The 2019 WELL Conference and Retreat was held from February 8 to 10, 2019
at the National Women's Education Center in Saitama.
会場:埼玉県 国際女性教育会館(NWEC)
The theme for 2019 was Empowering Women Through Creativity.
テーマ: 創造力が女性を変える
The program, photos, and other shared information will be available soon.
WELL 2020 will be held March 6 to 8 at NWEC.
The theme will be "Energizing the Feminine: A Celebration of Diversity".
The call for proposals for presentations and workshops will open in late summer or early fall of 2019.
More about the WELL Conference and Retreat
WELL (Women Educating, Learning, and Leading) members are interested in issues related to education, social progress, community building, personal development and much more. Each year, for over two decades, a bilingual conference and retreat focused on a particular theme has been held.
WELL invites speakers from various fields of academia along with leaders and activists to share their experience and knowledge through workshops and presentations. Some of these are informal and fun, while others more academic and serious in nature. The weekend is a combination of scheduled events and informal discussions, as well as social activities including “WELL-played”—an entertaining and enjoyable evening with talented women who are sure to amuse and inspire.
WELL (Women Educating, Learning, and Leading)女性生涯学習学会は、女性の教育、社会的地位向上、コミュニティの構築、自身の啓蒙、学習に取り組みたい女性たちの会です。毎年2月か3月に、英語と日本語のバイリンガルを原則として年大会を開催し、来年は25年目を迎えます。
研究者、市民活動家、リーダーシップを担う方など、多彩な分野の方々をゲストスピーカーとしてお迎えします。テーマは学術的なものの他、インフォーマルなお楽しみつきから、女性に関わる深刻な問題まで、形は講演/発表やワークショップといろいろです。金曜夕時から日曜お昼まで、盛りだくさんのプログラムが組まれ、気さくに学び、共有し、自由な議論の場となります。私たち女性の感性と才能を共有する夜のお楽しみプログラム ”WELL-played” も見逃せません。
WELL is always held at the National Women's Education Center of Japan, in Saitama.
Information about past WELL events, including the 2019 Conference and Retreat, are available in the HERSTORY Section.
過去のWELLイベントは HERSTORY のページからご覧いただけます。
WELL (Women Educating, Learning, and Leading) members are interested in issues related to education, social progress, community building, personal development and much more. Each year, for over two decades, a bilingual conference and retreat focused on a particular theme has been held.
WELL invites speakers from various fields of academia along with leaders and activists to share their experience and knowledge through workshops and presentations. Some of these are informal and fun, while others more academic and serious in nature. The weekend is a combination of scheduled events and informal discussions, as well as social activities including “WELL-played”—an entertaining and enjoyable evening with talented women who are sure to amuse and inspire.
WELL (Women Educating, Learning, and Leading)女性生涯学習学会は、女性の教育、社会的地位向上、コミュニティの構築、自身の啓蒙、学習に取り組みたい女性たちの会です。毎年2月か3月に、英語と日本語のバイリンガルを原則として年大会を開催し、来年は25年目を迎えます。
研究者、市民活動家、リーダーシップを担う方など、多彩な分野の方々をゲストスピーカーとしてお迎えします。テーマは学術的なものの他、インフォーマルなお楽しみつきから、女性に関わる深刻な問題まで、形は講演/発表やワークショップといろいろです。金曜夕時から日曜お昼まで、盛りだくさんのプログラムが組まれ、気さくに学び、共有し、自由な議論の場となります。私たち女性の感性と才能を共有する夜のお楽しみプログラム ”WELL-played” も見逃せません。
WELL is always held at the National Women's Education Center of Japan, in Saitama.
Information about past WELL events, including the 2019 Conference and Retreat, are available in the HERSTORY Section.
過去のWELLイベントは HERSTORY のページからご覧いただけます。
For updates as planning continues, check back at this web site, or join the WELL e-mail list on Yahoo, or check out our group on Facebook. (It's a closed group, so you'll have to ask to join.)