WELLリトリートの会場は、埼玉県にある国立女性教育会館(NWEC )です。最寄駅は東武東上線の武蔵嵐山駅で、池袋から1時間くらいの所です。NWEC についての詳細は 英語版 または 日本語版 でご確認ください。
WELL retreats are held at the National Women's Education Center in Saitama, Japan. The site is about 1 hour from Ikebukuro Station (Tokyo) on the Tobu Tojo Line. For more information about the center, click the English page or on the Japanese page.
The accomodations at NWEC are similar to those of a business hotel. Slippers are provided, but yukata are not. Rooms have wifi.
NWEC までの行き方:東京都心からおいでになる場合は、池袋駅から東武東上線に乗車。「武蔵嵐山」駅まで急行で約1時間です。武蔵嵐山駅からは歩くと15分くら い、タクシーでは5分くらいです。武蔵嵐山まで行く電車は本数が少ないですので、一つ手前の「森林公園」駅止まりの電車を利用する選択もあります。その場 合はタクシーで15分くらいです。タクシーはたいてい駅前で待機しています。
Transportation: If you are traveling from Tokyo, take the Tobu Tojo line from Ikebukuro station. It's a 60-minute ride by express train to Musashi-Ranzan station. From the station, you can walk to the NWEC in about 15 minutes. Alternatively, the center is a 5-minute taxi ride away, and taxis are usually waiting at the station. From Shinrinkoen station, the station just before Musashi-Ranzan, it's a 15-minute taxi ride.
Click here for train times from Ikebukoro to Musashiranzan
Further access information, including maps and train time tables, is available at the NWEC site.
WELL retreats are held at the National Women's Education Center in Saitama, Japan. The site is about 1 hour from Ikebukuro Station (Tokyo) on the Tobu Tojo Line. For more information about the center, click the English page or on the Japanese page.
The accomodations at NWEC are similar to those of a business hotel. Slippers are provided, but yukata are not. Rooms have wifi.
NWEC までの行き方:東京都心からおいでになる場合は、池袋駅から東武東上線に乗車。「武蔵嵐山」駅まで急行で約1時間です。武蔵嵐山駅からは歩くと15分くら い、タクシーでは5分くらいです。武蔵嵐山まで行く電車は本数が少ないですので、一つ手前の「森林公園」駅止まりの電車を利用する選択もあります。その場 合はタクシーで15分くらいです。タクシーはたいてい駅前で待機しています。
Transportation: If you are traveling from Tokyo, take the Tobu Tojo line from Ikebukuro station. It's a 60-minute ride by express train to Musashi-Ranzan station. From the station, you can walk to the NWEC in about 15 minutes. Alternatively, the center is a 5-minute taxi ride away, and taxis are usually waiting at the station. From Shinrinkoen station, the station just before Musashi-Ranzan, it's a 15-minute taxi ride.
Click here for train times from Ikebukoro to Musashiranzan
Further access information, including maps and train time tables, is available at the NWEC site.