Program Information for WELL Conference and Retreat 2018
March 2 to 4, 2018, at the National Women's Education Center in Saitama
開催日:2018年3月2日~4日 会場:埼玉県 国際女性教育会館(NWEC)
Registration starts from 17:00 on Friday, March 2. Program ends at 12:00 on Sunday, March 4.
2018 Featured Speakers
Saturday afternoon 土曜午後
14:45 to 16:30
Ishizaka Tomoko (Ishizaka Sangyo) / 石坂知子(石坂産業)
WomanPower: Achieving Excellence in Management Through the 5 Senses
Ishizaka Sangyo is a garbage processing company located in Saitama which has been led by Noriko Ishizaka, the daughter of the founder, since 2002. Responding to local criticisms and fears of environmental damage, the new president introduced reforms and new recycling processes which have brought international renown for the company as a leader in the field of recycling. She has also set up environmental and educational projects in the area as a contribution to the local community and brought more women into the workforce at all levels.
Tomoko Ishizaka, the Executive Director, will explain the changes this company has gone through, and how womanpower can transform business culture and practices.
Sunday morning 日曜午前
10:30 to 11:45
Kathleen Brown (Kurume University) / キャスリーン・ブラウン(久留米大学)
Resonant Voices: Establishing Leadership in the Boys' Room
共鳴を起こす声 - “男の園”でリーダーシップを発揮する
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were a silent or non-majority participant in a gathering, meeting, or other forum? Have you ever been over-/out-talked by others when you felt that you had something important to contribute? Have you ever felt that your gender or nationality have played a role in your not being heard? Kathleen Brown of Kurume University in Kyushu has experienced these phenomena in multiple workplaces and situations in Japan. As the chair of several university committees and the developer/coordinator of an interdepartmental language program, she has learned to establish a voice with impact. Although in many of these situations, most teachers and administrators are male, there is a place for (foreign) female leadership amongst the “noise”.
会議や集会で、一言も発言しない参加者になったことがありますか? あるいは、自分だけが属性の異なる参加者だったことは? 貢献できる意見を持っていたのに、他の参加者たちに言い負かされたことは? 性別や国籍のせいで意見を聞いてもらえないと感じたことは? 久留米大学のキャスリーン・ブラウンは、日本の幾つもの職場でこのような経験をしたことがあります。複数の大学の委員会長として、そして学部を超えた言語プログラムの開発者/調整役としての経験を経て、周囲に影響を与える発言力を身に着けてきました。関与した組織やプログラムでは、教師や管理者の過半数を男性が占めていました。しかし、そのような、「雑音」が聞こえる環境であっても、(外国人の)女性がリーダーシップを取る場所はあります。
Professor Kathleen Brown has been in many scenarios where the majority of teachers and administrators are male. She will talk us through the issues she has faced in running the language program, her approaches to handling leadership roles in academia and her advice for those of us who might face similar issues at work and in other life situations.
Program プログラム
Friday Evening, from 17:00 / 金曜 午後5時~
Checking in, dinner, and Ice-breaking activities チェックインとアイスブレイク・イベント
Saturday 土曜
Before Breakfast: Yoga with Janice MATSUZAKI 朝食前:ヨガ 松崎ジャニス
7:00 to 7:45 in the Meeting Room
This morning’s yoga session will include a series of stretches and warm ups before some basic asanas – sitting/standing/twists/balances which aim to energize us for the rigors and pleasures of the day ahead. I expect people will come from all different backgrounds of Yoga, and perhaps some people will be trying it for the first time, so we will be following quite a basic sequence. Wear loose clothes (leggings/track suit bottoms and t shirts) and something warm to put on (socks/scarves/jumpers) for our final relaxation. Please tell me at the beginning of the session if you have any injuries or medical conditions that will affect your practice e.g. pregnancy/high blood pressure etc.
朝のヨガセッションで柔軟と準備運動を経て、座る/立つ/ねじる/バランスをとるなど基本的なアサナ動作を行い、これからの1日で待っている厳しさや楽しみに向けて精力をたくわえます。異なるヨガ経験を持った方、また今回ヨガにチャレンジするのが初めての方もいらっしゃると思うので、基本的な流れに沿って進めていきます。きつすぎない服装(レギングス/トレーニングウェア/Tシャツとズボンなど)、そして 靴下、スカーフ、ジャンパーなど、最後のリラクゼーションの際に使う防寒着を持って来てください。また、もし怪我や病気、妊娠中、その他特別な配慮が必要な方は初めに申し出てください。
My sister first introduced me to yoga when I was still a teen. After being certified to teach Kripalu Yoga in the early '80s, I taught briefly in the US, before moving to Japan, where my first job was teaching Yoga. Although I stopped teaching yoga many years ago, I've participated in numerous meditation retreats and also became certified in Danskinetics -a combination of dance and yoga. For the past year, I have been doing hot yoga (heated room) which encourages sweating. I have not taught for many years and I'm excited to share this time with you.
Saturday morning 土曜午前 9:15 to 10:00
Fathima Azmiah MARIKKAR ファティマ アズミヤ マリッカール
Gender Inequality: The Role of Women in the Workplace in Japan ジェンダー格差問題:日本の職場における女性の役割
“Gender Bias” is a term commonly used to describe how far behind women have remained in seizing opportunities for improving their level of lives. Japan lags behind some other developed countries when it comes to gender gap in economic cooperation. Through my presentation, I would like to highlight the important areas of gender equality, and analyze the reasons for such inequality in Japan. I will also discuss some of the suggestions proposed by the government to ensure equal rights for women and take measures in all fields including enacting legislation for the advancement of women, and the extent to which these suggestions could be implemented and become realistic in Japanese society.
Dr. Fathima Azmiah Marikkar from Sri Lanka is a lawyer by profession. She has a Bachelor`s and Master’s degree in Law from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and a doctoral degree in International Relations from Nihon University. She works as a Junior Associate Professor at Tokai University, Japan.
Eriko OKANOUCHI 岡野内恵里子 (オカノウチ エリコ)
Implementing Unconditional Basic Income; really coming? Potential merit & demerit ベーシックインカム無条件給付:って何?ほんとにできるの?
After attending Basic Income Earth Network congress in Portugal in September, I would like to share the updated achievement for the implementation and issues concerned with WELL women.
A civil activist at grass roots level. Started WELL many years ago as an educator, a mother responsible to educate own child, also an English learner. Mediation, restorative justice talking circles, and unconditional basic income policy are my main concerns, all of which I believe necessary for human life to be fair and peaceful.
Fiona CREASER & Sonoko SAITO クリーサー・フィオナ/齊藤 園子
Springboard Women’s Work and Personnel Development Programme: An Introduction
This presentation will focus on the development of a version of the UK based Springboard Women’s Work and Development Programme designed for all women living in Japan. It will explain the methods behind the cultural translation of the programme and workbook to suit the needs of all women living in Japan.
Fiona Creaser is an associate professor at the University of Kitakyushu, her field of research focuses on sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace and women’s empowerment.
クリーサー・フィオナ 北九州市立大学外国語学部准教授。研究分野は職場におけるセクシュアル・ハラスメントといじめ及び女性のエンパワーメント。
Sonoko Saito is an associate professor at the University of Kitakyushu. Her main field of research is English literature especially the problem of identity in multicultural societies.
斎藤園子 北九州市立大学外国語学部准教授。主要な研究分野は英語圏文学で、特に多文化社会におけるアイデンティティの問題に関心を持って来た。
Harumi GONDO 権藤晴美 (This session continues until 11:30.)
Type and our Hero Archetype タイプとヒーロー・アーキタイプ
This double session will be conducted in English only. Participation will be limited to five women to allow for deeper group engagement. In the first half, we will explore our own unique personality type as illuminated by the work of Carl Jung and psychological type.
In the second half, with the same group of five, we will be exploring our Type's unique dominant cognitive function. Our dominant function is the source of our self-confidence as well as ego-pride and when used well can be the source of great happiness but when used poorly is the source of self-hatred. The dominant function can also call forth our Hero (Archetype). We will explore and share our own Hero Archetype experiences.
このセッションは英語で行われる。参加者は5人に限定する。前半では、ユングの精神分析論に基づいて各個人の心理タイプ判別をする。後半では、各個人のタイプの主機能 (dominant cognitive function) の理解を深める。この主機能は自信の源で幸福感をもたらす力もあるが、下手に使えば自己嫌悪の原因にもなりうる。主機能はヒーロー・アーキタイプ(元型)を呼び起こす機能でもある。最後に、お互いのタイプと主機能を理解した上、今まで人生経験で感じてきたヒーロー・アーキタイプについて話し合う。
Harumi Gondo is a personality type trainer living and working in Tokyo. She has conducted hundreds of seminars on Type, the Jungian cognitive functions and Archetype to help individuals identify their natural preferences and blind spots. She is an MBTI Master Practitioner.
権藤晴美:東京在住の性格タイプ・トレーナー。タイプ(心理学的類型)・アーキタイプ(心 理学的元型)およびユングの認知機能論について数百回の研修会を行う経歴をもつ。MBTI協 会認定マスタートレーナー。
Saturday morning 土曜午前 10:15 to 11:30
Chiyuki YANASE 梁瀬 千起
The World of Picture Books for Busy Mums and their Children 絵本の世界:忙しいマザーと子供達へ
Chiyuki Yanase will share how she has overcome certain obstacles as a single mother by using picture books. She will also introduce how she currently enjoy reading aloud with her 18-year old daughter. Her ultimate goal of this presentation is to discuss the often neglected social issue: A single mother household.
本発表では、絵本や本を媒体とし、どのように 18歳になる娘と絆を深め、母子家庭が直面する問題を乗り越えたかを紹介する。更に、日本では、議論を避けられがちな問題である母子家庭の現状と対処法を考察する。
Chiyuki Yanase is a language school owner of Sunny Field English and a lecturer at several universities in Tokyo. She has been teaching English for young learners for over 20 years and holds MSc in TEYL from Aston University. Her research interests focus on the literacy development of young learners.
梁瀬千起は、東京で20年以上にわたり、児童英語教育に携わっている。現在は、自身が代表するサニーフィールド英語教室で小学生を中心に英語の楽しさを広げる活動と共に大学でも教鞭を取っている。イギリスのアストン大学で、修士号を取得し、 児童のリタラシー能力などの研究を続けている。
Presentation 1: Yuki OKAMOTO / 岡本 悠希
Using Language Learning Strategies to Increase the Autonomy of Japanese Learners of English
言語学習ストラテジー: 日本人英語学習者の自主性の向上を目指して
This presentation explores the notions of autonomy and its importance in learning a second language. More specifically, it will discuss the relationship between autonomy and learning strategies by referring to past studies that looked into the influence of strategy instruction on learners’ autonomy. In addition, the presentation will also consider the possible benefits and challenges of implementing learning strategies into the Japanese classrooms.
Yuki Okamoto is a senior at Waseda University School of International Liberal Studies. She has spent some time in Singapore and Thailand. She will attend the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education M.S.Ed TESOL program from Fall 2018. Her research interests include SLA, curriculum development, and learner autonomy.
岡本悠希 早稲田大学国際教養学部4年。幼少時代の一部をシンガポールとタイで過ごす。今秋からペンシルベニア大学教育学大学院TESOL(英語教授法)修士課程に進学予定。第2言語習得、カリキュラム開発や学習者オートノミーに興味を持っている。
Presentation 2: Reina ANAMOTO & Ruka OSAWA 穴本玲奈 & 大澤瑠花
Japanese women student activists: "We Can Do It!" 日本の女子学生活動家- “We Can Do It!”
Today legislation gives equal rights to women in Japan and other countries, but women still struggle against serious disadvantages in society in comparison with men. Nevertheless our presentation takes an optimistic view, showing how various groups, including us as young Japanese women promoting women’s leadership, are trying to improve that situation.
Reina Anamoto and Ruka Osawa are busy third year students of Seijo University, majoring in English Literature. They took the initiative to establish and lead the Seijo International Exchange Project Organization to enrich the community for international students in Seijo. They are also active in the NPO group, Hana-labo, encouraging female college students to build their leadership in society.
YOSHINARI Nahid 吉成 ナヒード
Female Iranian Poets & Activists イラン人女性詩人
Iran and the Persian language have a rich poetic heritage, extending for a thousand years. In Iran traditions poets are honored. While most classical poetry has been written by men, there are some outstanding women who are celebrated for their literary skills and for giving Iran work that reflects the female point of view.
Among modern poets, social and political themes have been prominent, and there have been many notable women poets. Among them I would like to introduce Simin Behbahani, who was born in Tehran (1928) and is known as a Poet Who 'Never Sold Her Pen or Soul' and Hila Sedighi, a young poet, painter and social activist in Iran, who was arrested for a while.
I am from Iran and it's been almost 19 years since I came to Japan and I've been working in NHK, Radio Japan, as an announcer & translator from 2000, I am mother of two girls 13 & 16 years old & my husband is Japanese.
I started my activities to introduce Persian music & culture in 2008 and since then I've been performing Persian traditional & pop music and giving lecture in different places. My main purpose to start these activities was to introduce Persian culture and music in Japan, where people don't know much about Iran, except what they hear from the news.
NHK Radio Japanペルシア語部門翻訳・アナウンサー
1992年同国、Ferdosi大学 Botany(植物学)専攻卒業
2000年よりNHK Radio Japanペルシア語部門の翻訳・アナウンサー
Morrison Barbara モリソン バーバラ
Start Where You Are: Engaging Body and Breath 体と呼吸を意識して:さあ 始めましょう!
While sitting on tatami and using the conceptual framework of mettâ (loving kindness) and inter-being (dependent origination), we will gently move our bodies and breath through a series of non-threatening stretches (Yin Yoga) in order to bring our focus inward so that we can begin to engage with ourselves.
As an Associate Professor at Utsunomiya University in Gender and Cultural Studies, I am also a practicing Shingon Buddhist who enjoys reaping the benefits of mindfulness practice.
Saturday afternoon 土曜午後 13:00 to 14:30
Sarah MULVEY マルビ サラ
Taking Charge and Making Change - Being a Leader in Your Own Life 責任を引き受けて変化をもたらす – 自分の人生のリーダーになろう
Taking leadership in our own lives isn't simple when our focus is often on others. This workshop will provide techniques that will help participants to identify areas in their lives that need attention, specify achievable goals, and create a hierarchy of personal values that will contribute to strong self-leadership.
私たちの焦点が他の人に集中している場合、私たち自身の人生でリーダーシップをとることは簡単ではありません。 このワークショップでは、参加者が注意を必要とする生活の中で、達成可能な目標を特定し、強力な自己リーダーシップに寄与する個人的価値観の階層を作り出すのに役立つテクニックを提供します。
Sarah Mulvey is a Canadian who has lived in Japan for sixteen years. She has been a full-time university instructor in Nagoya for many of those years, and is now focusing her career path more on empowering English-speaking foreign and Japanese women through her guidance and coaching practice, "The J'Expat Network."
Sarah Mulveyは、16年間日本に住んでいるカナダ人です。 彼女は長年にわたり名古屋でフルタイムの大学講師を務めており、彼女のガイダンスとコーチングの練習である "The J'Expat Network"を通じて、英語を話す外国人や日本人の女性に力を与えるようになりました。
Yoko WAKUI 涌井陽子
Improving Your Life through Hypnotherapy 催眠療法による生活の向上
People sometimes fear hypnotherapy, thinking that the hypnotist controls people during a session. It is, however, very safe. The subject is always in control and can reject the hypnotist’s suggestions. You are welcome to not only come and watch, but to join in the session in front of the audience or in your own seat.
Yoko Wakui has an MA in TESOL (2004) from Columbia Teachers College. She has undertaken extensive training in meditation, generative coaching, NLP certification and hypnotherapy since 2005, and has treated 100 cases, including stress, trauma, insomnia, menopausal disorders, relationship problems and suicide attempts.
Gerry YOKOTA ヨコタ ジェリー
Women Who Run with the Wolves and Other Fairy Tale Archetypes 『狼と駈ける女たち』:童話に現れるアーキタイプ
Join me for a discussion about the feminist classic Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, where we will focus on her analysis of classic Western fairy tales such as Bluebeard and consider how they might energize our potential as agents of change. Excerpts provided. This session may be of particular interest to those who participate in the morning session by Harumi Gondo, as Estes is a Jungian psychoanalyst and her readings of these fairy tales are informed by a similar understanding of type and function.
Gerry Yokota teaches at Osaka University. She studies the function of metaphor and archetype in the representation of gender in classical Japanese drama and its adaptations into popular culture, including English translations.
ジェリー ヨコタ:大阪大学教員。日本伝統芸能およびポピュラー・カルチャーにおけるジェンダー表象に使われる比喩と元型を認知言語学アプローチで日英比較研究を行っている。
Christine PEARSON ISHII and Reiko KOYAMA ピアソン=石井 クリスティン、小山玲子
Springboard Women’s Work and Personnel Development Programme: Being Assertive 仕事でもプライベートでも女性の力を最大限に引き出す スプリングボードプログラム
This presentation is a teaser for a session on assertiveness from the award-winning Springboard Women’s Work and Development Programme. It will include an introduction to assertiveness and use group discussion and an exercise to identify what may stop women from being assertive.
英国で受賞歴のある「仕事でもプライベートでも女性の力を最大限に引き出す スプリングボードプログラム」より、自己表現(アサーティブネス)セッションの一部を体験します。どのような時に女性が自己表現しづらくなるのか、グループ討議と演習で体験します。
Christine Pearson Ishii is the owner of Perfect+Word Studios and offers translation, interpretation, and editing services in the areas of the environment and robotics. She has lived in Japan for over 20 years and currently serves the foreign community of women as President of the Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese.
ピアソン=石井 クリスティン Perfect+Word Studiosのオーナーとして地球環境とロボットの分野を中心に日英翻訳・通訳、英文校正などのサービスを提供している。現在、「日本人の外国人妻の会」の会長として日本在住の外国人女性をサポートしている。
Reiko Koyama is a consultant of Waseda University Academic Solutions Corporation. She has worked as a training coordinator on sustainable development programs before starting the current position in 2005. She is also a team facilitation instructor for business persons. Master of Distance Education (University of Maryland).
株式会社早稲田大学アカデミックソリューション コンサルタント。環境関連の人材開発コーディネーターを経て2005年に現職。企業・自治体向けのチームファシリテーション講師。遠隔教育修士(米国メリーランド大学)。
Saturday Evening 土曜夜
Well-Played / タレントショー “Well-Played”
Sunday 日曜
SUNDAY MORNING 日曜午前 9:15 to 10:15
Amy LONG ロング エイミー
How Women can Succeed as Entrepreneurs 女性が企業に成功するために
I believe that ANY idea, if done right, can be developed into a successful business. In today’s world, your business can be from home selling to the world or it can be a more traditional business. It doesn’t really matter. As long as you are doing what you enjoy. I share some of the key points that helped me develop our business. And encourage you to think of ways you could develop your passions into profits.
Amy Long is from Texas. She came to Japan in 1996. With her husband Dave (from England) they opened Dave and Amy English School in 2004. It currently has 4 locations in Saitama City with over 500 students. They are the authors of My English Book and Me 1 - 6 and the creators of Dave and Amy Games. They have 2 kids who go to the local public school and are very lucky to play on the Urawa Reds Junior team.
2004年、夫のデイヴとともにDave and Amy English School を開校。
現在はさいたま市に4校展開し、生徒数は500人以上となるまた教材のMy English Book and Me シリーズ1~6を出版。各種英語ゲームDave and Amy Gamesも次々に開発。
Ruthie ROGERS & Tomoko SAITO ルーシー ロジャース& 齋藤智子
Preparing Girls for Leadership: A Global Look グローバル視点から見る女性リーダーの育成
This workshop will take a global look at preparing girls at an early age to think about leadership and the opportunities and avenues for them to become future leaders. It will profile young female leaders globally and their contribution to their communities and society.
Ruthie has worked and lived in Japan for over fourteen years. She has attended the WELL retreats for the past four years. Professionally, Ruthie designs and teaches English courses for Japanese students. She enjoys writing English Haiku which she has shared at the WELL retreats.
Tomoko Saito is a freshman at Temple University majoring in International Affairs. She attended the WELL Retreat last year for the first time and she gave a presentation on social violence in education. Also, she has a strong interest in problems relating to poverty occurring in developing countries. Ms. Saito has volunteered overseas three times in Cambodia, Thailand and the Philippines.
齋藤智子(19歳)はテンプル大学で国際関係を専攻している大学1年生だ。昨年、初めてWELL Retreatに参加し教育格差についての発表を行った。また、彼女は発展途上国の貧困問題に興味を持っており、カンボジア、タイ、フィリピンへ海外ボランティアに出向いている。
Parisa Mehran パリサ・メヘラン
Being an Iranian Woman Today イラン人女性として現代に生きるということ
In this presentation, I will talk about the challenges and opportunities of being an Iranian woman today. I will challenge existing stereotypes and misunderstandings about Iranian women by sharing personal narratives and by recounting stories of Iranian women in power and leadership.
Parisa Mehran is a PhD candidate at Takemura Lab, Osaka University. Born and raised in Tehran, Iran, she holds a BA in English Language and Literature and an MA in TEFL. She currently teaches part-time at Konan and Kobe Women’s Universities. She actively gives talks about the real Iran and the Iranian people behind the news, and blogs about the Iranian identity.
ここをクリックして、WELL 2018 への参加申込フォームを記入・提出ください。
March 2 to 4, 2018, at the National Women's Education Center in Saitama
開催日:2018年3月2日~4日 会場:埼玉県 国際女性教育会館(NWEC)
Registration starts from 17:00 on Friday, March 2. Program ends at 12:00 on Sunday, March 4.
2018 Featured Speakers
Saturday afternoon 土曜午後
14:45 to 16:30
Ishizaka Tomoko (Ishizaka Sangyo) / 石坂知子(石坂産業)
WomanPower: Achieving Excellence in Management Through the 5 Senses
Ishizaka Sangyo is a garbage processing company located in Saitama which has been led by Noriko Ishizaka, the daughter of the founder, since 2002. Responding to local criticisms and fears of environmental damage, the new president introduced reforms and new recycling processes which have brought international renown for the company as a leader in the field of recycling. She has also set up environmental and educational projects in the area as a contribution to the local community and brought more women into the workforce at all levels.
Tomoko Ishizaka, the Executive Director, will explain the changes this company has gone through, and how womanpower can transform business culture and practices.
Sunday morning 日曜午前
10:30 to 11:45
Kathleen Brown (Kurume University) / キャスリーン・ブラウン(久留米大学)
Resonant Voices: Establishing Leadership in the Boys' Room
共鳴を起こす声 - “男の園”でリーダーシップを発揮する
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were a silent or non-majority participant in a gathering, meeting, or other forum? Have you ever been over-/out-talked by others when you felt that you had something important to contribute? Have you ever felt that your gender or nationality have played a role in your not being heard? Kathleen Brown of Kurume University in Kyushu has experienced these phenomena in multiple workplaces and situations in Japan. As the chair of several university committees and the developer/coordinator of an interdepartmental language program, she has learned to establish a voice with impact. Although in many of these situations, most teachers and administrators are male, there is a place for (foreign) female leadership amongst the “noise”.
会議や集会で、一言も発言しない参加者になったことがありますか? あるいは、自分だけが属性の異なる参加者だったことは? 貢献できる意見を持っていたのに、他の参加者たちに言い負かされたことは? 性別や国籍のせいで意見を聞いてもらえないと感じたことは? 久留米大学のキャスリーン・ブラウンは、日本の幾つもの職場でこのような経験をしたことがあります。複数の大学の委員会長として、そして学部を超えた言語プログラムの開発者/調整役としての経験を経て、周囲に影響を与える発言力を身に着けてきました。関与した組織やプログラムでは、教師や管理者の過半数を男性が占めていました。しかし、そのような、「雑音」が聞こえる環境であっても、(外国人の)女性がリーダーシップを取る場所はあります。
Professor Kathleen Brown has been in many scenarios where the majority of teachers and administrators are male. She will talk us through the issues she has faced in running the language program, her approaches to handling leadership roles in academia and her advice for those of us who might face similar issues at work and in other life situations.
Program プログラム
Friday Evening, from 17:00 / 金曜 午後5時~
Checking in, dinner, and Ice-breaking activities チェックインとアイスブレイク・イベント
Saturday 土曜
Before Breakfast: Yoga with Janice MATSUZAKI 朝食前:ヨガ 松崎ジャニス
7:00 to 7:45 in the Meeting Room
This morning’s yoga session will include a series of stretches and warm ups before some basic asanas – sitting/standing/twists/balances which aim to energize us for the rigors and pleasures of the day ahead. I expect people will come from all different backgrounds of Yoga, and perhaps some people will be trying it for the first time, so we will be following quite a basic sequence. Wear loose clothes (leggings/track suit bottoms and t shirts) and something warm to put on (socks/scarves/jumpers) for our final relaxation. Please tell me at the beginning of the session if you have any injuries or medical conditions that will affect your practice e.g. pregnancy/high blood pressure etc.
朝のヨガセッションで柔軟と準備運動を経て、座る/立つ/ねじる/バランスをとるなど基本的なアサナ動作を行い、これからの1日で待っている厳しさや楽しみに向けて精力をたくわえます。異なるヨガ経験を持った方、また今回ヨガにチャレンジするのが初めての方もいらっしゃると思うので、基本的な流れに沿って進めていきます。きつすぎない服装(レギングス/トレーニングウェア/Tシャツとズボンなど)、そして 靴下、スカーフ、ジャンパーなど、最後のリラクゼーションの際に使う防寒着を持って来てください。また、もし怪我や病気、妊娠中、その他特別な配慮が必要な方は初めに申し出てください。
My sister first introduced me to yoga when I was still a teen. After being certified to teach Kripalu Yoga in the early '80s, I taught briefly in the US, before moving to Japan, where my first job was teaching Yoga. Although I stopped teaching yoga many years ago, I've participated in numerous meditation retreats and also became certified in Danskinetics -a combination of dance and yoga. For the past year, I have been doing hot yoga (heated room) which encourages sweating. I have not taught for many years and I'm excited to share this time with you.
Saturday morning 土曜午前 9:15 to 10:00
Fathima Azmiah MARIKKAR ファティマ アズミヤ マリッカール
Gender Inequality: The Role of Women in the Workplace in Japan ジェンダー格差問題:日本の職場における女性の役割
“Gender Bias” is a term commonly used to describe how far behind women have remained in seizing opportunities for improving their level of lives. Japan lags behind some other developed countries when it comes to gender gap in economic cooperation. Through my presentation, I would like to highlight the important areas of gender equality, and analyze the reasons for such inequality in Japan. I will also discuss some of the suggestions proposed by the government to ensure equal rights for women and take measures in all fields including enacting legislation for the advancement of women, and the extent to which these suggestions could be implemented and become realistic in Japanese society.
Dr. Fathima Azmiah Marikkar from Sri Lanka is a lawyer by profession. She has a Bachelor`s and Master’s degree in Law from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and a doctoral degree in International Relations from Nihon University. She works as a Junior Associate Professor at Tokai University, Japan.
Eriko OKANOUCHI 岡野内恵里子 (オカノウチ エリコ)
Implementing Unconditional Basic Income; really coming? Potential merit & demerit ベーシックインカム無条件給付:って何?ほんとにできるの?
After attending Basic Income Earth Network congress in Portugal in September, I would like to share the updated achievement for the implementation and issues concerned with WELL women.
A civil activist at grass roots level. Started WELL many years ago as an educator, a mother responsible to educate own child, also an English learner. Mediation, restorative justice talking circles, and unconditional basic income policy are my main concerns, all of which I believe necessary for human life to be fair and peaceful.
Fiona CREASER & Sonoko SAITO クリーサー・フィオナ/齊藤 園子
Springboard Women’s Work and Personnel Development Programme: An Introduction
This presentation will focus on the development of a version of the UK based Springboard Women’s Work and Development Programme designed for all women living in Japan. It will explain the methods behind the cultural translation of the programme and workbook to suit the needs of all women living in Japan.
Fiona Creaser is an associate professor at the University of Kitakyushu, her field of research focuses on sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace and women’s empowerment.
クリーサー・フィオナ 北九州市立大学外国語学部准教授。研究分野は職場におけるセクシュアル・ハラスメントといじめ及び女性のエンパワーメント。
Sonoko Saito is an associate professor at the University of Kitakyushu. Her main field of research is English literature especially the problem of identity in multicultural societies.
斎藤園子 北九州市立大学外国語学部准教授。主要な研究分野は英語圏文学で、特に多文化社会におけるアイデンティティの問題に関心を持って来た。
Harumi GONDO 権藤晴美 (This session continues until 11:30.)
Type and our Hero Archetype タイプとヒーロー・アーキタイプ
This double session will be conducted in English only. Participation will be limited to five women to allow for deeper group engagement. In the first half, we will explore our own unique personality type as illuminated by the work of Carl Jung and psychological type.
In the second half, with the same group of five, we will be exploring our Type's unique dominant cognitive function. Our dominant function is the source of our self-confidence as well as ego-pride and when used well can be the source of great happiness but when used poorly is the source of self-hatred. The dominant function can also call forth our Hero (Archetype). We will explore and share our own Hero Archetype experiences.
このセッションは英語で行われる。参加者は5人に限定する。前半では、ユングの精神分析論に基づいて各個人の心理タイプ判別をする。後半では、各個人のタイプの主機能 (dominant cognitive function) の理解を深める。この主機能は自信の源で幸福感をもたらす力もあるが、下手に使えば自己嫌悪の原因にもなりうる。主機能はヒーロー・アーキタイプ(元型)を呼び起こす機能でもある。最後に、お互いのタイプと主機能を理解した上、今まで人生経験で感じてきたヒーロー・アーキタイプについて話し合う。
Harumi Gondo is a personality type trainer living and working in Tokyo. She has conducted hundreds of seminars on Type, the Jungian cognitive functions and Archetype to help individuals identify their natural preferences and blind spots. She is an MBTI Master Practitioner.
権藤晴美:東京在住の性格タイプ・トレーナー。タイプ(心理学的類型)・アーキタイプ(心 理学的元型)およびユングの認知機能論について数百回の研修会を行う経歴をもつ。MBTI協 会認定マスタートレーナー。
Saturday morning 土曜午前 10:15 to 11:30
Chiyuki YANASE 梁瀬 千起
The World of Picture Books for Busy Mums and their Children 絵本の世界:忙しいマザーと子供達へ
Chiyuki Yanase will share how she has overcome certain obstacles as a single mother by using picture books. She will also introduce how she currently enjoy reading aloud with her 18-year old daughter. Her ultimate goal of this presentation is to discuss the often neglected social issue: A single mother household.
本発表では、絵本や本を媒体とし、どのように 18歳になる娘と絆を深め、母子家庭が直面する問題を乗り越えたかを紹介する。更に、日本では、議論を避けられがちな問題である母子家庭の現状と対処法を考察する。
Chiyuki Yanase is a language school owner of Sunny Field English and a lecturer at several universities in Tokyo. She has been teaching English for young learners for over 20 years and holds MSc in TEYL from Aston University. Her research interests focus on the literacy development of young learners.
梁瀬千起は、東京で20年以上にわたり、児童英語教育に携わっている。現在は、自身が代表するサニーフィールド英語教室で小学生を中心に英語の楽しさを広げる活動と共に大学でも教鞭を取っている。イギリスのアストン大学で、修士号を取得し、 児童のリタラシー能力などの研究を続けている。
Presentation 1: Yuki OKAMOTO / 岡本 悠希
Using Language Learning Strategies to Increase the Autonomy of Japanese Learners of English
言語学習ストラテジー: 日本人英語学習者の自主性の向上を目指して
This presentation explores the notions of autonomy and its importance in learning a second language. More specifically, it will discuss the relationship between autonomy and learning strategies by referring to past studies that looked into the influence of strategy instruction on learners’ autonomy. In addition, the presentation will also consider the possible benefits and challenges of implementing learning strategies into the Japanese classrooms.
Yuki Okamoto is a senior at Waseda University School of International Liberal Studies. She has spent some time in Singapore and Thailand. She will attend the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education M.S.Ed TESOL program from Fall 2018. Her research interests include SLA, curriculum development, and learner autonomy.
岡本悠希 早稲田大学国際教養学部4年。幼少時代の一部をシンガポールとタイで過ごす。今秋からペンシルベニア大学教育学大学院TESOL(英語教授法)修士課程に進学予定。第2言語習得、カリキュラム開発や学習者オートノミーに興味を持っている。
Presentation 2: Reina ANAMOTO & Ruka OSAWA 穴本玲奈 & 大澤瑠花
Japanese women student activists: "We Can Do It!" 日本の女子学生活動家- “We Can Do It!”
Today legislation gives equal rights to women in Japan and other countries, but women still struggle against serious disadvantages in society in comparison with men. Nevertheless our presentation takes an optimistic view, showing how various groups, including us as young Japanese women promoting women’s leadership, are trying to improve that situation.
Reina Anamoto and Ruka Osawa are busy third year students of Seijo University, majoring in English Literature. They took the initiative to establish and lead the Seijo International Exchange Project Organization to enrich the community for international students in Seijo. They are also active in the NPO group, Hana-labo, encouraging female college students to build their leadership in society.
YOSHINARI Nahid 吉成 ナヒード
Female Iranian Poets & Activists イラン人女性詩人
Iran and the Persian language have a rich poetic heritage, extending for a thousand years. In Iran traditions poets are honored. While most classical poetry has been written by men, there are some outstanding women who are celebrated for their literary skills and for giving Iran work that reflects the female point of view.
Among modern poets, social and political themes have been prominent, and there have been many notable women poets. Among them I would like to introduce Simin Behbahani, who was born in Tehran (1928) and is known as a Poet Who 'Never Sold Her Pen or Soul' and Hila Sedighi, a young poet, painter and social activist in Iran, who was arrested for a while.
I am from Iran and it's been almost 19 years since I came to Japan and I've been working in NHK, Radio Japan, as an announcer & translator from 2000, I am mother of two girls 13 & 16 years old & my husband is Japanese.
I started my activities to introduce Persian music & culture in 2008 and since then I've been performing Persian traditional & pop music and giving lecture in different places. My main purpose to start these activities was to introduce Persian culture and music in Japan, where people don't know much about Iran, except what they hear from the news.
NHK Radio Japanペルシア語部門翻訳・アナウンサー
1992年同国、Ferdosi大学 Botany(植物学)専攻卒業
2000年よりNHK Radio Japanペルシア語部門の翻訳・アナウンサー
Morrison Barbara モリソン バーバラ
Start Where You Are: Engaging Body and Breath 体と呼吸を意識して:さあ 始めましょう!
While sitting on tatami and using the conceptual framework of mettâ (loving kindness) and inter-being (dependent origination), we will gently move our bodies and breath through a series of non-threatening stretches (Yin Yoga) in order to bring our focus inward so that we can begin to engage with ourselves.
As an Associate Professor at Utsunomiya University in Gender and Cultural Studies, I am also a practicing Shingon Buddhist who enjoys reaping the benefits of mindfulness practice.
Saturday afternoon 土曜午後 13:00 to 14:30
Sarah MULVEY マルビ サラ
Taking Charge and Making Change - Being a Leader in Your Own Life 責任を引き受けて変化をもたらす – 自分の人生のリーダーになろう
Taking leadership in our own lives isn't simple when our focus is often on others. This workshop will provide techniques that will help participants to identify areas in their lives that need attention, specify achievable goals, and create a hierarchy of personal values that will contribute to strong self-leadership.
私たちの焦点が他の人に集中している場合、私たち自身の人生でリーダーシップをとることは簡単ではありません。 このワークショップでは、参加者が注意を必要とする生活の中で、達成可能な目標を特定し、強力な自己リーダーシップに寄与する個人的価値観の階層を作り出すのに役立つテクニックを提供します。
Sarah Mulvey is a Canadian who has lived in Japan for sixteen years. She has been a full-time university instructor in Nagoya for many of those years, and is now focusing her career path more on empowering English-speaking foreign and Japanese women through her guidance and coaching practice, "The J'Expat Network."
Sarah Mulveyは、16年間日本に住んでいるカナダ人です。 彼女は長年にわたり名古屋でフルタイムの大学講師を務めており、彼女のガイダンスとコーチングの練習である "The J'Expat Network"を通じて、英語を話す外国人や日本人の女性に力を与えるようになりました。
Yoko WAKUI 涌井陽子
Improving Your Life through Hypnotherapy 催眠療法による生活の向上
People sometimes fear hypnotherapy, thinking that the hypnotist controls people during a session. It is, however, very safe. The subject is always in control and can reject the hypnotist’s suggestions. You are welcome to not only come and watch, but to join in the session in front of the audience or in your own seat.
Yoko Wakui has an MA in TESOL (2004) from Columbia Teachers College. She has undertaken extensive training in meditation, generative coaching, NLP certification and hypnotherapy since 2005, and has treated 100 cases, including stress, trauma, insomnia, menopausal disorders, relationship problems and suicide attempts.
Gerry YOKOTA ヨコタ ジェリー
Women Who Run with the Wolves and Other Fairy Tale Archetypes 『狼と駈ける女たち』:童話に現れるアーキタイプ
Join me for a discussion about the feminist classic Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, where we will focus on her analysis of classic Western fairy tales such as Bluebeard and consider how they might energize our potential as agents of change. Excerpts provided. This session may be of particular interest to those who participate in the morning session by Harumi Gondo, as Estes is a Jungian psychoanalyst and her readings of these fairy tales are informed by a similar understanding of type and function.
Gerry Yokota teaches at Osaka University. She studies the function of metaphor and archetype in the representation of gender in classical Japanese drama and its adaptations into popular culture, including English translations.
ジェリー ヨコタ:大阪大学教員。日本伝統芸能およびポピュラー・カルチャーにおけるジェンダー表象に使われる比喩と元型を認知言語学アプローチで日英比較研究を行っている。
Christine PEARSON ISHII and Reiko KOYAMA ピアソン=石井 クリスティン、小山玲子
Springboard Women’s Work and Personnel Development Programme: Being Assertive 仕事でもプライベートでも女性の力を最大限に引き出す スプリングボードプログラム
This presentation is a teaser for a session on assertiveness from the award-winning Springboard Women’s Work and Development Programme. It will include an introduction to assertiveness and use group discussion and an exercise to identify what may stop women from being assertive.
英国で受賞歴のある「仕事でもプライベートでも女性の力を最大限に引き出す スプリングボードプログラム」より、自己表現(アサーティブネス)セッションの一部を体験します。どのような時に女性が自己表現しづらくなるのか、グループ討議と演習で体験します。
Christine Pearson Ishii is the owner of Perfect+Word Studios and offers translation, interpretation, and editing services in the areas of the environment and robotics. She has lived in Japan for over 20 years and currently serves the foreign community of women as President of the Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese.
ピアソン=石井 クリスティン Perfect+Word Studiosのオーナーとして地球環境とロボットの分野を中心に日英翻訳・通訳、英文校正などのサービスを提供している。現在、「日本人の外国人妻の会」の会長として日本在住の外国人女性をサポートしている。
Reiko Koyama is a consultant of Waseda University Academic Solutions Corporation. She has worked as a training coordinator on sustainable development programs before starting the current position in 2005. She is also a team facilitation instructor for business persons. Master of Distance Education (University of Maryland).
株式会社早稲田大学アカデミックソリューション コンサルタント。環境関連の人材開発コーディネーターを経て2005年に現職。企業・自治体向けのチームファシリテーション講師。遠隔教育修士(米国メリーランド大学)。
Saturday Evening 土曜夜
Well-Played / タレントショー “Well-Played”
Sunday 日曜
SUNDAY MORNING 日曜午前 9:15 to 10:15
Amy LONG ロング エイミー
How Women can Succeed as Entrepreneurs 女性が企業に成功するために
I believe that ANY idea, if done right, can be developed into a successful business. In today’s world, your business can be from home selling to the world or it can be a more traditional business. It doesn’t really matter. As long as you are doing what you enjoy. I share some of the key points that helped me develop our business. And encourage you to think of ways you could develop your passions into profits.
Amy Long is from Texas. She came to Japan in 1996. With her husband Dave (from England) they opened Dave and Amy English School in 2004. It currently has 4 locations in Saitama City with over 500 students. They are the authors of My English Book and Me 1 - 6 and the creators of Dave and Amy Games. They have 2 kids who go to the local public school and are very lucky to play on the Urawa Reds Junior team.
2004年、夫のデイヴとともにDave and Amy English School を開校。
現在はさいたま市に4校展開し、生徒数は500人以上となるまた教材のMy English Book and Me シリーズ1~6を出版。各種英語ゲームDave and Amy Gamesも次々に開発。
Ruthie ROGERS & Tomoko SAITO ルーシー ロジャース& 齋藤智子
Preparing Girls for Leadership: A Global Look グローバル視点から見る女性リーダーの育成
This workshop will take a global look at preparing girls at an early age to think about leadership and the opportunities and avenues for them to become future leaders. It will profile young female leaders globally and their contribution to their communities and society.
Ruthie has worked and lived in Japan for over fourteen years. She has attended the WELL retreats for the past four years. Professionally, Ruthie designs and teaches English courses for Japanese students. She enjoys writing English Haiku which she has shared at the WELL retreats.
Tomoko Saito is a freshman at Temple University majoring in International Affairs. She attended the WELL Retreat last year for the first time and she gave a presentation on social violence in education. Also, she has a strong interest in problems relating to poverty occurring in developing countries. Ms. Saito has volunteered overseas three times in Cambodia, Thailand and the Philippines.
齋藤智子(19歳)はテンプル大学で国際関係を専攻している大学1年生だ。昨年、初めてWELL Retreatに参加し教育格差についての発表を行った。また、彼女は発展途上国の貧困問題に興味を持っており、カンボジア、タイ、フィリピンへ海外ボランティアに出向いている。
Parisa Mehran パリサ・メヘラン
Being an Iranian Woman Today イラン人女性として現代に生きるということ
In this presentation, I will talk about the challenges and opportunities of being an Iranian woman today. I will challenge existing stereotypes and misunderstandings about Iranian women by sharing personal narratives and by recounting stories of Iranian women in power and leadership.
Parisa Mehran is a PhD candidate at Takemura Lab, Osaka University. Born and raised in Tehran, Iran, she holds a BA in English Language and Literature and an MA in TEFL. She currently teaches part-time at Konan and Kobe Women’s Universities. She actively gives talks about the real Iran and the Iranian people behind the news, and blogs about the Iranian identity.
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