つける機会を提供します。 イマジナル・アート・セラピーについての簡単な説明(20分)の後、参加者は約45分間、水彩画の制作に取り組みます。ワークショップの最後には、無言の絵画展を行います。
15.30 - 17.00
FRANCES CAUSER and MARIAN HARA - コーザー フランシス ・ ハラマリアン
More Than Just Trees: Jingu Gaien, Community Building and Democracy in Focus - 木だけではない 神宮外苑、コミュニティ形成と民主主義に注目
In this session we will invite discussion about how we, as residents, can be involved in influencing governmental decisions on important issues related to our lives and local communities, based on the current issue of tree felling and redevelopment in Tokyo’s Jingu Gaien and other areas.
15.45 - 16.45
GERRY YOKOTA - ヨコタ ジェリー
Riding Waves of Women's Wisdom in Art - 女性の知恵を芸術表現から
Highlights from my personal curated collection of women's art, with a focus on how it has helped me navigate some of the stormiest waves of my life, from bullying as a child to the Vietnam War, from the loss of a child to the anti-apartheid movement and beyond.
Bath open 17:30 - 22:30
Meeting Rm 2nd fl. open 18:00 開始 - a place to relax, look at art, chat or help prepare the room.
Dinner 18:00-20:00 at NWEC Restaurant “RAN” or at the Community Kitchen & Tasting Room レストラン「らん」での⼣飯を⾷べる,または調理室で⾃分で作る, 試⾷室 で⾷べる
20:30 WELL Gathering at the Meeting Rm with Culture ミーティング・ルームにお越しください!
The Poster of Poems created this weekend will be read aloud, followed by acoustic music and singing, dancing and upbeat fun until 10:45, room closes at 11. (Community Kitchen/Tasting Room 1fl closes 11:45 out by 24:00) この週末にみんなで作った詩のポスターを朗読します。その後,ミュージック、歌、ダンスで盛 り上がります。ミーティングルームは 22:45 まで, 11 時閉場けど 1 階の調理室と試⾷室は 11:45 に閉室 24:00 までに閉場。
There are other rooms and lounge areas for small groups to gather, as well as the community kitchen and dining area for snacks, drinks, music and upbeat fun.
SUNDAY, March 3rd
7.00 - 7.30 Tai Chi in the 2nd floor Meeting Room
JOANNA HOSOYA - ホソヤ ジョウア
Tai chi - 太極拳
Take some time to gently warm up using a range of movements and then do some tai chi steps.
BREAKFAST 7:00-8:30 Restaurant “らん” & Community Kitchen 調理室と試⾷室 open 6:00-8:45
Check out of your room and Return Room Key before 10:00.
9.15 - 10.15
Do we need Linear Chuo Shinkansen? : The truth about the linear motor cars. - リニア中央新幹線は必要か?:リニア新幹線の真実
The Linear Chuo Shinkansen, which will run between Tokyo and Osaka in about an hour, is being promoted by JR Tokai. While it has been called a "dream bullet train," various experts have pointed out the dangerous aspects of linear motor cars and warned against the project. I would like to talk about this project and ask you, "Do we need the Linear Shinkansen in Japan?"
9.20 - 10.20
LYNSEY MORI - モリ リンジー
Navigating the Uncharted: A Mother's Journey Through Academia, Teaching, and Identity - 未知への航海: アカデミア、教育、アイデンティティを彷
Join together on a journey into the intricate landscape of academia, teaching, and personal identity in this presentation. Explore the challenges of pursuing a doctorate, teaching English, and navigating the complexities of bringing children up bilingually in Japan. Delve into the nuances of social-emotional learning and share experiences contemplating the future.
9.30 - 11.00 Meet outside the Tea House
STACY KUROKAWA - 黒川 ステイシー Pre-register Maximum 14, email: [email protected]
Nature Connection: sensory immersion, meditative, training awareness having alone and sharing time, based on Forest Therapy practices. -
Notice where you are. Turn off your phone, and your monkey mind, stop the chatter and realize a wonderful world. Alternate 10 minutes of silently taking pleasure in nature, punctuated with 5 minutes of structured sharing. Finish with herbal tea. Connect with yourself, others, and especially the natural world.
10.30 - 11.30
RUTH ROGERS - ロジャース ルース
Riding Life’s Waves: from Affirmative Action to DEI - 人生の波に乗る:肯定的な行動からDEIへ
This workshop will be interactive, whereby women will share their experiences of how DEI has affected them in various facets of their lives. A clear distinction will be made between Affirmative Action and DEI. This workshop will emphasize the importance of DEI in today’s society and its impact. This workshop will look at a Japanese company and their complete program in implementing DEI and its success and challenges.
このワークショップはインタラクティブで、女性はDEIが人生のさまざまな面で彼らにどのような影響を与えたかの経験を共有します。 アファーマティブアクションとDEIを明確に区別します。このワークショップでは、今日の社会におけるDEIの重要性とその影響を強調します。 このワークショップでは、日本企業とそのDEIの実施における完全なプログラムとその成功と課題を見ていきます。
10.30 - 11.45
Empowering Women through Public Speaking - 公話で女性の力を引き出す (パブリックスピーキング れんしゅ)
In this workshop learn techniques that can help you to reduce your fears of public speaking and improve your skills, and then practice those skills by making short impromptu speeches (English or Japanese) in small, friendly groups.
誰でも琴線に触れる、人生のストーリーを持っています。このセミナーでは人前で話す「恐怖」を和らげる方法を学び、あなたのメッセージを人に伝える技術を学びます。その後小さなグループに分かれ、短い即興スピーチを作ることを通して自信をつけます(英語 or 日本語) 。
LUNCH: 11:30-13:30 Restaurant “らん”and Community Kitchen 調理室と試⾷室
17.00 - 19.00* Registration/Check-in at WELL Desk located in Lobby
ロビー で受付とチェックイン@WELLデスク
17.30 - 22.30 Large public bath for women open (Go from A Wing 3rd fl. down the stairs to B Wing 1st fl.)
女性専用の公衆浴場 (Aウィング3階からBウィング1階へ階段を降りる)
18.00 - 20.00 Dinner at NWEC Restaurant or have yours in the Community Kitchen & Tasting Room
レストラン「らん」での夕飯を食べる,または調理室で自分で作る, 試食室 で食べる
*Arriving after 19.00? Please let us know in advance. Message or call 080-4931-1223 upon arrival.
*19.00以降にご到着の場合 ご連絡ください。 ご到着後、メッセージまたは080-4931-1223までお電話ください。
If you are arriving on Sat morning after 9 am please go directly to the 研究室 Kenkyutou /Seminar bldg where sessions take place (Rm 206-208) This is close to the entrance of NWEC property.
WELL for All 集まり@WELL
2nd fl. Meeting Room - Where CULTURE happens! 2階のミーティングルーム -文化が生まれる
20.00 Doors open with light snacks and drinks or BYO. Offerings of snacks and drinks are welcome.
Please gather by 20:30 for an ice-breaker-meeting, an explanation of the Poem Poster to be created this weekend, and a chance to choose some lovely art for a suggested donation to WELL . 20:30 までにお集まりください。アイスブレイク・ミーティングを⾏い、WELL への寄付を提案 する素敵なアートを選ぶチャンスと、今週末に作成されるポエム・ポスターについての説明を ⾏います。
21:30 - Bookworms share books w/ Frances Causer @ a quiet area of NWEC (TBA)
Book lovers! Frances Causer will lead a 本の虫 bookworms' session, where we will take turns to recommend the books we have loved reading recently, and that we think others would love to read, too. This will also be an opportunity for a book swap - participants are encouraged to bring up to three books to trade.
Poster poetry
In the 2nd floor Meeting Room, Kris Kondo will help people create verses of a long linked poem as part of an interactive poster session. Kris will have a poster explaining the history and a simplified explanation of how to add a verse. She will be there to help participants with their verses, and answer any questions.
Kris will be available Friday evening and Saturday, during breaks and meals, to answer questions and give/collect washi. We can continue to add verses to the poem poster until it is read aloud on Sat at 20:30 in the Meeting Room - where culture happens.
Meeting Room closes at 10:45 out by 23:00 - Community Kitchen/Tasting Room 1fl closes at 11:45 out by 24:00
ミーティングルームは 22:45 まで, 11 時閉場. 1 階の調理室と試⾷室は 11:45 に閉室 24:00 までに閉場。
SATURDAY, March 2nd
BREAKFAST 7:00-8:30 Restaurant “らん” & Community Kitchen 調理室と試⾷室 open 6:00-8:45
NWEC requirement: Guests must be out of their rooms between 10:00 -15:00
7.00 - 7.30 Tai Chi in the 2nd floor Meeting Room
JOANNA HOSOYA - ホソヤ ジョウア
Tai chi - 太極拳
Take some time to gently warm up using a range of movements and then do some tai chi steps.
9.15 - 10.45
TINA KOYAMA - 小山 ティナ Pre-register - (Max 23 Pre-register by adding your details to this googlesheet)
Smashing Through Life's Challenges - 人生の課題を打ち破る
'Smashing Through Life's Challenges' is a transformative workshop featuring the innovative Cosmic Smash Book process, melding journaling with art. Dive in with provided materials, craft your own page, and embrace the power of creativity for resilience and growth. Unlock your potential and turn challenges into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
「Smashing Through Life's Challenges」は、ジャーナリングとアートを融合させた、革新的なコズミック スマッシュ ブック プロセスを特徴とする革新的なワークショップです。 提供された資料を活用して自分のページを作成し、回復力と成長のための創造力を活用してください。 自分の可能性を解き放ち、課題を成長と自己発見の機会に変えましょう。
9.15 - 10.45
Writing for Academic Publication - 学術出版のための執筆
This presentation will introduce techniques for improving academic and/or nonfiction writing.
9.30 - 10.30
MARI BOYLE - ボイル マリ
A Stitch in Time – How women have left their mark on history through needlework - 刺繍の歴史は、女性の歴史を明らかにしています
Proficiency in needlework has long been considered the epitome of feminine virtues and skill. In this presentation I will show how the history of embroidery has and continues to show women as creative rather than compliant, empowered rather than cowed, and subversive rather than subservient.
10.50 - 11.50
RACHNA SINGH - シン ラチャナ
Trending Women Owned Farmer Producer Companies: Cases and Challenges - 女性経営の農家生産会社のトレンド: 事例と課題
The paper will analyze how women are being empowered as business owners of Farmer Producer Organizations mandated by the government and supported by Corporate Social Responsibility funds. Questions that will be explored are whether the dreams and aspirations of the women transform?
この論文は、政府によって義務付けられ、企業の社会的責任基金によって支援されている農家生産者団体の経営者として女性がどのように権限を与えられているかを分析する予定です。 調査される問題は、女性の夢と願望が変化するかどうかです。
11.00 - 11.30
JULIA KIMURA - 木村 じゅりあ
Women Who Want to Write More: Scrivener Boosts Productivity! Let me show you how. - ソフトはライターの生産性を向上させることが出来るのか?(ヒント:はい!)
Many wannabe writers want to write but lack motivation. A word processor by the name of Scrivener can help stoke it. The purpose of this presentation is to present five features, which will be applied to the Fogg Behavior Model to illustrate how to become more productive and successful.
作家志願者の多くは、書きたいがやる気がない。Scrivenerという名のワープロは、その意欲をかき立てるのに役立つ。このプレゼンテーションの目的は、5つの機能を紹介し、Fogg Behavior Modelに当てはめて、より生産的で成功する方法を説明することである。
LUNCH 11:30-13:30 NWEC Restaurant “らん” or Community Kitchen 調理室と試⾷室
13.20 - 14.50
KINSELLA VALIES - バリース キンセラ - Pre-register by clicking this link: https://forms.gle/2m8gdbpnFFCSsJ6g9
EmpowHER: Heroines Within - EmpowHER: ヒロインズ・ウィズイン
This 90-minute tabletop roleplaying workshop immerses participants in heroic quests, with the speaker taking on the role of the game leader. They must creatively solve situations, fostering competitive problem-solving and critical thinking. Communication and teamwork are key as players control characters with unique skills to overcome challenges.
13.30 - 14.50
Women in Politics in Japan - ⽇本における⼥性と政治
Sugiko Mishima is a local politician, as a member of the Musashino City Assembly, and Japan’s Communist Party. She will talk informally to us about why she became a politician, her experiences campaigning for office and serving as a politician, what she wants to achieve as a politician, and what she thinks about the present state and the future of Japanese politics - including the gender imbalance in Japanese politics, and how to overcome the obstacles for women to take part fully in Japanese politics.
⽇本における⼥性と政治 三島杉⼦さんは、現在、武蔵野市議会議員として地域の政治活動をされており、⽇本 共産党員でもいらっしゃいます。WELL の会議では、三島さんが政治家になった理 由、選挙運動や政治家としての経験、政治家として実現したいこと、⽇本の(地⽅お よび国の)政治の現状と将来についてどう思うか、とくに⽇本の政治におけるジェン ダーの不均衡、そして⽇本の政治と社会に⼥性が全⾯的に参加することの障害となっ ているものをどう克服すればいいのかなどを語っていただきます。日常生活
13.45 - 14.45
SAMIA HASEEB KHAN - カーン ハシーブ サミア
Spice for Life - Rebalancing Nutrition - スパイス・フォー・ライフ - 栄養バランスの回復
Samia will talk about balancing nutrition with diet and lifestyle changes into our lives. In our busy lives we might not have a chance to meal prep or balance our schedules with our physical needs. Let’s discuss how we can tweak some changes to manage this - easily in our day to day life.
Samia is a disease biologist specializing doing research on breast cancer therapeutics, who teaches English for academic purposes to support her studies.
Rm 208 ALL WELL MEETING 15:05-15:20 全員が集まりミーティング
15.30 - 17.00
CHERYL OKUBO - オオクボ シェリル. - Pre-register - (max 20, with waitlist http://tinyurl.com/59auzvrn )
At the Well of Wonder - 不思議の井戸にて
Each person has the ability to tap into a deep inner well of creativity. This workshop will give members a chance to connect to their unconscious Self and find something(s) in their inner well. After a brief (20 min) introduction to imaginal art therapy, participants will engage in wet on wet watercolor artmaking for about 45 min, followed by reflection and sharing time in small groups. The workshop will end with a silent art exhibition of our paintings.
人は誰でも、内なる深い創造性の井戸に入り込む能力を持っています。このワークショップでは、無意識の自己とつながり、内なる井戸の中にある何かを見つける機会を提供します。 イマジナル・アート・セラピーについての簡単な説明(20分)の後、参加者は約45分間、水彩画の制作に取り組みます。ワークショップの最後には、無言の絵画展を行います。
15.30 - 17.00
FRANCES CAUSER and MARIAN HARA - コーザー フランシス ・ ハラマリアン
More Than Just Trees: Jingu Gaien, Community Building and Democracy in Focus - 木だけではない 神宮外苑、コミュニティ形成と民主主義に注目
In this session we will invite discussion about how we, as residents, can be involved in influencing governmental decisions on important issues related to our lives and local communities, based on the current issue of tree felling and redevelopment in Tokyo’s Jingu Gaien and other areas.
15.45 - 16.45
GERRY YOKOTA - ヨコタ ジェリー
Riding Waves of Women's Wisdom in Art - 女性の知恵を芸術表現から
Highlights from my personal curated collection of women's art, with a focus on how it has helped me navigate some of the stormiest waves of my life, from bullying as a child to the Vietnam War, from the loss of a child to the anti-apartheid movement and beyond.
Bath open 17:30 - 22:30
Meeting Rm 2nd fl. open 18:00 開始 - a place to relax, look at art, chat or help prepare the room.
Dinner 18:00-20:00 at NWEC Restaurant “RAN” or at the Community Kitchen & Tasting Room レストラン「らん」での⼣飯を⾷べる,または調理室で⾃分で作る, 試⾷室 で⾷べる
20:30 WELL Gathering at the Meeting Rm with Culture ミーティング・ルームにお越しください!
The Poster of Poems created this weekend will be read aloud, followed by acoustic music and singing, dancing and upbeat fun until 10:45, room closes at 11. (Community Kitchen/Tasting Room 1fl closes 11:45 out by 24:00) この週末にみんなで作った詩のポスターを朗読します。その後,ミュージック、歌、ダンスで盛 り上がります。ミーティングルームは 22:45 まで, 11 時閉場けど 1 階の調理室と試⾷室は 11:45 に閉室 24:00 までに閉場。
There are other rooms and lounge areas for small groups to gather, as well as the community kitchen and dining area for snacks, drinks, music and upbeat fun.
SUNDAY, March 3rd
7.00 - 7.30 Tai Chi in the 2nd floor Meeting Room
JOANNA HOSOYA - ホソヤ ジョウア
Tai chi - 太極拳
Take some time to gently warm up using a range of movements and then do some tai chi steps.
BREAKFAST 7:00-8:30 Restaurant “らん” & Community Kitchen 調理室と試⾷室 open 6:00-8:45
Check out of your room and Return Room Key before 10:00.
9.15 - 10.15
Do we need Linear Chuo Shinkansen? : The truth about the linear motor cars. - リニア中央新幹線は必要か?:リニア新幹線の真実
The Linear Chuo Shinkansen, which will run between Tokyo and Osaka in about an hour, is being promoted by JR Tokai. While it has been called a "dream bullet train," various experts have pointed out the dangerous aspects of linear motor cars and warned against the project. I would like to talk about this project and ask you, "Do we need the Linear Shinkansen in Japan?"
9.20 - 10.20
LYNSEY MORI - モリ リンジー
Navigating the Uncharted: A Mother's Journey Through Academia, Teaching, and Identity - 未知への航海: アカデミア、教育、アイデンティティを彷
Join together on a journey into the intricate landscape of academia, teaching, and personal identity in this presentation. Explore the challenges of pursuing a doctorate, teaching English, and navigating the complexities of bringing children up bilingually in Japan. Delve into the nuances of social-emotional learning and share experiences contemplating the future.
9.30 - 11.00 Meet outside the Tea House
STACY KUROKAWA - 黒川 ステイシー Pre-register Maximum 14, email: [email protected]
Nature Connection: sensory immersion, meditative, training awareness having alone and sharing time, based on Forest Therapy practices. -
Notice where you are. Turn off your phone, and your monkey mind, stop the chatter and realize a wonderful world. Alternate 10 minutes of silently taking pleasure in nature, punctuated with 5 minutes of structured sharing. Finish with herbal tea. Connect with yourself, others, and especially the natural world.
10.30 - 11.30
RUTH ROGERS - ロジャース ルース
Riding Life’s Waves: from Affirmative Action to DEI - 人生の波に乗る:肯定的な行動からDEIへ
This workshop will be interactive, whereby women will share their experiences of how DEI has affected them in various facets of their lives. A clear distinction will be made between Affirmative Action and DEI. This workshop will emphasize the importance of DEI in today’s society and its impact. This workshop will look at a Japanese company and their complete program in implementing DEI and its success and challenges.
このワークショップはインタラクティブで、女性はDEIが人生のさまざまな面で彼らにどのような影響を与えたかの経験を共有します。 アファーマティブアクションとDEIを明確に区別します。このワークショップでは、今日の社会におけるDEIの重要性とその影響を強調します。 このワークショップでは、日本企業とそのDEIの実施における完全なプログラムとその成功と課題を見ていきます。
10.30 - 11.45
Empowering Women through Public Speaking - 公話で女性の力を引き出す (パブリックスピーキング れんしゅ)
In this workshop learn techniques that can help you to reduce your fears of public speaking and improve your skills, and then practice those skills by making short impromptu speeches (English or Japanese) in small, friendly groups.
誰でも琴線に触れる、人生のストーリーを持っています。このセミナーでは人前で話す「恐怖」を和らげる方法を学び、あなたのメッセージを人に伝える技術を学びます。その後小さなグループに分かれ、短い即興スピーチを作ることを通して自信をつけます(英語 or 日本語) 。
LUNCH: 11:30-13:30 Restaurant “らん”and Community Kitchen 調理室と試⾷室