The meal system at NWEC has changed! For groups of 15 and more, breakfast and dinner will be buffet style with a wide selection of options. WELL will have to order and pay for these meals in advance, so we'd like to order your meals using this form.
NWECのシステムが新しくなりました! 15人以上の団体の場合、朝食と夕食は様々な料理が選べるビュッフェ形式になります。WELLは事前に食事を予約しなければなりません。そのため、この食事注文フォームを使ってご自分が希望する食事を注文してください。
The charge is 864 for breakfast and 1080 for dinner. Please calculate the total charge for the breakfasts and dinners you will take and bring the exact cash when you check in. You will receive a meal ticket for each meal.
They can adjust for vegetarians and allergies and the ingredients will be labelled, but please indicate any particular requirements in the box below.
Lunch will be served as before: each individual guest makes her selection and pays in cash at the cafeteria.
NWEC is now charging cancellation fees, for both accommodations and meals. Please see the bottom of this page for details.
NWECのシステムが新しくなりました! 15人以上の団体の場合、朝食と夕食は様々な料理が選べるビュッフェ形式になります。WELLは事前に食事を予約しなければなりません。そのため、この食事注文フォームを使ってご自分が希望する食事を注文してください。
The charge is 864 for breakfast and 1080 for dinner. Please calculate the total charge for the breakfasts and dinners you will take and bring the exact cash when you check in. You will receive a meal ticket for each meal.
They can adjust for vegetarians and allergies and the ingredients will be labelled, but please indicate any particular requirements in the box below.
Lunch will be served as before: each individual guest makes her selection and pays in cash at the cafeteria.
NWEC is now charging cancellation fees, for both accommodations and meals. Please see the bottom of this page for details.
NWEC Cancellation Charges / NWECのキャンセル料金
1. Accommodation / 宿泊:
Date of Cancellation / キャンセル日 Cancellation charge / キャンセル料
2-9 days before (Feb 23rd - March 2nd) / 2-9日前(2/23-3/2) 10%
1 days before (March 3rd) / 1日前(3/3) 20%
On the day (March 4th) / 当日(3/4) 80%
No show & no contact / 連絡なし 100%
(one day later for March 5th accommodation / 3月5日の宿泊は、上のカッコ内の日付プラス1日になります)
2. Meals / 食事:
March 4th dinner: no charge if cancelled by March 2nd / 3月4日夕食: 3月2日までにキャンセルした場合はキャンセル料なし
20% charge if cancelled on March 3rd (one day before) / 3月3日(前日)までにキャンセルした場合は20%
80% if cancelled March 4th before the fixed mealtime. / 3月4日のNWEC夕食開始時間前までにキャンセルした場合は80%
one day later for March 5th meals; two days later for March 6th breakfast. / 3月5日は上の日付プラス1日、3月6日はプラス2日です。
1. Accommodation / 宿泊:
Date of Cancellation / キャンセル日 Cancellation charge / キャンセル料
2-9 days before (Feb 23rd - March 2nd) / 2-9日前(2/23-3/2) 10%
1 days before (March 3rd) / 1日前(3/3) 20%
On the day (March 4th) / 当日(3/4) 80%
No show & no contact / 連絡なし 100%
(one day later for March 5th accommodation / 3月5日の宿泊は、上のカッコ内の日付プラス1日になります)
2. Meals / 食事:
March 4th dinner: no charge if cancelled by March 2nd / 3月4日夕食: 3月2日までにキャンセルした場合はキャンセル料なし
20% charge if cancelled on March 3rd (one day before) / 3月3日(前日)までにキャンセルした場合は20%
80% if cancelled March 4th before the fixed mealtime. / 3月4日のNWEC夕食開始時間前までにキャンセルした場合は80%
one day later for March 5th meals; two days later for March 6th breakfast. / 3月5日は上の日付プラス1日、3月6日はプラス2日です。