2020 celebrated WELL's 25th anniversary. For 25 years we brought you a bilingual conference/retreat in Japanese and English that focused on a particular theme of interest to women.
Our usual annual conference and retreat at the National Women's Education Center had to be cancelled in 2020.
Instead, we offered WELL Online, a series of presentations and workshops conducted via Zoom, in Autumn 2020.
Our usual annual conference and retreat at the National Women's Education Center had to be cancelled in 2020.
Instead, we offered WELL Online, a series of presentations and workshops conducted via Zoom, in Autumn 2020.
Schedule for WELL Online 2020
These presentations and workshops will were held via Zoom.
Sunday, September 20 13:00 to 14:30
Gerry Yokota : Connecting with the Feminine Energy Within
How do you connect with the feminine energy within? Some may commune with nature, others may be inspired by art. In this session, I will share a few selections of music that I use in the classroom, describe why I chose them and how they inspire me, and invite participants to share your responses and your favorites. Sharing the various ways we listen to the rhythms of our bodies and our souls, let’s collectively revitalize our power to cope with these difficult times. You don’t have to sit in front of your computer for this session! Plan on standing, stretching, dancing, doing yoga poses, whatever makes you feel alive!
Gerry Yokota retired at the end of March from her thirty-year career at Osaka University and is now reveling in her relatively liberated “second life” as a part-time teacher.
Saturday, October 3 14:00 to 15:30
Lisa Yinghong Li : Aging Women in Contemporary China: A Reading of Yiyun Li
リサ・イングホング : 代中国における高齢女性:イーユン・リーの短編小説
This presentation investigates the human condition of postsocialist China through Yiyun Li’s stories focusing on older women. Relevant issues receive sharp scrutiny to reveal deep anxieties brought by a new political and economic system in which traditional virtues such as filial piety are replaced by confusing and often cruel norms of behavior and attitude.
Lisa Yinghong Li is an Associate Professor at J. F. Oberlin University, Tokyo, Japan. She teaches courses on Japanese literature, cinema, and culture. She received M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States. Her research interests include East Asian culture and literature in Chinese diaspora.
Saturday, October 17 10:30 to 12:00
Jennifer Yphantides : Career Trajectories of Women of Color in Japanese Higher Educationジェニファー・ イファンタイ:日本の高等教育における有色人女性の進路
This presentation reports on qualitative research conducted with women of color working in higher education in Japan. It traces their career trajectories and identifies factors that have promotes success amongst these women.
Jennifer Yphantides is a lecturer at Soka University. She has been teaching English since 1993 and has enjoyed working in North America, Europe, The Middle East and Asia. She has a BA in History from McGill University, an MA in War Studies from Kings College, London and an MA TESOL from Teachers College, Columbia University and an EdD in Organizational Leadership from Northeastern University. Her current research interests are teacher identity, leadership in TESOL, bilingualism and brain disorders.
ジェニファー ・イファンタイは創価大学の講師です。 1993年から英語を教えており、北米、ヨーロッパ、中東、アジアでの仕事を楽しんでいます。彼女は、マギル大学で歴史学の学士号、ロンドンのキングスカレッジで戦争研究の修士号、コロンビア大学ティーチャーズカレッジで修士号、ノースイースタン大学で組織リーダーシップの修士号を取得しています。現在の研究対象は、教師のアイデンティティ、TESOLのリーダーシップ、バイリンガリズム、脳障害です。
Sunday, October 25 10:30 to 12:00
Mary Nobuoka : Positive Living: Using Positive Psychology to Develop Wellbeing
信岡・メアリー :ポジティブに暮らす:心理学的なポジティヴアプローチで幸福を育む
In the 20th Century, the study of psychology focused on the conditions and issues that cause anxiety, depression, or maladjustment. However, more recently psychologists, starting with the pioneering Martin Seligman (psychology professor at University of Pennsylvania and author of Flourish), have started asking about what makes people happy and gives people fulfillment. In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of this new field of Positive Psychology and try out activities that will help build wellbeing in their lives. Practical exercises include various forms of meditation and mindfulness training, expressing gratitude, becoming more self-aware, active listening and building empathy.
Mary Nobuoka teaches at Keio University and Waseda University. In a soft-skills course which she developed, students learn goal-setting, time management skills, emotional intelligence and Positive Psychology practices.
Saturday, November 7, 10:30 to noon
Christina Minamizawa : A Woman's Resiliency, Belief and Determination in a Man's World
ナミザワ クリスティーナ:男性優位の経済界で、辛抱強く自分の信念を貫く女性
Christina has been struggling for eight years to get her ideas acknowledged in the StartUP World. Globally less than 10% of women get funded. She’d like to share this journey to inspire women to follow their dreams and how to manage disrespect and rejections in a world scripted by men.
Christina is a New Zealander, a country gal, a traveler from birth, attended nine schools, a Rotarian, youngest District Councilor, a mentor to youth, a biker, horse rider, vegetarian and hair dresser; married to a Japanese lad for 22 years after a chance encounter in a sleazy bar in Bangkok.
Sunday, November 29, 10:30 to noon
Pauline Tsukamoto : Energizing the Feminine -with Heart in Mind!
Positive emotions and messages energize and enrich our heart-mind communications. They are also key in resetting the nervous system for greater ease and overall wellbeing. With balance in harmony, energy and action flow freely. This combination allows us to ‘be’ in our natural warmth, and ‘do’ in energizing, engaging, creative and empowering ways. Let’s love and nurture the expression of a significant strong yet ‘soft’ power that is a feminine presence empowered with the energies of the Heart in Mind. With the world as it is at present what better timing to ‘come out’ and support this new decade in a fuller knowing of who we are and can be. In this exploratory workshop we will look at role models – what has served, what hasn’t; at life styles, what works, what doesn’t; at emotional wellbeing and heart care, and what does and doesn’t work. Let’s enjoy inner inquiry – what are our strengths, skills and talents, group discussion, meditation and practices for better nervous system functioning and more heart centred living.
Pauline Tsukamoto is a Life Coach, a Stress Management Facilitator, an English teacher, a tapper, and author of Letter to Japan. She loves nature, tai chi, Nordic Walking, and slowing down to a more natural way of being. Life loves Heart in Mind.
Saturday December 5, 9:00 to 10:30
Crossing Boundaries - 枠組みを超えて
This is a panel discussion led by young and student presenters, who will talk about crossing boundaries of gender, nationality, ethnicity and age in their vision of how we can do better in the ways we choose to live, and in so doing create a more equal and good-natured society for all of us.
The first group of presenters will speak for a total of 20 minutes. In the next 20 minutes the presenters will respond to questions, and then we’ll open the discussion to the floor. We’ll repeat this pattern with the second set of presenters.
Panel presenters and topics
1. Gaylen Nowotarski, “A Nonbinary Approach to Gender Equality”
What is “nonbinary,” and how is it related to feminisms of the future? This presentation offers a few insights from one nonbinary person’s perspective about our “binary” societies, and proposes a challenge for all generations to critically engage with the gender divide.
ノワタースキ・ゲイレン、 「男女共同参画へのノンバイナリーのアプローチ」
2. Takamitsu Morito, “Women’s social vulnerability, as seen through domestic violence”
I will focus on domestic violence perpetrated by fathers on wives and children. In today’s Japan, even if a woman wants to get a divorce, she often cannot because Japanese women tend to be financially dependent on their partners. Most Japanese mothers are willing to put up with their own disadvantageous situation because divorce can be detrimental to their children. However, this situation raises the question of infringement of such mothers’ human rights. I will consider cases of children and women being harmed or killed as a result of domestic violence, and introduce some of the issues involved in protecting them.
森戸 貴光、「DV (家庭内暴力)によって目立つ、女性の社会的弱さ」
3. Takuma Yoshimoto, “Equality in the future” Gender equality has been discussed for a long time, and as a result the world is changing in a good way. But we haven’t got a perfect society for everyone. However, I didn’t experience nor hear of anyone experiencing sex discrimination as I was growing up. I don’t think it’s because I’ve been blind to it because of being a man, but I surmise it’s because society and education have changed. The current education system promotes equality and discourages students from holding discriminatory views.Then why does sex discrimination occur as soon as students enter society? I will discuss what’s happening in the world beyond education, and consider what may happen as my generation rises through society. 良元 拓磨 、「将来の平等性」 男女平等はこれまで数多く議論され、世界は少しずつ変わってきている。それでもまだ、男女平等な社会は完成していない。しかし、僕が育ってきた環境で性別に関する差別に苦しむ人は聞いたことがなかった。それは僕が男で見えないものがあったからではなく、社会が変わり、教育に慎重になった僕たちの世代では、男女の境が以前に比べて見えづらくなっているからだと考える。それなのに、なぜ社会に出ると急に性差別が巻き起こるのだろうか。僕たちの世代が社会の高齢層になる時代まで視野を広げて議論していきたい。
4 & 5 jointly, Natsuki Aoki and Miyu Sasaoka, “We are the spectrum generation”
Is there a possibility that we might be excessively putting forward women’s rights? In this presentation, we will explore what is required of us to achieve a world where women can play an active role in society and are not subject to unfair discrimination by considering a reversal of the situation of men and women. 青木 夏輝 & 笹岡 海優、「枠組みに捉われない社会」 女性の権利を主張しすぎている可能性を考えた事はありますか?この発表では (自身の経験や授業で学んだ事を織り交ぜながら) 女性がより社会で活躍できる不当な差別を受けない世の中に近づく為に今の私達に何が求められているのかを男女の立場を逆転させることで掘り下げます。
6. Hideo Imai, “Women motivated to work for railway companies, and the positive effects of their career choice on society”
We can now see many female railway employees on our daily commutes. The presence of these women is having various positive impacts on Japanese society. I will discuss the beneficial effects deriving from the deployment of women in railway companies, based on interviews with women who are currently working as train conductors.
今井 英雄、「高卒で働く女性鉄道員のモチベーションと社会へ与えるポジティヴ効果」
Sunday, December 13, 14:00 to 15:30
Lena Takahashi: Empower your ability to Receive through Reiki Guided Journeys
高橋 旺礼南: レイキガイド付ジャーニーを通して、女性に必要な「受け取る」能力を強化します
Receiving is an important aspect of Feminine energy. Due to various life experiences, we are accustomed to giving rather than receiving. A Reiki Guided Journey is a safe and effective way to empower our ability to receive. Balancing Feminine and Masculine energies is our goal.受け取ることは女性のエネルギーの重要な側面です。さまざまな人生経験により、受け取るよりも与えることに慣れています。 レイキガイド付ジャーニーを通して、女性に必要な「受け取る」能力を強化する為に安全で効果的な方法です。 女性と男性のエネルギーのバランスをとることが私たちの目標です。
Lena Takahashi was born in Ukraine,and has lived in Japan since 2003. She is a Holy Fire®︎ III Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Certified Aromatherapist and Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. She is a full time professional Reiki practitioner and co-founder of Healing Land Reiki, sharing her work through Reiki Trainings, private and group sessions.
ウクライナ出身、2003年から日本へ在住してます。 ホーリーファイア®︎ III カルナレイキ®︎マスター/認定アロマセラピスト/認定Ayurvedic Lifestyle コンサルタント資格を取得してます。 現在ヒーリングランドレイキの代表として、日本や海外でのレイキ講座、個人セッションとグループワーク等で活動し続けています。
Sunday, September 20 13:00 to 14:30
Gerry Yokota : Connecting with the Feminine Energy Within
How do you connect with the feminine energy within? Some may commune with nature, others may be inspired by art. In this session, I will share a few selections of music that I use in the classroom, describe why I chose them and how they inspire me, and invite participants to share your responses and your favorites. Sharing the various ways we listen to the rhythms of our bodies and our souls, let’s collectively revitalize our power to cope with these difficult times. You don’t have to sit in front of your computer for this session! Plan on standing, stretching, dancing, doing yoga poses, whatever makes you feel alive!
Gerry Yokota retired at the end of March from her thirty-year career at Osaka University and is now reveling in her relatively liberated “second life” as a part-time teacher.
Saturday, October 3 14:00 to 15:30
Lisa Yinghong Li : Aging Women in Contemporary China: A Reading of Yiyun Li
リサ・イングホング : 代中国における高齢女性:イーユン・リーの短編小説
This presentation investigates the human condition of postsocialist China through Yiyun Li’s stories focusing on older women. Relevant issues receive sharp scrutiny to reveal deep anxieties brought by a new political and economic system in which traditional virtues such as filial piety are replaced by confusing and often cruel norms of behavior and attitude.
Lisa Yinghong Li is an Associate Professor at J. F. Oberlin University, Tokyo, Japan. She teaches courses on Japanese literature, cinema, and culture. She received M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States. Her research interests include East Asian culture and literature in Chinese diaspora.
Saturday, October 17 10:30 to 12:00
Jennifer Yphantides : Career Trajectories of Women of Color in Japanese Higher Educationジェニファー・ イファンタイ:日本の高等教育における有色人女性の進路
This presentation reports on qualitative research conducted with women of color working in higher education in Japan. It traces their career trajectories and identifies factors that have promotes success amongst these women.
Jennifer Yphantides is a lecturer at Soka University. She has been teaching English since 1993 and has enjoyed working in North America, Europe, The Middle East and Asia. She has a BA in History from McGill University, an MA in War Studies from Kings College, London and an MA TESOL from Teachers College, Columbia University and an EdD in Organizational Leadership from Northeastern University. Her current research interests are teacher identity, leadership in TESOL, bilingualism and brain disorders.
ジェニファー ・イファンタイは創価大学の講師です。 1993年から英語を教えており、北米、ヨーロッパ、中東、アジアでの仕事を楽しんでいます。彼女は、マギル大学で歴史学の学士号、ロンドンのキングスカレッジで戦争研究の修士号、コロンビア大学ティーチャーズカレッジで修士号、ノースイースタン大学で組織リーダーシップの修士号を取得しています。現在の研究対象は、教師のアイデンティティ、TESOLのリーダーシップ、バイリンガリズム、脳障害です。
Sunday, October 25 10:30 to 12:00
Mary Nobuoka : Positive Living: Using Positive Psychology to Develop Wellbeing
信岡・メアリー :ポジティブに暮らす:心理学的なポジティヴアプローチで幸福を育む
In the 20th Century, the study of psychology focused on the conditions and issues that cause anxiety, depression, or maladjustment. However, more recently psychologists, starting with the pioneering Martin Seligman (psychology professor at University of Pennsylvania and author of Flourish), have started asking about what makes people happy and gives people fulfillment. In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of this new field of Positive Psychology and try out activities that will help build wellbeing in their lives. Practical exercises include various forms of meditation and mindfulness training, expressing gratitude, becoming more self-aware, active listening and building empathy.
Mary Nobuoka teaches at Keio University and Waseda University. In a soft-skills course which she developed, students learn goal-setting, time management skills, emotional intelligence and Positive Psychology practices.
Saturday, November 7, 10:30 to noon
Christina Minamizawa : A Woman's Resiliency, Belief and Determination in a Man's World
ナミザワ クリスティーナ:男性優位の経済界で、辛抱強く自分の信念を貫く女性
Christina has been struggling for eight years to get her ideas acknowledged in the StartUP World. Globally less than 10% of women get funded. She’d like to share this journey to inspire women to follow their dreams and how to manage disrespect and rejections in a world scripted by men.
Christina is a New Zealander, a country gal, a traveler from birth, attended nine schools, a Rotarian, youngest District Councilor, a mentor to youth, a biker, horse rider, vegetarian and hair dresser; married to a Japanese lad for 22 years after a chance encounter in a sleazy bar in Bangkok.
Sunday, November 29, 10:30 to noon
Pauline Tsukamoto : Energizing the Feminine -with Heart in Mind!
Positive emotions and messages energize and enrich our heart-mind communications. They are also key in resetting the nervous system for greater ease and overall wellbeing. With balance in harmony, energy and action flow freely. This combination allows us to ‘be’ in our natural warmth, and ‘do’ in energizing, engaging, creative and empowering ways. Let’s love and nurture the expression of a significant strong yet ‘soft’ power that is a feminine presence empowered with the energies of the Heart in Mind. With the world as it is at present what better timing to ‘come out’ and support this new decade in a fuller knowing of who we are and can be. In this exploratory workshop we will look at role models – what has served, what hasn’t; at life styles, what works, what doesn’t; at emotional wellbeing and heart care, and what does and doesn’t work. Let’s enjoy inner inquiry – what are our strengths, skills and talents, group discussion, meditation and practices for better nervous system functioning and more heart centred living.
Pauline Tsukamoto is a Life Coach, a Stress Management Facilitator, an English teacher, a tapper, and author of Letter to Japan. She loves nature, tai chi, Nordic Walking, and slowing down to a more natural way of being. Life loves Heart in Mind.
Saturday December 5, 9:00 to 10:30
Crossing Boundaries - 枠組みを超えて
This is a panel discussion led by young and student presenters, who will talk about crossing boundaries of gender, nationality, ethnicity and age in their vision of how we can do better in the ways we choose to live, and in so doing create a more equal and good-natured society for all of us.
The first group of presenters will speak for a total of 20 minutes. In the next 20 minutes the presenters will respond to questions, and then we’ll open the discussion to the floor. We’ll repeat this pattern with the second set of presenters.
Panel presenters and topics
1. Gaylen Nowotarski, “A Nonbinary Approach to Gender Equality”
What is “nonbinary,” and how is it related to feminisms of the future? This presentation offers a few insights from one nonbinary person’s perspective about our “binary” societies, and proposes a challenge for all generations to critically engage with the gender divide.
ノワタースキ・ゲイレン、 「男女共同参画へのノンバイナリーのアプローチ」
2. Takamitsu Morito, “Women’s social vulnerability, as seen through domestic violence”
I will focus on domestic violence perpetrated by fathers on wives and children. In today’s Japan, even if a woman wants to get a divorce, she often cannot because Japanese women tend to be financially dependent on their partners. Most Japanese mothers are willing to put up with their own disadvantageous situation because divorce can be detrimental to their children. However, this situation raises the question of infringement of such mothers’ human rights. I will consider cases of children and women being harmed or killed as a result of domestic violence, and introduce some of the issues involved in protecting them.
森戸 貴光、「DV (家庭内暴力)によって目立つ、女性の社会的弱さ」
3. Takuma Yoshimoto, “Equality in the future” Gender equality has been discussed for a long time, and as a result the world is changing in a good way. But we haven’t got a perfect society for everyone. However, I didn’t experience nor hear of anyone experiencing sex discrimination as I was growing up. I don’t think it’s because I’ve been blind to it because of being a man, but I surmise it’s because society and education have changed. The current education system promotes equality and discourages students from holding discriminatory views.Then why does sex discrimination occur as soon as students enter society? I will discuss what’s happening in the world beyond education, and consider what may happen as my generation rises through society. 良元 拓磨 、「将来の平等性」 男女平等はこれまで数多く議論され、世界は少しずつ変わってきている。それでもまだ、男女平等な社会は完成していない。しかし、僕が育ってきた環境で性別に関する差別に苦しむ人は聞いたことがなかった。それは僕が男で見えないものがあったからではなく、社会が変わり、教育に慎重になった僕たちの世代では、男女の境が以前に比べて見えづらくなっているからだと考える。それなのに、なぜ社会に出ると急に性差別が巻き起こるのだろうか。僕たちの世代が社会の高齢層になる時代まで視野を広げて議論していきたい。
4 & 5 jointly, Natsuki Aoki and Miyu Sasaoka, “We are the spectrum generation”
Is there a possibility that we might be excessively putting forward women’s rights? In this presentation, we will explore what is required of us to achieve a world where women can play an active role in society and are not subject to unfair discrimination by considering a reversal of the situation of men and women. 青木 夏輝 & 笹岡 海優、「枠組みに捉われない社会」 女性の権利を主張しすぎている可能性を考えた事はありますか?この発表では (自身の経験や授業で学んだ事を織り交ぜながら) 女性がより社会で活躍できる不当な差別を受けない世の中に近づく為に今の私達に何が求められているのかを男女の立場を逆転させることで掘り下げます。
6. Hideo Imai, “Women motivated to work for railway companies, and the positive effects of their career choice on society”
We can now see many female railway employees on our daily commutes. The presence of these women is having various positive impacts on Japanese society. I will discuss the beneficial effects deriving from the deployment of women in railway companies, based on interviews with women who are currently working as train conductors.
今井 英雄、「高卒で働く女性鉄道員のモチベーションと社会へ与えるポジティヴ効果」
Sunday, December 13, 14:00 to 15:30
Lena Takahashi: Empower your ability to Receive through Reiki Guided Journeys
高橋 旺礼南: レイキガイド付ジャーニーを通して、女性に必要な「受け取る」能力を強化します
Receiving is an important aspect of Feminine energy. Due to various life experiences, we are accustomed to giving rather than receiving. A Reiki Guided Journey is a safe and effective way to empower our ability to receive. Balancing Feminine and Masculine energies is our goal.受け取ることは女性のエネルギーの重要な側面です。さまざまな人生経験により、受け取るよりも与えることに慣れています。 レイキガイド付ジャーニーを通して、女性に必要な「受け取る」能力を強化する為に安全で効果的な方法です。 女性と男性のエネルギーのバランスをとることが私たちの目標です。
Lena Takahashi was born in Ukraine,and has lived in Japan since 2003. She is a Holy Fire®︎ III Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Certified Aromatherapist and Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. She is a full time professional Reiki practitioner and co-founder of Healing Land Reiki, sharing her work through Reiki Trainings, private and group sessions.
ウクライナ出身、2003年から日本へ在住してます。 ホーリーファイア®︎ III カルナレイキ®︎マスター/認定アロマセラピスト/認定Ayurvedic Lifestyle コンサルタント資格を取得してます。 現在ヒーリングランドレイキの代表として、日本や海外でのレイキ講座、個人セッションとグループワーク等で活動し続けています。