WELL Retreat 2011 March 4 to 6
2011年度 女性言語教育学会 3月4日-6日
“Empowering Ourselves, Empowering Others”
Program プログラム
Saturday, 9:05-9:55 Elizabeth Yoshikawa 吉川エリザベス
Raising Student’s Intrinsic Motivation: Meaningful classroom tasks and interaction.”
学生の内在的やる気を高めるために ~タスクとインターラクション~
Many non-English majors at Japanese universities, who are studying English, are doing so solely for their graduation requirements. While students may be unenthusiastic to study English, many native speakers of English instructors complain that their students are disinterested, un-talkative and that the students are not only shy but are also unmotivated. While from a Western stance, it is true that Japanese university students seem to be quiet, the way motivation is expressed is culturally defined and it cannot be said that Japanese students are unmotivated. It is the teaching style, which has to be adjusted, and slowly expanded so, that at first it is not too far beyond the cultural comfort zone of the students, and over time expands with the students’ use of English. Japanese students have been taught from a young age to be quiet in class and not to question their teacher. In a culture where publicly making a mistake is discouraged, native speakers of English teachers must help their students by creating a secure and pro-active learning situation, which encourages the students to develop their confidence to use the English they already know and to strengthen and acquire more English, with their peers. Based on a survey of second year students, this presentation addresses causes linked to low motivation among non-English major university students. Using examples of in-class activities utilizing YouTube clips, it is shown how textbook topics can be linked to the student’s specific majors, interests, or themes, which will increase classroom motivation and improve the overall dynamics of the learning situation for the students.
Elizabeth Yoshikawa was born and raised in Canada. She has also lived in Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), England, The Netherlands, and France. She has been teaching EFL to students from pre-school through university ages in Japan and Thailand for over ten years. She has an MA in Linguistics specializing in TESOL from the University of Surrey. Currently, she teaches non-English majors in Hyogo, Japan. 吉川エリザベス:
Saturday, 9:05-9:55 Keiko Koyama 小山 惠子
Stories of Japanese Who were Sent to Manchuria Just Before the End of the War : Stories of my uncle who died during the detention in Siberia and my aunt who had looked after him, and more.
I will tell the stories of the marriages of my uncle and my father, of a woman who managed to return to Japan with her Chinese husband many years later after the War, of a memorial grave built by China for Japanese settlers who died in China, of NHK’s war related program about “missing persons in China”, and of a Japanese old popular song “hoshi no nagare ni”。
Keiko Koyama worked for a publisher of the English cultural magazine, "Orient/West" and later for a company that provides unique manager training programs which were once was famous among the media. She retired 5 years ago, and now she is a pensioner. She is a member of the NPO Minamata (Disease) Forum. 小山恵子:英文文化雑誌「オリエント・ウエスト」出版社勤務(結婚前)、ユニークなトレーニングで有名になったこともある管理者教育の会社に勤務しました。5年前に退職し今は年金生活者です。NPO水俣フォーラムの会員でもあります。石原みき子さんに勧められてWELLに参加し始めました。
Saturday, 10:15-11:50 Samantha Landau サマンサ・ランダオ
“I am no Mother Hubbard” – Female Authorship Pre- and Post- WWII in America
It has been said by many that between first- and second-wave feminism in the United States, there was a lapse in the efforts of women to gain civil rights and equality. However, that could not be further from the truth, especially in the realm of authorship. This presentation will concern the struggle of women writers in the 1940s and 1950s in America, specifically focusing on the case of Shirley Jackson. Jackson was both a prolific author and a mother of four, but refused to be pinned down and labeled as someone “writing dainty little biographical things that pretend [she is] a trim little housewife in a Mother Hubbard stirring up appetizing messes over a wood stove” (Oppenheimer, Private Demons, 139). The presentation will be followed by a discussion on the current situation of publication and authorship (2010) compared to the situation in the 40s and 50s: Is it still significant to become a published author as a woman?
アメリカでは第一波と第二波フェミニズムの間の時期、女性の市民権と平等の獲得への努力が緩んだと言われている。しかし、著作権の分野においては特にそうだが、それは真実を反映していない。この発表では、1940年代から1950年代の女性作家の苦闘について、シャーリージャクソンの場合を取り上げて述べる。ジャクソンは四児の母にして多作な著者だが、「いつもおいしい食事をストーブで料理するハバードおばさんの些細な愛らしい伝記を書く」 (Oppenheimer, Private Demons, 139)ような人といったレッテルを拒否した。発表に続いて現代の出版と著作権の現状について1940年代、50年代と比較した議論をする。現在でも作家になることは女性として依然重要なことなのだろうか。
Samantha Landau is a 3rd year PhD student at International Christian University in Tokyo, majoring in Comparative Literature. She also currently teaches courses about and related to Feminism at Shibaura Institute of Technology. サマンサ・ランダオ:国際基督教大学博士課程3年所属、比較文学専攻。国際基督教大学のジェンダー研究センターの研究員。芝浦工業大学でフェミニズムに関連した講義を担当。
Saturday, 10:15-11:50 Emily Homma エミリー・本間
An Evaluation of the Current Condition of Foreign Nurses (Filipinos) in Japan
The presenter, who is personally acquainted with many of the Filipino nurses who have been brought to Japan to help alleviate the nursing shortage here, will discuss their current condition. Topics to be covered in the presentation are inadequate salaries that prevent the nurses from achieving a fair standard of living, unprofessional treatment by Japanese hospitals and staff, lack of time to prepare for the Japanese state nursing exam, and culture shock due to the different work cultures of Japan and the Philippines.
Emily Homma, originally from the Philippines, has been living in Japan since December, 1996. She teaches at University of Tsukuba Senior High in Sakado (UTSS) and Tokyo International University Affiliated Japanese School. She is currently finishing up her MS.Educ-TESOL at Temple University Japan, Minatoku Campus.
Emily has been conducting Conversation and Business English classes as well in her home and community facility while occasionally offering TESL seminars to beginner English teachers. エミリー・本間:フィリピン出身、1996年12月以来日本在住。筑波大学付属坂戸高等学校、東京国際大学付属日本語学校教師。テンプル大学(東京)にて教育学英語教授法修士号終了間近。自宅や地域で英会話やビジネス英語クラスを教えている。また英語教師の初級者向け英語教授法セミナーも開催。
Saturday, 1:05―3:05 Marian Hara マリアン・原
Global Studies in a High School English Program
I will briefly explain the history and thinking behind this 2-year once-weekly course (S1 and S2 years) and then take participants through course design points, introducing the major stages and activities that we have developed over the years, including the following:
1. News Focus: learning about current events, writing news summaries in English as well as covering some of the background to current events
2. Teaching Each Other in Groups: developing presentation skills; making input activities more student-centered and communicative while satisfying the need to have material in common for testing purposes
3. Input from Video: using Japanese materials for input, with output activities in English; using English materials to develop listening and speaking skills
4. From Problems to Solutions: a new project for the final stage where students do some research on various NGO activities, reporting to their classmates in small group presentations
最初に、高校1年と2年の2年間を通して週1回行われる国際理解教育コースの概要を説明。その後、参加者がコース・デザイン(コースの内容作り)のポイントが理解できるように、これまでに開発してきた教材の主要部分や学習活動を紹介します。 1.ニュースに焦点:現在起きている出来事を知り、英語で要約を書く、またその事件の背景を学ぶ。 2.グループに分かれて、相互に教え合う:発表のスキルを上達させる;テストすることを考えて共通する教材を選び、生徒が中心となりお互いのコミュニケーションを取る活動とする。 3.ビデオ教材の使用:日本語のビデオ教材を使い、英語で言語活動をする。また、リスニングとスピーキング能力育成のために、英語のビデオも使う。 4.問題解決に向けて:コースのまとめとして課題学習をする。 生徒がグループで種々なNGO/NPOの活動についてリサーチを行い、グループ発表の形でクラスメートに報告する。
Marian Hara (English Lit BA with RSA Diploma in TEFL) - has lived in Japan for 35 years, teaching at
Tokiwamatsu Gakuen since 1984 – (17 years as a full-timer). マリアン・原:英文学士、外国語としての英語教授資格(TEFL)。日本に35年間在住。1984年からトキワ松学園で教鞭をとる。そのうち17年間は専任教員として勤務。
Saturday, 3:15―4:45 Caroline Pover マキャロライン・ポーヴァー
Presentation and Workshop ・講演&ワークショプ
Caroline Pover arrived in Japan from the United Kingdom in 1996, seeking adventure! Teaching by day, Caroline launched Being A Broad magazine for international women in Japan, and wrote and published a book with the same title. She is also the author of the Guide to International Schools in Japan, and was a popular columnist for the Shukan ST for two years. Caroline has been recognised for her many contributions to the international women's community, and was awarded Best Entrepreneur by the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan in 2008. Caroline is passionate about and committed to helping women make the most of their lives, professionally and personally. キャロライン・ポーヴァーは1996年、冒険を求めて英国から日本に来ました。高校で教える傍ら、日本に住む国際的な女性向けの雑誌『Being A Broad』を創刊し、同じタイトルの書籍を出版しました。また、『日本のインターナショナル・スクール・総合ガイド』の著者でもあり、2年間週刊STにコラムを寄稿し人気を博しました。これまで国際的な女性コミュニティに対して行ってきた多くの貢献が認められ、2008年には在日英国商工会議所よりベスト起業家賞を受賞しました。キャロラインは、女性が仕事上でもプライベートでも人生を最大限に楽しむことができるようお手伝いすることに、情熱を持ち熱心に取り組んでいます。
Saturday, 1:00-4:50 Graduate Student Presentation Session
1:00-1:50 Hong Xia 紅霞 Zhang Xiaomei 張暁梅
The current state of English Language Education in minority schools in the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region of China: Student and teacher perspectives
We are now graduate school students in Japan. Our presentation will be given based on Hong Xia’s past experiences of being an English teacher in a Mongolian minority school and on our experiences of being students in Mongolian minority schools. We hope our presentation can deepen your understanding of our culture and ELT in Inner Mongolia.
Hong Xia worked as an English teacher in Inner Mongolia National College for six years. She came to Japan
in 2008. Now she is studying in Ochanomizu University Graduate School. 紅霞:内モンゴル民族専門学校で6年間英語教師として勤め、2008年に来日。現在、お茶の水女子大学修士課程在学中。
Zhang Xiaomei graduated from English Department of Inner Mongolian University in 2007 and came to Japan in the same year. Now she is studying in Ochanomizu University Graduate School. 張暁梅:2007年に内モンゴル大学英米文学学科を卒業、同年来日。現在、お茶の水女子大学修士課程在学中。
Saturday, 2:00-2:50 Rino Sato 佐藤里野
Cute Ambassadors: Japanese girls at the frontier of inter/national politics
In March, 2009, the foreign ministry announced that they had picked up three young models as “Ambassadors of Cute,” as part of the “pop-culture diplomacy” that has been going on since 2008. The pop-culture diplomacy has been adapted as part of the government’s cultural policy to promote the better understanding and trust of Japan by means of pop-culture. These ambassadors include the “Lolita-fashioned” girl, the “Harajuku-district” girl, and the “school uniformed” girl. Why does the government need these young Japanese girls in order to represent Japanese pop-culture, as a strategy of cultural politics? With this leading question I will examine the project of “Cute Ambassadors” as the governmental performance, which illuminates the nationalistic discourse in relation to the dilemmatic position of contemporary Japan. I will do so by investigating the representational mode of “Cute Ambassadors,” especially in terms of the image of girls at the very frontier of diplomatic policy.
Rino Sato is a Ph.D. Candidate at Ochanomizu University. Her research interests are contemporary American theatre and performance. She received a Bachelor of Arts in English from Ochanomizu University, a Master of Arts in English from Ochanomizu University, and a Master of Arts in Performance Studies from New York University. 佐藤里野 (さとう りの)お茶の水女子大学大学院生(博士後期課程)研究分野:現代アメリカ演劇・パフォーマンス, 2003年、学士(英文学)お茶の水女子大学, 2005年、修士(英文学) お茶の水女子大学, 2009年、修士、(パフォーマンス研究)ニューヨーク大学。
Saturday, 3:00-3:50 Sulastri Yahya スラストリ・ヤヒア
Gender Inequality in Malaysia: a Muslim Perspective
This talk focuses on gender inequality among Muslim women in Malaysia. In the introduction, I will briefly layout background information about the demographics and religions in Malaysia. I will talk about the dual judiciary systems for Muslims and Non-Muslims in Malaysia. Muslim women have different laws for example, in marriage and divorce, than Non-Muslims. I will touch a little bit on the relationship among differing ethnic groups of the multiethnic Malaysian society. For the first point, I will give some examples of gender inequality as reported in the Malaysian media. Various personal stories and issues of Muslim women in Malaysia such as child marriage, divorce cases, and unfair punishment for some offenses will be presented. In the second point, I will introduce an Islamic feminist group called Sisters in Islam (SIS) who are fighting for Muslim women’s equality. They are also a part of another group called Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG). I will talk about their background and history, their mission statements, what their stand and beliefs are, and what activities and events they engage in. The last point will concern some criticisms against SIS by various people and organizations. I will conclude with a reflection of this feminist group’s direction in realizing their vision for Malaysian Muslim women’s better future.
Sulastri Yahya, from Malaysia, is currently a 1st year PhD student from the Linguistic Communication department in Tohoku University. スラストリ・ヤヒア:マレーシアからの留学生で、東北大学大学院1年生で言語科学を専攻しています。
Saturday, 4:00-4:50 Maiko Tanaka 田中麻衣子
The possibility of a guaranteed basic income from the social experiment in Namibia
A village in Namibia has been experimentally practicing the guaranteed basic income policy, and it is reported it has made great progress in issues of poverty and gender. Having visited the village last September, I would like to talk about the possibility of the policy based on my fieldwork.
Maiko Tanaka is a student of Hosei University, majoring in sociology and interested in Sociology of education. 田中麻衣子: 法政大学で社会学を専攻する学生です。教育社会学やベーシックインカムに興味を持って勉強しています。
Day Two: Sunday, February 19 2月19日 (日)
Sunday, 9:15-10:15 Joanne Sato 佐藤ジョアン
‘Gender Studies’: A Space for Critical Thinking and Self Development in a Content Based Language Learning Class at a College in Japan
‘ジェンダー・スタディー’: 日本の大学での、コンテンツベース語学学習クラスにおける批判的思考法と自己啓発のスペース
In this presentation I will share my experience of teaching Gender Studies to Japanese junior college students. Gender Studies was introduced as a component of a new English Department curriculum in 2010, along with Psychology and Ecological Studies. It is a fifteen-week ninety-minute seminar style class. The aim of these content-based language learning classes is both to deepen students’ knowledge of issues affecting humanity in the twenty-first century and to improve their language skills. I will present the content and set up of the class and discuss the problems associated with introducing complex issues in a second language. I will suggest that focusing on the students’ stories can help to anchor new knowledge and ways of thinking to ‘lived’ experience in Japan.
導での経験をお話します。ジェンダー・スタディーは、 心理学と地域相関研究ともに、2010年に、新しい英語科のカリキュラム構成要素として導入されました。90分のセミナースタイルで15週間のクラスです。これらのコンテンツベース語学学習クラスの目的は、21世紀の人類に影響を及ぼす問題の、生徒の知識を深めることと、生徒の語学スキルの向上の、両方を目的とします。 内容とクラスの組み立てを提示し、
Joanne Sato is originally from Leeds in the UK. She has lived in Japan since 1998. She spent the first three years in Tokyo and is now based in Fukushima City. She taught part-time at Fukushima University and Sakura no Seibo Junior College before becoming a full-time faculty member of the college in 2007. She teaches a variety of classes including Communication Skills, English for Tourism, Business English, British Culture, Japanese Culture and Gender Studies. She is also very involved with the drama activities of the students. 佐藤ジョアン:イギリスのリーズ出身です。1998年から日本に住んでいます。東京で、初めの3年を過ごし、現在は、福島県福島市を拠点としています。2007年に桜の聖母短期大学の常勤教員になる以前は、福島大学と桜の聖母短期大学で、非常勤で指導をしていました。 コミュニケーション・スキル、観光のための英語、ビジネス英語、イギリス文化、日本文化、ジェンダー・スタディーを含む様々なクラスを指導しています。また、生徒の演劇活動に深く係わっています。
Sunday, 10:30 - 12:00 Laurel Kamada 鎌田ローレル
Being ‘Half’: Contesting & Celebrating Difference
The first generation of a sizable community of ‘half’/’double’ children of Japanese and White mixed-parentage (referred to as ‘haafu’ in Japanese) has emerged in Japan in recent years, challenging the long-held myth of Japan as a single-race society (tan’itsu minzoku). This participatory presentation examines a friendship network of adolescent girls of this group who were born and raised in Japan and who all attend regular Japanese schools. It will be demonstrated how the girls construct, contest and celebrate their identities and ‘do difference’ within various discourses of ethnicity as they position themselves as ‘White’, ‘Asian’, ‘Japanese’, ‘half’ or ‘double’. Narrated in the words and voices of the girls, four major reoccurring themes will be discussed. The themes are: 1. Negotiating identities of isolation, tensions and dilemma (“It’s just totally shocking looking in the mirror”); 2. Claiming ‘good difference’ while rejecting ‘bad difference’ (“I TRY to be different”); 3. Celebration of cultural, symbolic, linguistic, and social capital (“I MUCH prefer reading in English”); and, 4. Construction of ‘embodied’ ethnic and gender identities (physicality) (“um, well, because you would have an extremely exotic face”). Audience discussion and participation will be encouraged.
Laurel Kamada (Senior Lecturer, Tohoku University) has publications in: bilingualism and multiculturalism in Japan; gender/ethnic studies; marginalized (hybrid and gendered) identities in Japan; masculinity; theoretical and methodological discourse analytic approaches. She serves on the editorial board of Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism and is on the Advisory Council of the International Gender and Language Association. Her most recent book is: Hybrid Identities and Adolescent Girls: Being ‘Half’ in Japan (Multilingual Matters, 2010).
鎌田ローレル「東北大学・講師」は次のような課題に研究している:日本におけるバリンガリズム、文化、ジェンダーと人種・民族アイデンティティー、フェミニニティーとマスキュリニティー、アイデンティティーの理論的・方法的アプローチ、ディスコース分析法、日本における英語教育、異文化コミ、比較文化、日本の英語教育、第2言語習得。最近の単行出版物は“Hybrid Identities and Adolescent Girls: Being ‘Half’ in Japan” (Multilingual Matters, 2010年.)『日本における「ハーフ」の10代の女の子のアイデンティティーについて』
Saturday, 9:05-9:55 Elizabeth Yoshikawa 吉川エリザベス
Raising Student’s Intrinsic Motivation: Meaningful classroom tasks and interaction.”
学生の内在的やる気を高めるために ~タスクとインターラクション~
Many non-English majors at Japanese universities, who are studying English, are doing so solely for their graduation requirements. While students may be unenthusiastic to study English, many native speakers of English instructors complain that their students are disinterested, un-talkative and that the students are not only shy but are also unmotivated. While from a Western stance, it is true that Japanese university students seem to be quiet, the way motivation is expressed is culturally defined and it cannot be said that Japanese students are unmotivated. It is the teaching style, which has to be adjusted, and slowly expanded so, that at first it is not too far beyond the cultural comfort zone of the students, and over time expands with the students’ use of English. Japanese students have been taught from a young age to be quiet in class and not to question their teacher. In a culture where publicly making a mistake is discouraged, native speakers of English teachers must help their students by creating a secure and pro-active learning situation, which encourages the students to develop their confidence to use the English they already know and to strengthen and acquire more English, with their peers. Based on a survey of second year students, this presentation addresses causes linked to low motivation among non-English major university students. Using examples of in-class activities utilizing YouTube clips, it is shown how textbook topics can be linked to the student’s specific majors, interests, or themes, which will increase classroom motivation and improve the overall dynamics of the learning situation for the students.
Elizabeth Yoshikawa was born and raised in Canada. She has also lived in Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), England, The Netherlands, and France. She has been teaching EFL to students from pre-school through university ages in Japan and Thailand for over ten years. She has an MA in Linguistics specializing in TESOL from the University of Surrey. Currently, she teaches non-English majors in Hyogo, Japan. 吉川エリザベス:
Saturday, 9:05-9:55 Keiko Koyama 小山 惠子
Stories of Japanese Who were Sent to Manchuria Just Before the End of the War : Stories of my uncle who died during the detention in Siberia and my aunt who had looked after him, and more.
I will tell the stories of the marriages of my uncle and my father, of a woman who managed to return to Japan with her Chinese husband many years later after the War, of a memorial grave built by China for Japanese settlers who died in China, of NHK’s war related program about “missing persons in China”, and of a Japanese old popular song “hoshi no nagare ni”。
Keiko Koyama worked for a publisher of the English cultural magazine, "Orient/West" and later for a company that provides unique manager training programs which were once was famous among the media. She retired 5 years ago, and now she is a pensioner. She is a member of the NPO Minamata (Disease) Forum. 小山恵子:英文文化雑誌「オリエント・ウエスト」出版社勤務(結婚前)、ユニークなトレーニングで有名になったこともある管理者教育の会社に勤務しました。5年前に退職し今は年金生活者です。NPO水俣フォーラムの会員でもあります。石原みき子さんに勧められてWELLに参加し始めました。
Saturday, 10:15-11:50 Samantha Landau サマンサ・ランダオ
“I am no Mother Hubbard” – Female Authorship Pre- and Post- WWII in America
It has been said by many that between first- and second-wave feminism in the United States, there was a lapse in the efforts of women to gain civil rights and equality. However, that could not be further from the truth, especially in the realm of authorship. This presentation will concern the struggle of women writers in the 1940s and 1950s in America, specifically focusing on the case of Shirley Jackson. Jackson was both a prolific author and a mother of four, but refused to be pinned down and labeled as someone “writing dainty little biographical things that pretend [she is] a trim little housewife in a Mother Hubbard stirring up appetizing messes over a wood stove” (Oppenheimer, Private Demons, 139). The presentation will be followed by a discussion on the current situation of publication and authorship (2010) compared to the situation in the 40s and 50s: Is it still significant to become a published author as a woman?
アメリカでは第一波と第二波フェミニズムの間の時期、女性の市民権と平等の獲得への努力が緩んだと言われている。しかし、著作権の分野においては特にそうだが、それは真実を反映していない。この発表では、1940年代から1950年代の女性作家の苦闘について、シャーリージャクソンの場合を取り上げて述べる。ジャクソンは四児の母にして多作な著者だが、「いつもおいしい食事をストーブで料理するハバードおばさんの些細な愛らしい伝記を書く」 (Oppenheimer, Private Demons, 139)ような人といったレッテルを拒否した。発表に続いて現代の出版と著作権の現状について1940年代、50年代と比較した議論をする。現在でも作家になることは女性として依然重要なことなのだろうか。
Samantha Landau is a 3rd year PhD student at International Christian University in Tokyo, majoring in Comparative Literature. She also currently teaches courses about and related to Feminism at Shibaura Institute of Technology. サマンサ・ランダオ:国際基督教大学博士課程3年所属、比較文学専攻。国際基督教大学のジェンダー研究センターの研究員。芝浦工業大学でフェミニズムに関連した講義を担当。
Saturday, 10:15-11:50 Emily Homma エミリー・本間
An Evaluation of the Current Condition of Foreign Nurses (Filipinos) in Japan
The presenter, who is personally acquainted with many of the Filipino nurses who have been brought to Japan to help alleviate the nursing shortage here, will discuss their current condition. Topics to be covered in the presentation are inadequate salaries that prevent the nurses from achieving a fair standard of living, unprofessional treatment by Japanese hospitals and staff, lack of time to prepare for the Japanese state nursing exam, and culture shock due to the different work cultures of Japan and the Philippines.
Emily Homma, originally from the Philippines, has been living in Japan since December, 1996. She teaches at University of Tsukuba Senior High in Sakado (UTSS) and Tokyo International University Affiliated Japanese School. She is currently finishing up her MS.Educ-TESOL at Temple University Japan, Minatoku Campus.
Emily has been conducting Conversation and Business English classes as well in her home and community facility while occasionally offering TESL seminars to beginner English teachers. エミリー・本間:フィリピン出身、1996年12月以来日本在住。筑波大学付属坂戸高等学校、東京国際大学付属日本語学校教師。テンプル大学(東京)にて教育学英語教授法修士号終了間近。自宅や地域で英会話やビジネス英語クラスを教えている。また英語教師の初級者向け英語教授法セミナーも開催。
Saturday, 1:05―3:05 Marian Hara マリアン・原
Global Studies in a High School English Program
I will briefly explain the history and thinking behind this 2-year once-weekly course (S1 and S2 years) and then take participants through course design points, introducing the major stages and activities that we have developed over the years, including the following:
1. News Focus: learning about current events, writing news summaries in English as well as covering some of the background to current events
2. Teaching Each Other in Groups: developing presentation skills; making input activities more student-centered and communicative while satisfying the need to have material in common for testing purposes
3. Input from Video: using Japanese materials for input, with output activities in English; using English materials to develop listening and speaking skills
4. From Problems to Solutions: a new project for the final stage where students do some research on various NGO activities, reporting to their classmates in small group presentations
最初に、高校1年と2年の2年間を通して週1回行われる国際理解教育コースの概要を説明。その後、参加者がコース・デザイン(コースの内容作り)のポイントが理解できるように、これまでに開発してきた教材の主要部分や学習活動を紹介します。 1.ニュースに焦点:現在起きている出来事を知り、英語で要約を書く、またその事件の背景を学ぶ。 2.グループに分かれて、相互に教え合う:発表のスキルを上達させる;テストすることを考えて共通する教材を選び、生徒が中心となりお互いのコミュニケーションを取る活動とする。 3.ビデオ教材の使用:日本語のビデオ教材を使い、英語で言語活動をする。また、リスニングとスピーキング能力育成のために、英語のビデオも使う。 4.問題解決に向けて:コースのまとめとして課題学習をする。 生徒がグループで種々なNGO/NPOの活動についてリサーチを行い、グループ発表の形でクラスメートに報告する。
Marian Hara (English Lit BA with RSA Diploma in TEFL) - has lived in Japan for 35 years, teaching at
Tokiwamatsu Gakuen since 1984 – (17 years as a full-timer). マリアン・原:英文学士、外国語としての英語教授資格(TEFL)。日本に35年間在住。1984年からトキワ松学園で教鞭をとる。そのうち17年間は専任教員として勤務。
Saturday, 3:15―4:45 Caroline Pover マキャロライン・ポーヴァー
Presentation and Workshop ・講演&ワークショプ
Caroline Pover arrived in Japan from the United Kingdom in 1996, seeking adventure! Teaching by day, Caroline launched Being A Broad magazine for international women in Japan, and wrote and published a book with the same title. She is also the author of the Guide to International Schools in Japan, and was a popular columnist for the Shukan ST for two years. Caroline has been recognised for her many contributions to the international women's community, and was awarded Best Entrepreneur by the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan in 2008. Caroline is passionate about and committed to helping women make the most of their lives, professionally and personally. キャロライン・ポーヴァーは1996年、冒険を求めて英国から日本に来ました。高校で教える傍ら、日本に住む国際的な女性向けの雑誌『Being A Broad』を創刊し、同じタイトルの書籍を出版しました。また、『日本のインターナショナル・スクール・総合ガイド』の著者でもあり、2年間週刊STにコラムを寄稿し人気を博しました。これまで国際的な女性コミュニティに対して行ってきた多くの貢献が認められ、2008年には在日英国商工会議所よりベスト起業家賞を受賞しました。キャロラインは、女性が仕事上でもプライベートでも人生を最大限に楽しむことができるようお手伝いすることに、情熱を持ち熱心に取り組んでいます。
Saturday, 1:00-4:50 Graduate Student Presentation Session
1:00-1:50 Hong Xia 紅霞 Zhang Xiaomei 張暁梅
The current state of English Language Education in minority schools in the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region of China: Student and teacher perspectives
We are now graduate school students in Japan. Our presentation will be given based on Hong Xia’s past experiences of being an English teacher in a Mongolian minority school and on our experiences of being students in Mongolian minority schools. We hope our presentation can deepen your understanding of our culture and ELT in Inner Mongolia.
Hong Xia worked as an English teacher in Inner Mongolia National College for six years. She came to Japan
in 2008. Now she is studying in Ochanomizu University Graduate School. 紅霞:内モンゴル民族専門学校で6年間英語教師として勤め、2008年に来日。現在、お茶の水女子大学修士課程在学中。
Zhang Xiaomei graduated from English Department of Inner Mongolian University in 2007 and came to Japan in the same year. Now she is studying in Ochanomizu University Graduate School. 張暁梅:2007年に内モンゴル大学英米文学学科を卒業、同年来日。現在、お茶の水女子大学修士課程在学中。
Saturday, 2:00-2:50 Rino Sato 佐藤里野
Cute Ambassadors: Japanese girls at the frontier of inter/national politics
In March, 2009, the foreign ministry announced that they had picked up three young models as “Ambassadors of Cute,” as part of the “pop-culture diplomacy” that has been going on since 2008. The pop-culture diplomacy has been adapted as part of the government’s cultural policy to promote the better understanding and trust of Japan by means of pop-culture. These ambassadors include the “Lolita-fashioned” girl, the “Harajuku-district” girl, and the “school uniformed” girl. Why does the government need these young Japanese girls in order to represent Japanese pop-culture, as a strategy of cultural politics? With this leading question I will examine the project of “Cute Ambassadors” as the governmental performance, which illuminates the nationalistic discourse in relation to the dilemmatic position of contemporary Japan. I will do so by investigating the representational mode of “Cute Ambassadors,” especially in terms of the image of girls at the very frontier of diplomatic policy.
Rino Sato is a Ph.D. Candidate at Ochanomizu University. Her research interests are contemporary American theatre and performance. She received a Bachelor of Arts in English from Ochanomizu University, a Master of Arts in English from Ochanomizu University, and a Master of Arts in Performance Studies from New York University. 佐藤里野 (さとう りの)お茶の水女子大学大学院生(博士後期課程)研究分野:現代アメリカ演劇・パフォーマンス, 2003年、学士(英文学)お茶の水女子大学, 2005年、修士(英文学) お茶の水女子大学, 2009年、修士、(パフォーマンス研究)ニューヨーク大学。
Saturday, 3:00-3:50 Sulastri Yahya スラストリ・ヤヒア
Gender Inequality in Malaysia: a Muslim Perspective
This talk focuses on gender inequality among Muslim women in Malaysia. In the introduction, I will briefly layout background information about the demographics and religions in Malaysia. I will talk about the dual judiciary systems for Muslims and Non-Muslims in Malaysia. Muslim women have different laws for example, in marriage and divorce, than Non-Muslims. I will touch a little bit on the relationship among differing ethnic groups of the multiethnic Malaysian society. For the first point, I will give some examples of gender inequality as reported in the Malaysian media. Various personal stories and issues of Muslim women in Malaysia such as child marriage, divorce cases, and unfair punishment for some offenses will be presented. In the second point, I will introduce an Islamic feminist group called Sisters in Islam (SIS) who are fighting for Muslim women’s equality. They are also a part of another group called Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG). I will talk about their background and history, their mission statements, what their stand and beliefs are, and what activities and events they engage in. The last point will concern some criticisms against SIS by various people and organizations. I will conclude with a reflection of this feminist group’s direction in realizing their vision for Malaysian Muslim women’s better future.
Sulastri Yahya, from Malaysia, is currently a 1st year PhD student from the Linguistic Communication department in Tohoku University. スラストリ・ヤヒア:マレーシアからの留学生で、東北大学大学院1年生で言語科学を専攻しています。
Saturday, 4:00-4:50 Maiko Tanaka 田中麻衣子
The possibility of a guaranteed basic income from the social experiment in Namibia
A village in Namibia has been experimentally practicing the guaranteed basic income policy, and it is reported it has made great progress in issues of poverty and gender. Having visited the village last September, I would like to talk about the possibility of the policy based on my fieldwork.
Maiko Tanaka is a student of Hosei University, majoring in sociology and interested in Sociology of education. 田中麻衣子: 法政大学で社会学を専攻する学生です。教育社会学やベーシックインカムに興味を持って勉強しています。
Day Two: Sunday, February 19 2月19日 (日)
Sunday, 9:15-10:15 Joanne Sato 佐藤ジョアン
‘Gender Studies’: A Space for Critical Thinking and Self Development in a Content Based Language Learning Class at a College in Japan
‘ジェンダー・スタディー’: 日本の大学での、コンテンツベース語学学習クラスにおける批判的思考法と自己啓発のスペース
In this presentation I will share my experience of teaching Gender Studies to Japanese junior college students. Gender Studies was introduced as a component of a new English Department curriculum in 2010, along with Psychology and Ecological Studies. It is a fifteen-week ninety-minute seminar style class. The aim of these content-based language learning classes is both to deepen students’ knowledge of issues affecting humanity in the twenty-first century and to improve their language skills. I will present the content and set up of the class and discuss the problems associated with introducing complex issues in a second language. I will suggest that focusing on the students’ stories can help to anchor new knowledge and ways of thinking to ‘lived’ experience in Japan.
導での経験をお話します。ジェンダー・スタディーは、 心理学と地域相関研究ともに、2010年に、新しい英語科のカリキュラム構成要素として導入されました。90分のセミナースタイルで15週間のクラスです。これらのコンテンツベース語学学習クラスの目的は、21世紀の人類に影響を及ぼす問題の、生徒の知識を深めることと、生徒の語学スキルの向上の、両方を目的とします。 内容とクラスの組み立てを提示し、
Joanne Sato is originally from Leeds in the UK. She has lived in Japan since 1998. She spent the first three years in Tokyo and is now based in Fukushima City. She taught part-time at Fukushima University and Sakura no Seibo Junior College before becoming a full-time faculty member of the college in 2007. She teaches a variety of classes including Communication Skills, English for Tourism, Business English, British Culture, Japanese Culture and Gender Studies. She is also very involved with the drama activities of the students. 佐藤ジョアン:イギリスのリーズ出身です。1998年から日本に住んでいます。東京で、初めの3年を過ごし、現在は、福島県福島市を拠点としています。2007年に桜の聖母短期大学の常勤教員になる以前は、福島大学と桜の聖母短期大学で、非常勤で指導をしていました。 コミュニケーション・スキル、観光のための英語、ビジネス英語、イギリス文化、日本文化、ジェンダー・スタディーを含む様々なクラスを指導しています。また、生徒の演劇活動に深く係わっています。
Sunday, 10:30 - 12:00 Laurel Kamada 鎌田ローレル
Being ‘Half’: Contesting & Celebrating Difference
The first generation of a sizable community of ‘half’/’double’ children of Japanese and White mixed-parentage (referred to as ‘haafu’ in Japanese) has emerged in Japan in recent years, challenging the long-held myth of Japan as a single-race society (tan’itsu minzoku). This participatory presentation examines a friendship network of adolescent girls of this group who were born and raised in Japan and who all attend regular Japanese schools. It will be demonstrated how the girls construct, contest and celebrate their identities and ‘do difference’ within various discourses of ethnicity as they position themselves as ‘White’, ‘Asian’, ‘Japanese’, ‘half’ or ‘double’. Narrated in the words and voices of the girls, four major reoccurring themes will be discussed. The themes are: 1. Negotiating identities of isolation, tensions and dilemma (“It’s just totally shocking looking in the mirror”); 2. Claiming ‘good difference’ while rejecting ‘bad difference’ (“I TRY to be different”); 3. Celebration of cultural, symbolic, linguistic, and social capital (“I MUCH prefer reading in English”); and, 4. Construction of ‘embodied’ ethnic and gender identities (physicality) (“um, well, because you would have an extremely exotic face”). Audience discussion and participation will be encouraged.
Laurel Kamada (Senior Lecturer, Tohoku University) has publications in: bilingualism and multiculturalism in Japan; gender/ethnic studies; marginalized (hybrid and gendered) identities in Japan; masculinity; theoretical and methodological discourse analytic approaches. She serves on the editorial board of Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism and is on the Advisory Council of the International Gender and Language Association. Her most recent book is: Hybrid Identities and Adolescent Girls: Being ‘Half’ in Japan (Multilingual Matters, 2010).
鎌田ローレル「東北大学・講師」は次のような課題に研究している:日本におけるバリンガリズム、文化、ジェンダーと人種・民族アイデンティティー、フェミニニティーとマスキュリニティー、アイデンティティーの理論的・方法的アプローチ、ディスコース分析法、日本における英語教育、異文化コミ、比較文化、日本の英語教育、第2言語習得。最近の単行出版物は“Hybrid Identities and Adolescent Girls: Being ‘Half’ in Japan” (Multilingual Matters, 2010年.)『日本における「ハーフ」の10代の女の子のアイデンティティーについて』