Registration form for WELL 2016 Conference & Retreat
2016年度 学会&リトリート 参加申込フォーム
Please use the form below to register for the 2016 Conference & Retreat. The registration deadline is February 15, 2016.
2016年度 学会&リトリート、下の参加申込フォームに記入してお申し込みください。申込締切日は2016年2月15日です。
Please also order breakfasts and dinners separately, here.
Detailed information about check-in, what to bring, and what to expect (especially for first timers) will be sent after registration closes, both to the yahoo mailing list and to people who have registered their email address on this form.
Important notes:
Note 1: If you are staying Friday, check-in is from 5 pm to 7pm. If you will be arriving after 7 pm, please indicate so on the form. In particular, please tell us if you will be arriving late (after 10pm). NWEC closes the front door at 10 pm.
注1: 金曜から宿泊する場合、チェックイン時間は17:00~19:00です。NWECの表玄関は夜10時に施錠されます。夜10以降の到着予定の方は、何時頃になるかお知らせください。
Note 2: NWEC asks us to provide information about each participant's age, nationality, and profession, for statistical purposes and to assess how active they are internationally. We'd rather not have to ask you, but please help us with this!
Note 3: We will try to provide single rooms to everyone who requests one, but we may have to ask some people to share, as this depends on the types of rooms we are allocated. There will be a small refund for people who share a room. If you are willing to share, please indicate so on the form, and say who with, if you know.
注3: 一人部屋の希望があれば可能な限り対応しますが、状況によって二人部屋をお願いすることもあります。その場合、少額の返戻金があります。二人部屋をご希望の場合、参加申込フォームにその旨を記載してください。
Note 4: After submitting this form, please send your payment. We need to have your payment by February 26, 2016, in order to reserve your room.
注4: 参加申込フォームを提出後、お支払いをお願いします。支払期限は2016年2月26日です。この日までにお支払いがない場合、宿泊部屋の予約ができませんのでご注意ください。
Please pay by ATM (bank transfer) as follows.
2016年度 学会&リトリート、下の参加申込フォームに記入してお申し込みください。申込締切日は2016年2月15日です。
Please also order breakfasts and dinners separately, here.
Detailed information about check-in, what to bring, and what to expect (especially for first timers) will be sent after registration closes, both to the yahoo mailing list and to people who have registered their email address on this form.
Important notes:
Note 1: If you are staying Friday, check-in is from 5 pm to 7pm. If you will be arriving after 7 pm, please indicate so on the form. In particular, please tell us if you will be arriving late (after 10pm). NWEC closes the front door at 10 pm.
注1: 金曜から宿泊する場合、チェックイン時間は17:00~19:00です。NWECの表玄関は夜10時に施錠されます。夜10以降の到着予定の方は、何時頃になるかお知らせください。
Note 2: NWEC asks us to provide information about each participant's age, nationality, and profession, for statistical purposes and to assess how active they are internationally. We'd rather not have to ask you, but please help us with this!
Note 3: We will try to provide single rooms to everyone who requests one, but we may have to ask some people to share, as this depends on the types of rooms we are allocated. There will be a small refund for people who share a room. If you are willing to share, please indicate so on the form, and say who with, if you know.
注3: 一人部屋の希望があれば可能な限り対応しますが、状況によって二人部屋をお願いすることもあります。その場合、少額の返戻金があります。二人部屋をご希望の場合、参加申込フォームにその旨を記載してください。
Note 4: After submitting this form, please send your payment. We need to have your payment by February 26, 2016, in order to reserve your room.
注4: 参加申込フォームを提出後、お支払いをお願いします。支払期限は2016年2月26日です。この日までにお支払いがない場合、宿泊部屋の予約ができませんのでご注意ください。
Please pay by ATM (bank transfer) as follows.
- Transfering from Yuucho Bank: Yuucho Bank account name: ワール (WELL) Account number: 15400-20134041
- Transfering from other Banks: Yuucho Bank account name: ワール (WELL) Branch name :五四八 (goyonhachi) Branch number: 548 Account number: 2013404
- ゆうちょ銀行からの振込の場合: 口座名: ワール 口座番号: 15400-20134041
- 他の金融機関からの振込の場合: 口座名: ワール 店名::五四八(ゴヨンハチ) 店番号: 548 口座番号: 2013404