Program Information from WELL Conference and Retreat 2018
March 2 to 4, 2018, at the National Women's Education Center in Saitama
開催日:2018年3月2日~4日 会場:埼玉県 国際女性教育会館(NWEC)
Registration started from 17:00 on Friday, March 2. Program ended at 12:00 on Sunday, March 4.
2018 Featured Speakers
Saturday afternoon 土曜午後
14:45 to 16:30
Ishizaka Tomoko (Ishizaka Sangyo) / 石坂知子(石坂産業)
WomanPower: Achieving Excellence in Management Through the 5 Senses
Ishizaka Sangyo is a garbage processing company located in Saitama which has been led by Noriko Ishizaka, the daughter of the founder, since 2002. Responding to local criticisms and fears of environmental damage, the new president introduced reforms and new recycling processes which have brought international renown for the company as a leader in the field of recycling. She has also set up environmental and educational projects in the area as a contribution to the local community and brought more women into the workforce at all levels.
Tomoko Ishizaka, the Executive Director, will explain the changes this company has gone through, and how womanpower can transform business culture and practices.
Sunday morning 日曜午前
10:30 to 11:45
Kathleen Brown (Kurume University) / キャスリーン・ブラウン(久留米大学)
Resonant Voices: Establishing Leadership in the Boys' Room
共鳴を起こす声 - “男の園”でリーダーシップを発揮する
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were a silent or non-majority participant in a gathering, meeting, or other forum? Have you ever been over-/out-talked by others when you felt that you had something important to contribute? Have you ever felt that your gender or nationality have played a role in your not being heard? Kathleen Brown of Kurume University in Kyushu has experienced these phenomena in multiple workplaces and situations in Japan. As the chair of several university committees and the developer/coordinator of an interdepartmental language program, she has learned to establish a voice with impact. Although in many of these situations, most teachers and administrators are male, there is a place for (foreign) female leadership amongst the “noise”.
会議や集会で、一言も発言しない参加者になったことがありますか? あるいは、自分だけが属性の異なる参加者だったことは? 貢献できる意見を持っていたのに、他の参加者たちに言い負かされたことは? 性別や国籍のせいで意見を聞いてもらえないと感じたことは? 久留米大学のキャスリーン・ブラウンは、日本の幾つもの職場でこのような経験をしたことがあります。複数の大学の委員会長として、そして学部を超えた言語プログラムの開発者/調整役としての経験を経て、周囲に影響を与える発言力を身に着けてきました。関与した組織やプログラムでは、教師や管理者の過半数を男性が占めていました。しかし、そのような、「雑音」が聞こえる環境であっても、(外国人の)女性がリーダーシップを取る場所はあります。
Professor Kathleen Brown has been in many scenarios where the majority of teachers and administrators are male. She will talk us through the issues she has faced in running the language program, her approaches to handling leadership roles in academia and her advice for those of us who might face similar issues at work and in other life situations.
March 2 to 4, 2018, at the National Women's Education Center in Saitama
開催日:2018年3月2日~4日 会場:埼玉県 国際女性教育会館(NWEC)
Registration started from 17:00 on Friday, March 2. Program ended at 12:00 on Sunday, March 4.
2018 Featured Speakers
Saturday afternoon 土曜午後
14:45 to 16:30
Ishizaka Tomoko (Ishizaka Sangyo) / 石坂知子(石坂産業)
WomanPower: Achieving Excellence in Management Through the 5 Senses
Ishizaka Sangyo is a garbage processing company located in Saitama which has been led by Noriko Ishizaka, the daughter of the founder, since 2002. Responding to local criticisms and fears of environmental damage, the new president introduced reforms and new recycling processes which have brought international renown for the company as a leader in the field of recycling. She has also set up environmental and educational projects in the area as a contribution to the local community and brought more women into the workforce at all levels.
Tomoko Ishizaka, the Executive Director, will explain the changes this company has gone through, and how womanpower can transform business culture and practices.
Sunday morning 日曜午前
10:30 to 11:45
Kathleen Brown (Kurume University) / キャスリーン・ブラウン(久留米大学)
Resonant Voices: Establishing Leadership in the Boys' Room
共鳴を起こす声 - “男の園”でリーダーシップを発揮する
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were a silent or non-majority participant in a gathering, meeting, or other forum? Have you ever been over-/out-talked by others when you felt that you had something important to contribute? Have you ever felt that your gender or nationality have played a role in your not being heard? Kathleen Brown of Kurume University in Kyushu has experienced these phenomena in multiple workplaces and situations in Japan. As the chair of several university committees and the developer/coordinator of an interdepartmental language program, she has learned to establish a voice with impact. Although in many of these situations, most teachers and administrators are male, there is a place for (foreign) female leadership amongst the “noise”.
会議や集会で、一言も発言しない参加者になったことがありますか? あるいは、自分だけが属性の異なる参加者だったことは? 貢献できる意見を持っていたのに、他の参加者たちに言い負かされたことは? 性別や国籍のせいで意見を聞いてもらえないと感じたことは? 久留米大学のキャスリーン・ブラウンは、日本の幾つもの職場でこのような経験をしたことがあります。複数の大学の委員会長として、そして学部を超えた言語プログラムの開発者/調整役としての経験を経て、周囲に影響を与える発言力を身に着けてきました。関与した組織やプログラムでは、教師や管理者の過半数を男性が占めていました。しかし、そのような、「雑音」が聞こえる環境であっても、(外国人の)女性がリーダーシップを取る場所はあります。
Professor Kathleen Brown has been in many scenarios where the majority of teachers and administrators are male. She will talk us through the issues she has faced in running the language program, her approaches to handling leadership roles in academia and her advice for those of us who might face similar issues at work and in other life situations.
More about the WELL Conference and Retreat
WELLリトリート大会について The women of WELL are women in Japan (both Japanese and non-Japanese) who are interested in issues related to education, social progress, personal development and more. We have a conference and retreat once a year. The "conference" part includes presentations and workshops; some of these are similar to ones at academic conferences, and some of these are more informal. We also have invited speakers; sometimes these are academics, but other times they are women from the community who are leaders or activists in issues we are interested in. The "retreat" part includes many informal and social activities during the weekend, including the WELL-played event where people share their talents. WELLに集まる女性たち(日本人か否かを問わず女性であれば誰でも歓迎します)は、教育や社会問題、個人の能力開発など、多様なトピックに興味を持っています。リトリート大会では、プレゼンテーションやワークショップを通じて学びを得ています。内容はアカデミックなものからリラックスしたものまで、様々あります。また、ゲストスピーカーとして、教育関係の女性や地域社会のリーダー的な役割を担っている女性、社会的な問題に取り組んでいる女性を招いています。お楽しみ企画もいろいろ設けています。例えば「タレントショー」で参加メンバーの隠れた才能を見られるなど、面白くアクティビティが満載の週末です。 WELL is always held at the National Women's Education Center of Japan, in Saitama. WELLは、埼玉県の国立女性教育会館で開催します。 |
More about the 2018 theme Women and Leadership
2018年のテーマ「女性とリーダーシップ」について This year, we will focus on ways women are leading change to create a better world. There are many ways in which we lead:by organizing and managing groups, by teaching others and educating ourselves, by being activists for social and political change, and by expressing our creativity and inspiring it in others. At this year's WELL, we will exchange ideas, share our successes, and encourage each other to continue in the struggle ahead. 今年は、自ら率先して変革を進めた女性たちに焦点を当てます。様々な方法で世界を良い方向に変えた女性たちです。組織を統括した女性。教育に携わった女性。自ら実践して社会や政治を変えた女性。創造力で人々に影響を与えた女性。今年のWELLは、みなで知恵を出し合い、成功体験を共有し、それぞれが自ら道を切り開いていけるように後押しします。 |
For updates as planning continues, check back at this web site, or join the WELL e-mail list on Yahoo, or check out our group on Facebook. (It's a closed group, so you'll have to ask to join.)