WELL 2013 Conference and Retreat
March 8-10 (Fri-Sun) ・ 3月8日(金)-10日(日)
“Recharge and Renewal” Gathering our energies for the next stage
March 8-10 (Fri-Sun) ・ 3月8日(金)-10日(日)
National Women’s Education Center ・ 国立女性教育会館
The organizers, Diane Nagatomo, Laurel Kamada, Marian Hara, Vicky Muehleisen and Eriko Okanouchi welcome you to the 18th annual WELL conference/retreat. We hope you will have a wonderful time and make many new connections--with ideas, projects, people, and your own rejuvenated self.
長友ダイアン, 蒲田ローレル, 原マリアン, ヴィクトリア・ミューライゼン、 岡野内恵里子 の幹事一同は、第18回WELL研修会・リトリートへの皆様のご参加を心より歓迎致します。皆さまにとって有意義な時となり、また、新たな出会いと交流の場ともなりますよう、様々なプログラムを用意いたしております。楽しいひと時を過ごされますよう願っております。
参加者の皆様へPlease remember:
Friday March 8th evening events
The Meeting Room: Main Building
3月8日(金)夜のお楽しみ ミーティング・ルーム(宿泊棟2階)
7:30 pm
All Get Together : Celebration of International Women’s Day
全員集合:2013年国際女性の日を祝って 今年のテーマはジェンダー問題改善の飛躍の年とする
8:00-9:00 pm
Belly Dancing with Astrid Sato
Everyone should bring some yoga- like pants or jazz-pants and a tank top or camisole or short t-shirt and a hip scarf - any scarf that can be wrapped around the hips long enough to have dangling ends. ♪♪♪
参加される方へ' ヨーガまたはジャズ用のパンツに、タンクトップかキャミソールか半袖のTシャツ、それにヒップスカーフ、または腰全体に巻けて両端が垂れ下がるほどの長さのスカーフをご用意ください。
9:00-9:30 pm 談話室Danwa Shitsu
Book Share (5 minute sessions)
Bring a book you think others ought to hear about and read! You’ll have 5 minutes to explain why it’s so great. Please mail Marian in advance so we can arrange the schedule: [email protected]
皆さんに薦めたい本がありますか?あなたの時間は5分間まで。ご希望の方はマリアンにメールください [email protected] 会場は談話室です。
Saturday March 9th morning sessions 3月9日 午前の部
Seminar Building
Diane Nagatomo 長友ダイアン 9:00–9:50 Room 208
The Gendered Lives of Professional Teachers
Teachers’ identities are shaped by their private and professional lives, and they are strongly influenced by the culture in which they live. This workshop will be comprised of two parts. The first part is a guided discussion of gender issues that influence the lives of Japanese and non-Japanese male and female teachers—especially those teaching at the universities. The second half of the workshop will discuss teachers’ narratives of their personal experiences teaching in Japan.
Harumi Gondo 権藤晴美 9:00-9:50 Room 207
"You call me rude, but I'm just being straightforward"
Understanding personality types to identify and appreciate yourself and others.
Learning the different ways that people perceive and behave in different situations gives us space to accept ourselves and others. This session will begin with a brief introduction to one well-known personality theory and a basic test that can help participants identify their own types. We will then divide into different groups according to type and engage in activities designed to show participants how different people see or behave in different ways.
さまざまな状況で、人々が感知し、動作することを、さまざまな方法を学ぶことは、自分や他人を受け入れることを私たちにスペースを与える。 このセッションでは、1つのよく知られた人格理論と参加者が独自のタイプを識別するのに役立つことができる基本的なテストを簡単に紹介で始まります。 我々は、その後、別の人が見たり、さまざまな方法でどのように動作するか、参加者を表示するように設計活動に従事すると入力に応じて異なるグループに分割されます。自分と他人を識別し、理解するために性格タイプを理解する
Peggy Otake 應武マーガレット・パイン 9:00-9:50 Room 206
(Associate Professor, Tokyo Seitoku University東京成徳大学, 国際言語文化学科 准教授)
The presenter, an American, is the main department coordinator of this project helping children whose immigrant parents from Latin America, the Philippines, and other countries in Asia are working in the local factories. First, a history of the project and a description of the activities will be given and then an analysis of some of the issues involved in trying to coordinate between various entities will be offered. The varying perspectives of participants will be presented. In particular, the presenter will offer closing comments on her attempts to be recognized as a legitimate participant with experience as an insider/outsider and expertise as a language teacher that is relevant to the children’s needs. Comments and questions related to other community service projects will be welcomed.Sharing in Community: A description of a local volunteer project designed to help immigrant children learn Japanese and integrate into Japanese culture by international department university students
発表者は米国人でこのプロジェクトのメインコーディネーターとして活動しています。 プロジェクトは南米、フィリピン、アジア諸国からの移民で地元の工場等で働いている両親を持つ子供たちを対象としています。まず、プロジェクトの歴史とアクティビティの内容の説明をしたのち、様々なグループ間のコーディネイトをする際に発生する諸問題について、同時にプロジェクト参加者のそれぞれの立場について解説します。英語教師の発表者は、日本人ではないのですが、外国語教育の専門家として、これらの子供たちの日本語学習に何が必要なのか理解しているからこそ貢献できるのですが、そのことを皆さんに知ってもらうためにいかに工夫しているかをお話しします。コミュニティー・サービス・プロジェクトに関わっている方のコメントと質問も歓迎します。
Eriko Okanouchi 岡野内恵里子 10:00-10:50 Room 208
Mediation, now:ADR in Japan・・・from the stance of civil activity
I will talk about mediation practices in Japan and my 3 years local activity of promoting volunteer based services.
Eriko Okanouchi, Japanese representative of APMF, has been working voluntarily to promote mediation as a citizens activity since 2008. In May 2011, opened a Community Mediation Room collaborating with the Child Abuse Prevention Citizen Network in Tama area, while working for an elementary school in 2010, and has been working for a junior high school promoting mediation since 2011. has been playing an unique role as a pioneer in the field where citizens are the actual mediation practitioners, while other mediation and ADR organizations in Japan are mostly governed and operated by legal specialists.Kusanone Mediation no KaiKusanone Mediation no Kai
メディエーションって何? 従来の調停との違い、過去3年間のメディエーション/相談活動についてお話します。メディエーション なう:日本における裁判外紛争解決(ADR)・・・市民活動の試み
Student Presentations 10:00-11:30 Room 207
Saki Suemori (Ochanomizu University) (10:00-10:30)
Japanese pre-service teachers’ beliefs when they engage in teaching practice
This presentation will introduce what kind of beliefs Japanese pre-service teachers have when they engage in teaching practice in their teaching methodology course. Depending on the results of the questionnaire I distributed to pre-service teachers, the following two points will be indicated: how pre-service teachers use their past learning experiences and how English teaching methodology courses in universities affect them. I would like to investigate how these two issues affect pre-service teachers’ beliefs.
Alif Meem Nurani (Tohoku University) (10:30-11:00)
Gender and Class Differences among Bangladeshi Children: Education, Ambitions and Limitations
Motivated by my dilemma in growing up in my Bangladesh neighborhood among children from a diverse range of socio-economic groups, and my father’s volunteer activities at a school he started for poor neighborhood children unable to attend school, I examine ambitions, imagined communities and futures of the children. Results revealed that girls (more than boys) from lower economic classes have restricted imagined futures and limited choices of professions and thus do not feel that they can realistically dream bigger. I hope to provide them with means and methods to create and uncover their dreams.
Mizuki Kanazawa & Nozomi Kitabayashi (Seijo University) (11:00-11:30)
Declining Birth Rates and Working Environments in Japan
Nowadays, Japan has many social problems, and two of these problems are declining birth rates and bad working environment. We think that these problems are connected with each other. So we are going to talk about solutions to these problems.
Marie Cosgrove マリー・コスグロブ 10:00-10:50 Room 206
Using Video Content to Increase Student Motivation
What is needed for students to want to continue to study the language is video, which can be easily accessed on the Internet. Video in an interesting story form increases intrinsic motivation as students can learn and acquire the language in context. In one student’s words! “This story was very interesting for me so I was able to take a class happily. This video excites my study will for English.”
ヴィデオを使って, やる気を高める取り組み
Gerry Yokota ジェリ ヨコタ 11:00-11:50 Room 208
(Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Osaka University)
Mixed Roots: Intertwining Gender and Ethnicity
The popularity of "hafu" celebrities in advertising and entertainment may give the superficial impression that Japanese society warmly accepts people from hybrid ethnic backgrounds. But, what about people who do not fit the image of Takigawa Christel, Becky, Wentz or Yuji? In this presentation, I propose to introduce the voices of a wider range of mixed roots folk. I will report on recent activities of the Mixed Roots Academic Forum and other activists and artists who are working to gain recognition for a more diverse, inclusive image, focusing my analysis especially on those whose approaches exhibit heightened awareness and/or potential for raising consciousness of the complex effects of gender and class in the formation of ethnic identity.
Kathleen Riggins 11:00-11:50 Room 206
Renewal and Growth through the Virtues
First, the Virtues Project will be introduced. The Virtues Project offers clear definitions of the virtues and, through the Five Strategies, ways of speaking and listening that can nurture growth in the individual. They can be applied in any setting, such as a family, a school, a business, or on an individual level. The five Virtues Strategies are Speak the Language of the Virtues, Recognize Teachable Moments, Set Clear Boundaries, Honor the Spirit, and The Art of Spiritual Companioning. Then participants will be guided through a Virtues Pick, an exercise that implements all five strategies.
最初に「ヴァーチューズ・プロジェクト」の紹介を行います。ヴァーチューズ・プロジェクトは「美徳」というものがどのようなものであるかを明確にし、美徳を教育し育てて行く上で必要な話し方と相手の話を聴く方法である五つの方策を説明するものです。ヴァーチューズ・プロジェクトは、家庭、学校、職場や個人的な対人関係など、あらゆる場や状況で使用することができます。 「美徳の五つの方策」とは、「美徳を表す言葉を使用する」、「教えるのに適切な瞬間を捕らえる」、「明確な境界線を設ける」、「相手の魂を敬う」、友となって話を聴く」です。これらの説明の後、参加者の方々と「五つの方策/戦略」の実践を試みるため「ヴァーチューズ・ピック」というアクティビティーを行います。ヴァーチューズを通した成長と関係の再生
Saturday March 9th afternoon sessions
Seminar Building and Tea House
Featured Speakers
Helen Matsuki & Eiko Todo 1:00-2:50 Room 208
Dyslexia – the Challenges of Bilingualism and Support Systems
Helen Brittle-Matsuki , originally from Scotland has lived overseas for 40 years, the last 37 in Tokyo. Her background is in Early Childhood Education, Bilingual Education and Learning Difficulties. A full-time teacher at Nishimachi International School for 18 years, she has worked for the last 18 years as an independent tutor mainly with children in the foreign community. Helen has a master’s degree in education, certification in various methods of teaching dyslexics and early childhood diplomas in Montessori and ESL.
Eiko Todo is the Chairperson of the N.P.O. EDGE (Japan Dyslexia Society) which she established in 2001 to work with and advocate for children with learning difficulties
藤堂栄子は、平成13以来NPO法人エッジ 会長 、港区個別支援室 室長、LD(学習障害)の中核症状であるディスレクシアの啓発、サポート、国内外のネットワーク
Helen and Eiko will talk in turn to cover the following topics in English and Japanese: a brief history of dyslexia both around the world and in Japan; challenges for dyslexics and bilingual children in international schools and in Japan schools. Helen will talk about resources and learning support, both on the web and in international schools. Eiko will explain the work of her NPO Edge and the learning support that is now available in Japan.
Kumiko Fujimura-Fanselow 藤村ファンズロー久美子 3:00-3:50 Room 208
(Professor of Education and Women’s Studies, Toyo Eiwa University)
An Exploration of Teaching/Learning Practices in Women’s Studies
My institution is probably one of the few universities in Japan—or perhaps in any country—that requires all students to take an introductory course in women’s studies, and I have been teaching such a course ever since the university was established in 1989. In doing so, my particular concern has been to explore and develop ways of teaching and learning based on feminist pedagogical principles that encourage students to gain awareness of and to critically question various forms of gender bias and stereotyping that they have, in most cases, unconsciously internalized, and from there begin to define their own identities as women and human beings and their goals for the future. In the presentation I will ask the participants to take part in an exercise I do in the introductory women’s studies class designed to raise consciousness of these internalized gender stereotypes, and I will share the responses I have gotten from my own students. In addition, I will discuss how with my seminar students I have used a book written by the late feminist/activist and art historian Midori Wakakuwa, Ohimesama to Jendaa—anime de manabu otoko to onna no jendaa nyumon (Princess and Gender—introduction to study of gender through animation) to further enhance their understanding of how the views many of them have regarding femininity, gender roles, and future aspirations have been influenced and constrained by family socialization, education, and the media.
女性学という授業を全学生の必修科目として設けている大学が恐らく珍しい中、私は本女子大学の開学当時から23年に渡り、この科目を主に1年生を対象に担当して来た。その過程で、フェミニスト・ペダゴジーに基づいた参加型教育・学習方法を探り展開していくことは、私が最も関心を持ち、重視して来たことである。 導入科目である女性学の場合、殆どの学生にとって馴染みの薄い授業であるため、まず目指してきたことは、一人ひとりが幼いときから無意識に家庭教育、学校教育、あるいはメディアの影響によって内面化してきたジェンダーに対する固定概念、偏った考え、思い込みを意識化し、他の学生と共有し、分析し、疑問視することである。このような学習体験を経た上で、主体的に一個人としての価値観やアイデンティティーを徐々に持つようになり、そこから将来に向けての新たな人生設計を創造できるまで成長することを期待している。このワークシップでは、参加者のみなさんに以上のような作業に取り組んでもらうと同時に、これまでに多くの学生・社会人から得た回答の分析結果を報告する。さらに、3年ゼミで扱ってきた、若桑みどり著(2003年)『お姫様とジェンダー―アニメで学ぶ男と女のジェンダー入門』は、学生のジェンダーや将来展望に対する考え方を深化させる大変有効な教材だと思われるので、この本の感想にも触れる。
Astrid Sato 3:00–3:50 Room 207
Feminism and Women’s Rights in Middle Eastern countries
Sharia law and its application and confusion with cultural customs
A lecturer in German at Tokyo Institute of Technology, I have travelled to 36 countries am studying Arabic at present and doing research on Arabic culture and politics in the Middle East, especially Syria.
We will cover the rights of the woman according to the chapter on women in the qr’an, and compare this to the actual present day practice in Middle Eastern countries and look at the supposed fragility of the marital bond in Islam. The second part will deal with rules and practices on women’s dress code in various Arab countries, and the actual original rules in the qr’an, and also touch on conflicts between laws and rights of Muslim women living in France. In the third part we will discuss various degrees of gender segregation in homes, public places and mosques. In the fourth part we will go into the demand in Islam to develop and use one’s intelligence, and the state of women’s education and professional roles in several Arab countries. Finally we will discuss the contributions of women to the Arab spring, with several examples, and present several short interviews with Arab women about their hopes for the future after the revolution.
中東の国々のフェミニズムと女性の権利 イスラム教法典シャーリアと、その応用、文化的習慣の混乱。
Pauline Tsukamoto 3:00-3:50 Tea House (separate building)
Welcome in Spring 2013 Feeling Good!!
Tips, tools, processes and practices for smooth, significant and successful daily living.
This experiential workshop focuses on Self Care. With a set of questions to stimulate self inquiry we will look at how we take care of ourselves in our day to day lives and what else is possible. I will share information, tools, processes and practice.
What is self care? Why is it so important? In the busyness of everyday it is easy to neglect ourselves. We carry on regardless driven by energy that wears us out as it supports us. We become unavailable to care for ourselves in the way we deserve, the way we must, to know the best of all we can be. Self care is self love in action. What actions do we take to maintain our well-being when our attention and energy is given to outside commitments, responsibilities and realities? What offers relief from these daily demands? What beliefs will let us have ‘me time’, a space to let go and be who we are, express our truth, dance with our own delights? Can we even more importantly give time, just moments even to just sit, and be soothed by the deeper knowing within, that inner stillness that knows no clock, no stress, no schedule – that reconnects us to our source. This spring of 2013 let’s spring-clean our minds, and engage with our mental faculties more positively and productively. Our brain and body will reap the benefits fuelling our motivation to stay with our expanded self care practices and our commitment to smooth, significant and successful daily living. I am English, 66, a longtime resident of Japan, and a certified life coach. I am passionate about supporting women in their personal advancement and creative contribution for a more fulfilling life.
この経験に基づくワークショップではセルフケアに焦点を当てます。自己への問いかけを活性化する質問で、日常生活で自分をどの様に管理するのか、他にどんなことが出来るのかを考えます。情報や手段、過程と練習を参加者の皆さんと共有します。セルフケア(自己管理)とは何でしょうか。なぜそれがそんなに大切なのでしょうか。忙しい日常生活では自分自身に無頓着になりやすいのです。私達は自分達を支えていると同時に消耗させているエネルギーに駆り立てられて頑張り通します。私達は努力に値するような、しなければならないやり方で自分を気遣うことも、最適なセルフケアを知る事も出来なくなるのです。セルフケアは自分を元気にする自己愛の活動です。私達の注意やエネルギーが自分以外の義務や責任に向けられたら、健康を維持するためにどの様な活動を取り入れたら良いのでしょうか。日常の要求から安らぎを得るのに何が役に立つのでしょうか。どの様な信念が、「私の時間」つまり己を忘れ、自分が自分であり、自分の真実を表現し、自分の喜びに心躍らせるスペースを私達にもたらしてくれるのでしょうか。もっと大切なことは、ちょっと座るだけの時間を作ること、つまり時計も、ストレスもスケジュールもないことを体験する内面の静寂さや自分の根源と自分を再びつなげる自分の中の深い認識によって癒される時間を作ることです。2013年の春は心の大掃除をして、精神力をより前向きで生産性のあるものに合わせていきましょう。脳と身体はセルフケア訓練や平穏で意義ある日常生活の関わり合いに耳を傾けることで動機付けの活力が高まります。 英国人、66歳、日本に長期在住、ライフコーチの資格を持つ。女性の自己向上、より充実した人生への創造的貢献に情熱を持って取り組んでいる。
Atsuko Kono 河野 敦子 4:00-5:00 Tea House (separate building)
Oki and Indian Yoga class (from beginner to advanced)
Atsuko Kono (河野敦子), schooled in the Oki-Sensei and Indian yoga traditions, has been teaching yoga for 38 years in Japan and New York. She has a degree in physical education and is a certified high school teacher. She has studied yoga in India from the masters where she lived for some time. She also studied yoga in Europe and America. This yoga class is designed for anyone to join, starting with the basics of yoga, including breathing exercises, stretching, acu-pressure, and correct body balance for body circulation. If you have a yoga mat, please bring it; otherwise a bath towel will suffice. Wear clothing that is easy to move in; no shoes are necessary.
沖ヨガ&インドヨガ (初心者から上級者まで)
河野 敦子は38年間、日本とニユーヨークで、ヨガを教える。 大学では、スポーツ学を学び、中学高校教職免許取得。インドに住み、ヨギにより、ヨガの勉強をする。そののちヨーロッパ、アメリカにヨガの勉強に行く。帰国したのち、体のポイントを知る為、指圧の学校に通う。 だれにでも出来るヨガで、ヨガの基本から始まり呼吸法、ストレッチ、そうして、指圧を通して、体のバランスを取りながら、体全体の循環を良くしていく。 (ヨガマット持参か、床にひくためのバスタオルをお持ちください&かんたんな動きが出来る為の服装で、靴は必要ありません。)
Kim Tierney & Ann Jenkins 4:00-5:30 Room 208
Introduction to the Voice
Kimberly is an experienced trainer, she has worked in the performing arts industry in artistic and administrative capacities as well as a performer. She currently works as voice over artist in Tokyo for Toyota, Yakult, TOTO, and teaches acting in English at the United Performer's Studio.
Ann is a natural performer. Her first stage appearance was at the age of four and there's been no stopping her since. She studied Drama & English at university and has been a teacher for over thirty years. She's now working as a voice actor and is involved with English-language theatre in Tokyo. She's never had a problem being heard!
After participating in this workshop, you should be better able to:Have you ever wished your voice were loud, clear, and able to reach the back of a large room? Do you want to command attention with your voice from the very first word? Introduction to the Voice can help you achieve you best natural voice effortlessly.
◗ Have a plan to deal with stage fright and nervousness
◗ Understand the difference between chest, head, and top voice
◗ Be able to produce a supported sound with proper breathing
The workshop will cover:
Understanding vocal production, Expansion activity: The breath
Voice warm ups, the three voices, resonance
Discussion: what stops you from being heard? Techniques to release stage fright
The Voice の紹介: あなたの声がもっと大きく、はっきりと聞こえてほしい、大きい部屋でも後ろの席まで届いてほしいと思ったことはありませんか?あなたの声を、始めの一言から聞いてほしいと思ったことはありませんか?The Voiceを紹介することで、楽に、自然に、最高の声がでるようにお手伝いします。
・舞台であがったり、場遅れすることに対処できる 胸、頭そして最高の声ということを理解する
ワークショップでは 発声、呼吸、声のウオームアップ、3 つの声、響き、なぜあなたの声は聞こえにくいのか、ステージフライトの対処などを学びます
Saturday evening – WELL PLAYED!!
19:30 – 21:00
Big Meeting Room Seminar Bldg. 2nd Floor 大会議室 研究棟 2F
Fun and Entertainment for all - come and share your talents!
Be sure to volunteer in advance – talk to Ann Jenkins
Sunday March 10th morning sessions all in Seminar Building
Jeanette Dennisson 9:00–9:50 Room 208
Doctor or Housewife: A woman’s struggle of social identity
Balancing both a career and a family is a continuing challenge for the modern woman, especially in academic medicine. Conflicts with family responsibilities and lack of role models are recognized influential factors of career choices and achievements. This is an exploratory study that examines the struggles of the social identity and work-life balance of women in academic medicine.
仕事と家庭の両方のバランスをとることは、アカデミックな分野、 特に医学の分野におい ては、女性にとって長期的にみて多くの課題がある。 家族に対する責任やrole modelが ないことは、キャリアの選択や成果に影響を与える因子である。 本研究は、医学の分野における女性のワーク・ ライフバランスや 社会的アイデンティティに対する意識について調査したものである。
Kumiko Shutto 出頭久美子 9:00-9:50 Room 207
(Hachioji City Junior high school English teacher 八王子市立中学英語教員)
My 5 years Experience of Teaching English
I have been working for Hachioji City Junior High School since I started my career of teaching English as a “shin-sai”, newly recruited. I will talk about how I have struggled and what I have learned.
Featured Speaker
Momoko Nakamura 中村桃子 10:00–11:30 Room 208
Nakamura Momoko, Ph.D. is Professor at Kanto Gakuin University. Her recent publications include Onna kotoba wa tsukurareru [Constructing Women’s Language] (Received the 27th Yamakawa Kikue Award), Sei to Nihongo [Sex and Japanese language] and Nihongo to onna kotoba [Japanese Language and Women’s Language]. She also edited Jendaa de manabu gengogaku [Learning Linguistics by Gender] and translated Language and Sexuality by Deborah Cameron & Don Kulick into Japanese.
Non-Japanese Women Changing Japanese Language
Japanese language is well-known for having women’s language. As many of you have already noticed, however, most Japanese women do not speak women’s language. Then who is speaking Japanese women’s language? In my talk, I will show that it is the translated speech of non-Japanese women, especially white heroines, that has reproduced Japanese women’s language. Paradoxically, from Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind to Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the so-called tradition of Japanese women’s language has been preserved by the speech uttered from non-Japanese bodies. The speech of non-Japanese women has also instigated a change observed in the use of Japanese women’s language. Japanese women’s language has been considered to be a polite, soft, and indirect way of speaking. From the 1980s, however, it has also been used in giving orders, making strong assertions, being snobbish. This change has been instigated by the speech of strong heroines in Hollywood films of the 1970s dubbed in Japanese. In Alien, Norma Rae,and The Turning Point, the speech of the heroines is automatically translated into stereotypically feminine women’s language. Non-Japanese women have played a crucial role in reproducing and changing Japanese language.
11:30–11:50 Room 208
Moderators: Diane Nagatomo, Michele Steele、Eriko Okanouchi
We urge everyone to fill in the questionnaire and give us your feedback on the presentations, organization and ideas/requests for future topics and speakers. WELL is what we all make it.
March 8-10 (Fri-Sun) ・ 3月8日(金)-10日(日)
National Women’s Education Center ・ 国立女性教育会館
The organizers, Diane Nagatomo, Laurel Kamada, Marian Hara, Vicky Muehleisen and Eriko Okanouchi welcome you to the 18th annual WELL conference/retreat. We hope you will have a wonderful time and make many new connections--with ideas, projects, people, and your own rejuvenated self.
長友ダイアン, 蒲田ローレル, 原マリアン, ヴィクトリア・ミューライゼン、 岡野内恵里子 の幹事一同は、第18回WELL研修会・リトリートへの皆様のご参加を心より歓迎致します。皆さまにとって有意義な時となり、また、新たな出会いと交流の場ともなりますよう、様々なプログラムを用意いたしております。楽しいひと時を過ごされますよう願っております。
参加者の皆様へPlease remember:
- Most workshops will take place in the Seminar Hall, with two taking place in the Tea Ceremony House
- ワークショップは茶屋(ヨガ)と研修棟(その他)で行われます。
- Meal times in the cafeteria in the main building are: Breakfast 7:30 to 8:30 AM; Lunch 11:30 to 1:30 PM; and Dinner 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
- 本館食堂での食事時間について:朝食は7時30分から8時30分 昼食は11時半から13時半 夕食は18時から20時までです.
- Our resource room is “shokaigishitu”. Please put any materials you want to share on the table. Enjoy the room for informal conversation throughout the retreat.
- 小会議室(研修棟)がWELLルーム(資料室)となっています。他の参加者と共有したい資料をお持ち下さい。リトリートの期間中、参加者同士が気楽な会話をお楽しみ頂ける部屋です。
Friday March 8th evening events
The Meeting Room: Main Building
3月8日(金)夜のお楽しみ ミーティング・ルーム(宿泊棟2階)
7:30 pm
All Get Together : Celebration of International Women’s Day
全員集合:2013年国際女性の日を祝って 今年のテーマはジェンダー問題改善の飛躍の年とする
8:00-9:00 pm
Belly Dancing with Astrid Sato
Everyone should bring some yoga- like pants or jazz-pants and a tank top or camisole or short t-shirt and a hip scarf - any scarf that can be wrapped around the hips long enough to have dangling ends. ♪♪♪
参加される方へ' ヨーガまたはジャズ用のパンツに、タンクトップかキャミソールか半袖のTシャツ、それにヒップスカーフ、または腰全体に巻けて両端が垂れ下がるほどの長さのスカーフをご用意ください。
9:00-9:30 pm 談話室Danwa Shitsu
Book Share (5 minute sessions)
Bring a book you think others ought to hear about and read! You’ll have 5 minutes to explain why it’s so great. Please mail Marian in advance so we can arrange the schedule: [email protected]
皆さんに薦めたい本がありますか?あなたの時間は5分間まで。ご希望の方はマリアンにメールください [email protected] 会場は談話室です。
Saturday March 9th morning sessions 3月9日 午前の部
Seminar Building
Diane Nagatomo 長友ダイアン 9:00–9:50 Room 208
The Gendered Lives of Professional Teachers
Teachers’ identities are shaped by their private and professional lives, and they are strongly influenced by the culture in which they live. This workshop will be comprised of two parts. The first part is a guided discussion of gender issues that influence the lives of Japanese and non-Japanese male and female teachers—especially those teaching at the universities. The second half of the workshop will discuss teachers’ narratives of their personal experiences teaching in Japan.
Harumi Gondo 権藤晴美 9:00-9:50 Room 207
"You call me rude, but I'm just being straightforward"
Understanding personality types to identify and appreciate yourself and others.
Learning the different ways that people perceive and behave in different situations gives us space to accept ourselves and others. This session will begin with a brief introduction to one well-known personality theory and a basic test that can help participants identify their own types. We will then divide into different groups according to type and engage in activities designed to show participants how different people see or behave in different ways.
さまざまな状況で、人々が感知し、動作することを、さまざまな方法を学ぶことは、自分や他人を受け入れることを私たちにスペースを与える。 このセッションでは、1つのよく知られた人格理論と参加者が独自のタイプを識別するのに役立つことができる基本的なテストを簡単に紹介で始まります。 我々は、その後、別の人が見たり、さまざまな方法でどのように動作するか、参加者を表示するように設計活動に従事すると入力に応じて異なるグループに分割されます。自分と他人を識別し、理解するために性格タイプを理解する
Peggy Otake 應武マーガレット・パイン 9:00-9:50 Room 206
(Associate Professor, Tokyo Seitoku University東京成徳大学, 国際言語文化学科 准教授)
The presenter, an American, is the main department coordinator of this project helping children whose immigrant parents from Latin America, the Philippines, and other countries in Asia are working in the local factories. First, a history of the project and a description of the activities will be given and then an analysis of some of the issues involved in trying to coordinate between various entities will be offered. The varying perspectives of participants will be presented. In particular, the presenter will offer closing comments on her attempts to be recognized as a legitimate participant with experience as an insider/outsider and expertise as a language teacher that is relevant to the children’s needs. Comments and questions related to other community service projects will be welcomed.Sharing in Community: A description of a local volunteer project designed to help immigrant children learn Japanese and integrate into Japanese culture by international department university students
発表者は米国人でこのプロジェクトのメインコーディネーターとして活動しています。 プロジェクトは南米、フィリピン、アジア諸国からの移民で地元の工場等で働いている両親を持つ子供たちを対象としています。まず、プロジェクトの歴史とアクティビティの内容の説明をしたのち、様々なグループ間のコーディネイトをする際に発生する諸問題について、同時にプロジェクト参加者のそれぞれの立場について解説します。英語教師の発表者は、日本人ではないのですが、外国語教育の専門家として、これらの子供たちの日本語学習に何が必要なのか理解しているからこそ貢献できるのですが、そのことを皆さんに知ってもらうためにいかに工夫しているかをお話しします。コミュニティー・サービス・プロジェクトに関わっている方のコメントと質問も歓迎します。
Eriko Okanouchi 岡野内恵里子 10:00-10:50 Room 208
Mediation, now:ADR in Japan・・・from the stance of civil activity
I will talk about mediation practices in Japan and my 3 years local activity of promoting volunteer based services.
Eriko Okanouchi, Japanese representative of APMF, has been working voluntarily to promote mediation as a citizens activity since 2008. In May 2011, opened a Community Mediation Room collaborating with the Child Abuse Prevention Citizen Network in Tama area, while working for an elementary school in 2010, and has been working for a junior high school promoting mediation since 2011. has been playing an unique role as a pioneer in the field where citizens are the actual mediation practitioners, while other mediation and ADR organizations in Japan are mostly governed and operated by legal specialists.Kusanone Mediation no KaiKusanone Mediation no Kai
メディエーションって何? 従来の調停との違い、過去3年間のメディエーション/相談活動についてお話します。メディエーション なう:日本における裁判外紛争解決(ADR)・・・市民活動の試み
Student Presentations 10:00-11:30 Room 207
Saki Suemori (Ochanomizu University) (10:00-10:30)
Japanese pre-service teachers’ beliefs when they engage in teaching practice
This presentation will introduce what kind of beliefs Japanese pre-service teachers have when they engage in teaching practice in their teaching methodology course. Depending on the results of the questionnaire I distributed to pre-service teachers, the following two points will be indicated: how pre-service teachers use their past learning experiences and how English teaching methodology courses in universities affect them. I would like to investigate how these two issues affect pre-service teachers’ beliefs.
Alif Meem Nurani (Tohoku University) (10:30-11:00)
Gender and Class Differences among Bangladeshi Children: Education, Ambitions and Limitations
Motivated by my dilemma in growing up in my Bangladesh neighborhood among children from a diverse range of socio-economic groups, and my father’s volunteer activities at a school he started for poor neighborhood children unable to attend school, I examine ambitions, imagined communities and futures of the children. Results revealed that girls (more than boys) from lower economic classes have restricted imagined futures and limited choices of professions and thus do not feel that they can realistically dream bigger. I hope to provide them with means and methods to create and uncover their dreams.
Mizuki Kanazawa & Nozomi Kitabayashi (Seijo University) (11:00-11:30)
Declining Birth Rates and Working Environments in Japan
Nowadays, Japan has many social problems, and two of these problems are declining birth rates and bad working environment. We think that these problems are connected with each other. So we are going to talk about solutions to these problems.
Marie Cosgrove マリー・コスグロブ 10:00-10:50 Room 206
Using Video Content to Increase Student Motivation
What is needed for students to want to continue to study the language is video, which can be easily accessed on the Internet. Video in an interesting story form increases intrinsic motivation as students can learn and acquire the language in context. In one student’s words! “This story was very interesting for me so I was able to take a class happily. This video excites my study will for English.”
ヴィデオを使って, やる気を高める取り組み
Gerry Yokota ジェリ ヨコタ 11:00-11:50 Room 208
(Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Osaka University)
Mixed Roots: Intertwining Gender and Ethnicity
The popularity of "hafu" celebrities in advertising and entertainment may give the superficial impression that Japanese society warmly accepts people from hybrid ethnic backgrounds. But, what about people who do not fit the image of Takigawa Christel, Becky, Wentz or Yuji? In this presentation, I propose to introduce the voices of a wider range of mixed roots folk. I will report on recent activities of the Mixed Roots Academic Forum and other activists and artists who are working to gain recognition for a more diverse, inclusive image, focusing my analysis especially on those whose approaches exhibit heightened awareness and/or potential for raising consciousness of the complex effects of gender and class in the formation of ethnic identity.
Kathleen Riggins 11:00-11:50 Room 206
Renewal and Growth through the Virtues
First, the Virtues Project will be introduced. The Virtues Project offers clear definitions of the virtues and, through the Five Strategies, ways of speaking and listening that can nurture growth in the individual. They can be applied in any setting, such as a family, a school, a business, or on an individual level. The five Virtues Strategies are Speak the Language of the Virtues, Recognize Teachable Moments, Set Clear Boundaries, Honor the Spirit, and The Art of Spiritual Companioning. Then participants will be guided through a Virtues Pick, an exercise that implements all five strategies.
最初に「ヴァーチューズ・プロジェクト」の紹介を行います。ヴァーチューズ・プロジェクトは「美徳」というものがどのようなものであるかを明確にし、美徳を教育し育てて行く上で必要な話し方と相手の話を聴く方法である五つの方策を説明するものです。ヴァーチューズ・プロジェクトは、家庭、学校、職場や個人的な対人関係など、あらゆる場や状況で使用することができます。 「美徳の五つの方策」とは、「美徳を表す言葉を使用する」、「教えるのに適切な瞬間を捕らえる」、「明確な境界線を設ける」、「相手の魂を敬う」、友となって話を聴く」です。これらの説明の後、参加者の方々と「五つの方策/戦略」の実践を試みるため「ヴァーチューズ・ピック」というアクティビティーを行います。ヴァーチューズを通した成長と関係の再生
Saturday March 9th afternoon sessions
Seminar Building and Tea House
Featured Speakers
Helen Matsuki & Eiko Todo 1:00-2:50 Room 208
Dyslexia – the Challenges of Bilingualism and Support Systems
Helen Brittle-Matsuki , originally from Scotland has lived overseas for 40 years, the last 37 in Tokyo. Her background is in Early Childhood Education, Bilingual Education and Learning Difficulties. A full-time teacher at Nishimachi International School for 18 years, she has worked for the last 18 years as an independent tutor mainly with children in the foreign community. Helen has a master’s degree in education, certification in various methods of teaching dyslexics and early childhood diplomas in Montessori and ESL.
Eiko Todo is the Chairperson of the N.P.O. EDGE (Japan Dyslexia Society) which she established in 2001 to work with and advocate for children with learning difficulties
藤堂栄子は、平成13以来NPO法人エッジ 会長 、港区個別支援室 室長、LD(学習障害)の中核症状であるディスレクシアの啓発、サポート、国内外のネットワーク
Helen and Eiko will talk in turn to cover the following topics in English and Japanese: a brief history of dyslexia both around the world and in Japan; challenges for dyslexics and bilingual children in international schools and in Japan schools. Helen will talk about resources and learning support, both on the web and in international schools. Eiko will explain the work of her NPO Edge and the learning support that is now available in Japan.
Kumiko Fujimura-Fanselow 藤村ファンズロー久美子 3:00-3:50 Room 208
(Professor of Education and Women’s Studies, Toyo Eiwa University)
An Exploration of Teaching/Learning Practices in Women’s Studies
My institution is probably one of the few universities in Japan—or perhaps in any country—that requires all students to take an introductory course in women’s studies, and I have been teaching such a course ever since the university was established in 1989. In doing so, my particular concern has been to explore and develop ways of teaching and learning based on feminist pedagogical principles that encourage students to gain awareness of and to critically question various forms of gender bias and stereotyping that they have, in most cases, unconsciously internalized, and from there begin to define their own identities as women and human beings and their goals for the future. In the presentation I will ask the participants to take part in an exercise I do in the introductory women’s studies class designed to raise consciousness of these internalized gender stereotypes, and I will share the responses I have gotten from my own students. In addition, I will discuss how with my seminar students I have used a book written by the late feminist/activist and art historian Midori Wakakuwa, Ohimesama to Jendaa—anime de manabu otoko to onna no jendaa nyumon (Princess and Gender—introduction to study of gender through animation) to further enhance their understanding of how the views many of them have regarding femininity, gender roles, and future aspirations have been influenced and constrained by family socialization, education, and the media.
女性学という授業を全学生の必修科目として設けている大学が恐らく珍しい中、私は本女子大学の開学当時から23年に渡り、この科目を主に1年生を対象に担当して来た。その過程で、フェミニスト・ペダゴジーに基づいた参加型教育・学習方法を探り展開していくことは、私が最も関心を持ち、重視して来たことである。 導入科目である女性学の場合、殆どの学生にとって馴染みの薄い授業であるため、まず目指してきたことは、一人ひとりが幼いときから無意識に家庭教育、学校教育、あるいはメディアの影響によって内面化してきたジェンダーに対する固定概念、偏った考え、思い込みを意識化し、他の学生と共有し、分析し、疑問視することである。このような学習体験を経た上で、主体的に一個人としての価値観やアイデンティティーを徐々に持つようになり、そこから将来に向けての新たな人生設計を創造できるまで成長することを期待している。このワークシップでは、参加者のみなさんに以上のような作業に取り組んでもらうと同時に、これまでに多くの学生・社会人から得た回答の分析結果を報告する。さらに、3年ゼミで扱ってきた、若桑みどり著(2003年)『お姫様とジェンダー―アニメで学ぶ男と女のジェンダー入門』は、学生のジェンダーや将来展望に対する考え方を深化させる大変有効な教材だと思われるので、この本の感想にも触れる。
Astrid Sato 3:00–3:50 Room 207
Feminism and Women’s Rights in Middle Eastern countries
Sharia law and its application and confusion with cultural customs
A lecturer in German at Tokyo Institute of Technology, I have travelled to 36 countries am studying Arabic at present and doing research on Arabic culture and politics in the Middle East, especially Syria.
We will cover the rights of the woman according to the chapter on women in the qr’an, and compare this to the actual present day practice in Middle Eastern countries and look at the supposed fragility of the marital bond in Islam. The second part will deal with rules and practices on women’s dress code in various Arab countries, and the actual original rules in the qr’an, and also touch on conflicts between laws and rights of Muslim women living in France. In the third part we will discuss various degrees of gender segregation in homes, public places and mosques. In the fourth part we will go into the demand in Islam to develop and use one’s intelligence, and the state of women’s education and professional roles in several Arab countries. Finally we will discuss the contributions of women to the Arab spring, with several examples, and present several short interviews with Arab women about their hopes for the future after the revolution.
中東の国々のフェミニズムと女性の権利 イスラム教法典シャーリアと、その応用、文化的習慣の混乱。
Pauline Tsukamoto 3:00-3:50 Tea House (separate building)
Welcome in Spring 2013 Feeling Good!!
Tips, tools, processes and practices for smooth, significant and successful daily living.
This experiential workshop focuses on Self Care. With a set of questions to stimulate self inquiry we will look at how we take care of ourselves in our day to day lives and what else is possible. I will share information, tools, processes and practice.
What is self care? Why is it so important? In the busyness of everyday it is easy to neglect ourselves. We carry on regardless driven by energy that wears us out as it supports us. We become unavailable to care for ourselves in the way we deserve, the way we must, to know the best of all we can be. Self care is self love in action. What actions do we take to maintain our well-being when our attention and energy is given to outside commitments, responsibilities and realities? What offers relief from these daily demands? What beliefs will let us have ‘me time’, a space to let go and be who we are, express our truth, dance with our own delights? Can we even more importantly give time, just moments even to just sit, and be soothed by the deeper knowing within, that inner stillness that knows no clock, no stress, no schedule – that reconnects us to our source. This spring of 2013 let’s spring-clean our minds, and engage with our mental faculties more positively and productively. Our brain and body will reap the benefits fuelling our motivation to stay with our expanded self care practices and our commitment to smooth, significant and successful daily living. I am English, 66, a longtime resident of Japan, and a certified life coach. I am passionate about supporting women in their personal advancement and creative contribution for a more fulfilling life.
この経験に基づくワークショップではセルフケアに焦点を当てます。自己への問いかけを活性化する質問で、日常生活で自分をどの様に管理するのか、他にどんなことが出来るのかを考えます。情報や手段、過程と練習を参加者の皆さんと共有します。セルフケア(自己管理)とは何でしょうか。なぜそれがそんなに大切なのでしょうか。忙しい日常生活では自分自身に無頓着になりやすいのです。私達は自分達を支えていると同時に消耗させているエネルギーに駆り立てられて頑張り通します。私達は努力に値するような、しなければならないやり方で自分を気遣うことも、最適なセルフケアを知る事も出来なくなるのです。セルフケアは自分を元気にする自己愛の活動です。私達の注意やエネルギーが自分以外の義務や責任に向けられたら、健康を維持するためにどの様な活動を取り入れたら良いのでしょうか。日常の要求から安らぎを得るのに何が役に立つのでしょうか。どの様な信念が、「私の時間」つまり己を忘れ、自分が自分であり、自分の真実を表現し、自分の喜びに心躍らせるスペースを私達にもたらしてくれるのでしょうか。もっと大切なことは、ちょっと座るだけの時間を作ること、つまり時計も、ストレスもスケジュールもないことを体験する内面の静寂さや自分の根源と自分を再びつなげる自分の中の深い認識によって癒される時間を作ることです。2013年の春は心の大掃除をして、精神力をより前向きで生産性のあるものに合わせていきましょう。脳と身体はセルフケア訓練や平穏で意義ある日常生活の関わり合いに耳を傾けることで動機付けの活力が高まります。 英国人、66歳、日本に長期在住、ライフコーチの資格を持つ。女性の自己向上、より充実した人生への創造的貢献に情熱を持って取り組んでいる。
Atsuko Kono 河野 敦子 4:00-5:00 Tea House (separate building)
Oki and Indian Yoga class (from beginner to advanced)
Atsuko Kono (河野敦子), schooled in the Oki-Sensei and Indian yoga traditions, has been teaching yoga for 38 years in Japan and New York. She has a degree in physical education and is a certified high school teacher. She has studied yoga in India from the masters where she lived for some time. She also studied yoga in Europe and America. This yoga class is designed for anyone to join, starting with the basics of yoga, including breathing exercises, stretching, acu-pressure, and correct body balance for body circulation. If you have a yoga mat, please bring it; otherwise a bath towel will suffice. Wear clothing that is easy to move in; no shoes are necessary.
沖ヨガ&インドヨガ (初心者から上級者まで)
河野 敦子は38年間、日本とニユーヨークで、ヨガを教える。 大学では、スポーツ学を学び、中学高校教職免許取得。インドに住み、ヨギにより、ヨガの勉強をする。そののちヨーロッパ、アメリカにヨガの勉強に行く。帰国したのち、体のポイントを知る為、指圧の学校に通う。 だれにでも出来るヨガで、ヨガの基本から始まり呼吸法、ストレッチ、そうして、指圧を通して、体のバランスを取りながら、体全体の循環を良くしていく。 (ヨガマット持参か、床にひくためのバスタオルをお持ちください&かんたんな動きが出来る為の服装で、靴は必要ありません。)
Kim Tierney & Ann Jenkins 4:00-5:30 Room 208
Introduction to the Voice
Kimberly is an experienced trainer, she has worked in the performing arts industry in artistic and administrative capacities as well as a performer. She currently works as voice over artist in Tokyo for Toyota, Yakult, TOTO, and teaches acting in English at the United Performer's Studio.
Ann is a natural performer. Her first stage appearance was at the age of four and there's been no stopping her since. She studied Drama & English at university and has been a teacher for over thirty years. She's now working as a voice actor and is involved with English-language theatre in Tokyo. She's never had a problem being heard!
After participating in this workshop, you should be better able to:Have you ever wished your voice were loud, clear, and able to reach the back of a large room? Do you want to command attention with your voice from the very first word? Introduction to the Voice can help you achieve you best natural voice effortlessly.
◗ Have a plan to deal with stage fright and nervousness
◗ Understand the difference between chest, head, and top voice
◗ Be able to produce a supported sound with proper breathing
The workshop will cover:
Understanding vocal production, Expansion activity: The breath
Voice warm ups, the three voices, resonance
Discussion: what stops you from being heard? Techniques to release stage fright
The Voice の紹介: あなたの声がもっと大きく、はっきりと聞こえてほしい、大きい部屋でも後ろの席まで届いてほしいと思ったことはありませんか?あなたの声を、始めの一言から聞いてほしいと思ったことはありませんか?The Voiceを紹介することで、楽に、自然に、最高の声がでるようにお手伝いします。
・舞台であがったり、場遅れすることに対処できる 胸、頭そして最高の声ということを理解する
ワークショップでは 発声、呼吸、声のウオームアップ、3 つの声、響き、なぜあなたの声は聞こえにくいのか、ステージフライトの対処などを学びます
Saturday evening – WELL PLAYED!!
19:30 – 21:00
Big Meeting Room Seminar Bldg. 2nd Floor 大会議室 研究棟 2F
Fun and Entertainment for all - come and share your talents!
Be sure to volunteer in advance – talk to Ann Jenkins
Sunday March 10th morning sessions all in Seminar Building
Jeanette Dennisson 9:00–9:50 Room 208
Doctor or Housewife: A woman’s struggle of social identity
Balancing both a career and a family is a continuing challenge for the modern woman, especially in academic medicine. Conflicts with family responsibilities and lack of role models are recognized influential factors of career choices and achievements. This is an exploratory study that examines the struggles of the social identity and work-life balance of women in academic medicine.
仕事と家庭の両方のバランスをとることは、アカデミックな分野、 特に医学の分野におい ては、女性にとって長期的にみて多くの課題がある。 家族に対する責任やrole modelが ないことは、キャリアの選択や成果に影響を与える因子である。 本研究は、医学の分野における女性のワーク・ ライフバランスや 社会的アイデンティティに対する意識について調査したものである。
Kumiko Shutto 出頭久美子 9:00-9:50 Room 207
(Hachioji City Junior high school English teacher 八王子市立中学英語教員)
My 5 years Experience of Teaching English
I have been working for Hachioji City Junior High School since I started my career of teaching English as a “shin-sai”, newly recruited. I will talk about how I have struggled and what I have learned.
Featured Speaker
Momoko Nakamura 中村桃子 10:00–11:30 Room 208
Nakamura Momoko, Ph.D. is Professor at Kanto Gakuin University. Her recent publications include Onna kotoba wa tsukurareru [Constructing Women’s Language] (Received the 27th Yamakawa Kikue Award), Sei to Nihongo [Sex and Japanese language] and Nihongo to onna kotoba [Japanese Language and Women’s Language]. She also edited Jendaa de manabu gengogaku [Learning Linguistics by Gender] and translated Language and Sexuality by Deborah Cameron & Don Kulick into Japanese.
Non-Japanese Women Changing Japanese Language
Japanese language is well-known for having women’s language. As many of you have already noticed, however, most Japanese women do not speak women’s language. Then who is speaking Japanese women’s language? In my talk, I will show that it is the translated speech of non-Japanese women, especially white heroines, that has reproduced Japanese women’s language. Paradoxically, from Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind to Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the so-called tradition of Japanese women’s language has been preserved by the speech uttered from non-Japanese bodies. The speech of non-Japanese women has also instigated a change observed in the use of Japanese women’s language. Japanese women’s language has been considered to be a polite, soft, and indirect way of speaking. From the 1980s, however, it has also been used in giving orders, making strong assertions, being snobbish. This change has been instigated by the speech of strong heroines in Hollywood films of the 1970s dubbed in Japanese. In Alien, Norma Rae,and The Turning Point, the speech of the heroines is automatically translated into stereotypically feminine women’s language. Non-Japanese women have played a crucial role in reproducing and changing Japanese language.
11:30–11:50 Room 208
Moderators: Diane Nagatomo, Michele Steele、Eriko Okanouchi
We urge everyone to fill in the questionnaire and give us your feedback on the presentations, organization and ideas/requests for future topics and speakers. WELL is what we all make it.